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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 13 Juli 2022

                        Pogacar's Tour de France dominance challenged by COVID-19

            (AP)  —  The  coronavirus  day after showing symptoms
            could  well  be  the  biggest  of the coronavirus, team doc-  Majka is a strong climber and
            threat  to  Tadej  Pogacar's  tor Adrian Rotunno said.    it will be a big loss for Poga-
            dominance at the Tour de  "He  .  .  .  returned  a  posi-  car if his domestique is even-
            France.                      tive  result,"  Rotunno  said.  tually  forced  to  abandon  as
                                         "Therefore  he  will  not  start  the peloton prepares to tackle
            The  two-time  defending  today."                         two  daunting  Alpine  stages
            champion from Slovenia has  UAE-Emirates Team officials  including  a  finish  at  L'Alpe
            been  the  dominant  rider  of  later  announced  that  Rafal  d'Huez on Thursday.
            the peloton since the start of  Majka also tested positive for  Bennett was the second rid-
            the race, but the coronavirus  the virus but remained in the  er  from  the  UAE-Emirates
            is  playing  havoc  within  his  race.                    to  leave  the  race  because  of
            team.                                                     a  positive  test  after  Vegard
            Pogacar  lost  another  team-  "Rafal Majka . . . returned a  Stake Laengen last week.
            mate  on  Tuesday  when  positive result this morning,"  Bennett was 32nd in the gen-
            George  Bennett  was  forced  Rotunno said. "He is asymp-  eral classification.
            out before Stage 10 following  tomatic  and  analyzing  his
            a positive coronavirus test.  PCR found he had a very low  His  withdrawal  was  an-   drawal of a rider on Tuesday  lometer  route  on  Tuesday
                                         risk of infectivity."        nounced a day after the UCI  after  Australia's  Luke  Dur-  from Morzine to Megeve in
            Bennett,  a  New  Zealander  The UAE-Emirates team said  said no riders tested positive  bridge  tested  positive  before  the  Alps.  Pogacar  kept  the
            who  rode  in  support  of  Po-  it reported Majka's case to the  for  the  virus  during  man-  Stage 10.          yellow jersey with an 11-sec-
            gacar with the UAE-Emirates  International Cycling Union  datory  testing  of  the  entire  "Durbridge  has  very  mild  ond overall lead over Lennard
            team and was set to help him  (UCI)  medical  team,  which  peloton before Monday.     symptoms," the team said.    Kämna.  Jonas  Vingegaard
            through  the  mountains,  was  authorized  the  rider  to  start  Team   BikeExchange-Jayco                         was in third place, 39 seconds
            tested on the rest day Mon-  the stage.                   also  announced  the  with-  The peloton tackled a 148-ki-  off the pace.

                         UK Olympic great Mo Farah says he was trafficked as a child

            (AP)  —  Olympic  great  flimsy boats organized by hu-    was  to  look  after  those  kids  the track and eventually told  charge migrants thousands of
            Mo Farah -- the winner of  man traffickers who assist the  —  shower  them,  cook  for  his story to a physical educa-  pounds to cross the Channel,
            four gold medals and one  desperate to cross the English  them, clean for them."       tion  instructor.  The  teacher  immigration  rights  groups
            of  Britain's  greatest  and  Channel. Criminal gangs are                              contacted local officials, who  say it is illegal and inhumane.
            best-loved  athletes  --  has  also  smuggling  people  into  Farah was granted U.K. citi-  arranged  for  a  Somali  fam-
            been carrying a secret bur-  the country and forcing them  zenship  in  2000  and  repre-  ily to take him in as a foster  But  modern  slavery  doesn't
            den all these years: He was  into sex work, criminal activ-  sented Britain at three straight  child.               only  affect  migrants.  Non-
            illegally  brought  to  the  ities and unpaid labor.      Summer  Olympics  starting                                governmental  organizations
            U.K. as a youth and forced                                in  2008.  He  captured  hearts  Farah  said  he  had  feared  are at pains to insist that vic-
            to care for other children  In  the  documentary,  pro-   in Britain and elsewhere with  he  would  be  deported  if  he  tims  of  modern  slavery  are
            before  he  escaped  a  life  duced by the BBC and Red  the look of joy and astonish-  spoke  about  his  childhood  forced  into  servitude  bound
            of servitude through run-    Bull  Studios,  Farah  said  he  ment  after  his  triumph  in  experiences.  He  decided  to  by  coercion  and  violence
            ning.                        thought he was going to Eu-  the 5,000 meters at the 2012  tell his story to publicize and  rather  than  shackles.  Such
                                         rope to live with relatives and  London  Games  after  earlier  challenge  people's  percep-  organizations   have   often
            In a new documentary, Farah  had  piece  of  paper  with  the  winning  the  10,000-meter  tions  of  human  trafficking,  found it difficult to put a hu-
            says  his  real  name  is  Hus-  contact details.         title. He won the same races  he said.                    man face on the crime, fear-
            sein Abdi Kahin and that he  "The lady took it off me and  at the 2016 Games in Rio de  "I  had  no  idea  there  was  so  ing that exposure will inflict
            was from taken from the East  right  in  front  of  me  ripped  Janeiro.               many  people  who  are  go-  further  trauma.  That  alone
            African  nation  of  Djibouti  them  up  and  put  it  in  the                         ing through exactly the same  makes Farah's case unique.
            when he was about 8 or 9. He  bin,''  Farah  said  in  the  film,  He  was  knighted  by  Queen  thing that I did," he said. "It
            says a woman he didn't know  to  be  broadcast  Wednesday.  Elizabeth II in 2017.      just shows how lucky I was."  Justine  Carter  of  Unseen,  a
            brought him to Britain using  "And at that moment I knew                                                            charity that deals with victims
            fake  travel  documents  that  I was in trouble."         Farah previously said he had  In  2020,  more  than  10,000  of  modern  slavery,  stresses
            included  his  picture  along-  The woman took him to an  moved  to  Britain  with  his  people  were  referred  to  au-  that it takes courage to over-
            side  the  name  Mohammed  apartment  in  west  London  parents as a refugee from So-  thorities in Britain as poten-  come  such  conditions.  Far-
            Farah.                       where he was forced to care  malia.  But  in  the  documen-  tial  victims  of  modern  slav-  ah's revelation will let people
                                         for  her  children,  Farah  said.  tary, he says his parents never  ery,  up  from  2,340  in  2014,  around the world know that
            The revelations come as Brit-  He  wasn't  allowed  to  go  to  were in the U.K. His father  according  to  the  Home  Of-  modern  slavery  can  happen
            ain  struggles  to  deal  with  a  school until he was 12.  was killed by gunfire during  fice,  the  government  agency  anywhere.
            surge of people fleeing con-  "I wasn't treated as part of the  unrest in Somalia when Farah  responsible  for  border  en-
            flict  and  hunger  in  Africa,  family," Farah said. "If I want-  was 4, according to the film.  forcement.        Britain's  Home  Office  said
            the Middle East and Asia on  ed food in my mouth, my job  His mother and two brothers                               no  action  would  be  taken
                                                                      live on the family farm in So-  Immigration  authorities  are  against Farah — and not just
                                                                      maliland, a breakaway region  also  under  pressure  as  the  because  he  is  a  prominent
                                                                      of Somalia that is not interna-  number  of  people  entering  athlete.
                                                                      tionally recognized.         the  country  on  small  boats
                                                                                                   jumped  to  28,526  last  year  Home   Office   guidance
                                                                      Farah  says  his  fortunes  from  299  in  2018,  govern-  makes  clear  that  the  agency
                                                                      changed when he was finally  ment statistics show.        assumes a child is not com-
                                                                      allowed  to  attend  school.  A  The  U.K.  has  struck  a  deal  plicit  in  gaining  citizenship
                                                                      teacher who was interviewed  with  Rwanda  to  send  some  by deception, stating: "If the
                                                                      for the documentary recalled  asylum seekers on a one way  person was a child at the time
                                                                      a  12-year-old  boy  who  ap-  voyage  to  the  East  African  the  fraud,  false  representa-
                                                                      peared  "unkempt  and  un-   nation,  where  they  would  tion or concealment of mate-
                                                                      cared  for,"  was  "emotionally  be  able  to  apply  for  asylum.  rial fact was perpetrated, the
                                                                      and culturally alienated" and  While  Prime  Minister  Bo-  caseworker  should  assume
                                                                      spoke little English.        ris  Johnson  says  this  will  that they were not complicit
                                                                                                   break  the  business  model  in any deception by their par-
                                                                      But he began to blossom on  of  the  criminal  gangs  who  ent or guardian."
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