Page 11 - AHATA
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 5 November 2024

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Aruba Beach Club Resort!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  re-                                                                         gifts, and thanked them for choos-
            cently  had  the  great  pleasure  of                                                                       ing Aruba as their favorite vacation
            recognizing Emerald Ambassadors                                                                             destination,  as  their  home  away
            of  Aruba.  The  honorees  were  re-                                                                        from home.
            spectively  honored  with  a  certifi-
            cate for their years of visits, loyalty,                                                                    The  top  reasons  for  returning  to
            and love for the island of Aruba.                                                                           Aruba  provided  by  the  honorees
            The  honorary  certification  is  pre-                                                                      •       Aruba’s friendly people.
            sented  on  behalf  of  the  Minister                                                                       •       Aruba’s beaches.
            of Tourism as a token of apprecia-                                                                          •       Family vacations.
            tion and to say “Masha Danki” to                                                                            •       Home away from home.
            guests who have visited Aruba 10,                                                                           •       The feeling of safety on the
            20,  or  35  years  or  more  consecu-  Goodwill  Ambassador  (20>years  Mr. George & Mrs. Jill Bowen from  island.
            tively.                             consecutively visiting Aruba)       Riverside, United States.
                                                Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years  Ms.  Keyttin  Silva  representing  the  On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au-
            The three levels of honor are as fol-  consecutively visiting Aruba)    Aruba Tourism Authority, and staff  thority, we would like to express our
            lows:                                                                   members of Aruba Beach Club Re-     sincere gratitude and appreciation
            Distinguished Visitor (10>years con-  The honorees were:                sort bestowed the certificate upon  to the honorees for their continued
            secutively visiting Aruba)          Emerald Ambassadors                 the honorees, presented them with  visits to the “One Happy Island”.q

            Planning on snorkeling? Get to know our Picuda!

            (Oranjestad)—If  you’re  ever  plan-  its prey to approach so it can at-  vary according to size.           while the top part is darker. Its snout
            ning on snorkeling during your va-  tack it with lightning speed. It is well                                is very pointed, and the lower jaw
            cation on Aruba, you may spot fish  known for fishermen, especially for             Description             is  longer  than  the  upper  one.  Its
            that  you  can’t  recognize.  One  of  its  white  flesh  in  fish  soup.  In  fish-  The  Picuda  is  a  long  fish,  with  a  peduncle, where the body meets
            these may be the “Picuda”, a very  ing  culture,  there  are  many  other  round body like a torpedo and sil-  the tail, is thick, while the tail also
            common  fish  that  swims  all  year  names, such as Pecho blanco, Ble-  ver in color with shiny black stripes.  forms  a  crescent  but  in  this  case
            long in the waters of Aruba. Here’s  kito,  Banana,  or  Bleki.  The  names  Below,  that  is,  the  belly,  is  whiter,  one more "full" than that of mullet
            some  information  about  the  be-                                                                          or conefish. This reflects the hunting
            loved Picuda.                                                                                               style of the Picuda. It needs to be
                                                                                                                        able  to  accelerate  quickly  when
            Let's talk about the names of fish.                                                                         the prey gets close.
            Do  you  know  your  fish?  This  is  an
            informative  article  that  illustrate                                                                                   In Aruba:
            some  fish  and  their  names  in  Pa-                                                                      Picuda can be found in our waters
            piamento,  which  the  Department                                                                           around  our  island  throughout  the
            of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisher-                                                                       year.  Picuda,  in  our  waters,  is  ed-
            ies, known as “Santa Rosa”, wants                                                                           ible  without  any  problem.  Picuda
            to share and also obtain informa-                                                                           is also a highly sought-after fish by
            tion from the public.                                                                                       sports  fishermen  or  recreational
                                                                                                                        fishermen  because  it  puts  up  a
              Picuda, Sphyraena barracuda,                                                                              good  fight  once  hooked.  It  can
                    Greater Barracuda                                                                                   be caught via trolling from a boat,
            Well  known  is  the  Picuda  on  the                                                                       casting  from  shore  with  a  line  or
            island—Barracuda  in  English.  Its                                                                         rod, or by jigging, casting the lure
            scientific  name  is  Sphyraena  bar-                                                                       (artificial  bait)  and  moving  it  with
            racuda.  It  is  a  widely  caught  fish.                                                                   certain rod motions.q
            It  is  found  throughout  the  year  in
            our waters, where it is a so-called                                                                          Picture courtesy of the Department of
            "ambush  predator"  that  stays  still                                                                        Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.
            or  floats  in  the  water  waiting  for
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