Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
local Tuesday 5 November 2024
Alto Vista chapel and its link to Aruba’s origins
According to Etnia Nativa, of Antonio Silvester’s son-
in the 18th century most of in-law, Miguel Álvarez, who
the inhabitants of Aruba continued to guide the pa-
were indigenous who lived rishioners in their prayers.
on the north coast, one of According to the book,
the largest communities The History of Alto Vista by
lived in Alto Vista. R.H. Nooyen, it is not known
when Domingo Antonio Sil-
As they were very religious, vester came to Aruba from
they had a chief with the Venezuela. The elders be-
name of Antonio Silvester lieve Antonio was a Span-
who guided them in the iard. In 1780, father Joseph
Christian life and it was he Antonio de la Vegal called
who decided to build a Bernardino Silvester, one of
stone chapel with a roof Antonio’s sons with his wife
of corn rods, which would Anna Cathalina Tromp,
serve as a place of prayer. “neighbors and naturals of
In 1750 it was blessed by Fa- the island Aruba” and thus
ther Algamesi who came they became natives.
from Coro-Venezuela and
appointed Domingo Anto- At the end of the eighteen
nio Silvester as the island’s century many inhabitants
first prosecutor in the name the island died as a result of
of the Spanish crown and the black fever epidemic ger see much of the town Tanki Cacique. In the past
Rome. In 1752 the prosecu- and since people believed of Alto Vista from 1750. With South of the chapel in the this tank was closed. But
tion passed into the hands that the Alto Vista area was a lot of work they found yard two graves can be mostly water was brought
the most infected, they be- the old foundations of the observed, there was the out from the Poz di Noord,
gan to build their homes Church of the Queen of cemetery which father a well dug in the sand.
further south within the the Holiest Rosary to build Pablo de Algemesi blessed.
Noord area, so the town of a new chapel on the same It is not certain, but it is be- The chapel can be viewed
Noord began to grow into place. The entire surround- lieved that the two graves from basically any point in
a community till getting its ing area was empty and belong to Antonio Silvester the north side, even from
own Church. However re- desolated, making it hard and Miguel Alvares, ac- Paradera and Sero Plat.
ligious festivals continued to imagine that Alto Vista cording to Nooyen. About All the historical remains
to be celebrated at this sa- was a town at all. A hun- 50 meters near the chapel around the chapel provide
cred native place, with the dred years later, people there are still the markings us with an idea on how the
custom of arriving in pro- can see the remains of of an old house, where old people of Alto Vista
cession to Alto Vista. around twenty houses, Antonio and Bernardino used to live. Don’t miss the
some made of stone and Silvester would have lived. opportunity to visit a place
Two-hundred years after others of clay. Nowadays, About 200 meters from the of historical significance
the beautiful time of Alto only around six of these chapel there is a water with a window to Aruba’s
Vista, people can no lon- houses remain. tank which the locals call past.q
Place names in San Nicolas and their origins
(Oranjestad)--If you’re ever taking a tour of Vader Piet Spanish colonizers, the other account is much
Aruba, San Nicolas would definitely be on your Another well visited area, Vader Piet is located less divine, but does refer to an influential figure
itinerary. From relaxing on the white, sandy in the Arikok National Park. Recognizable sites in the area.
beaches of Baby and Roger’s Beach, to explor- within this area includes the Wind Mills and the
ing the prehistoric caves of Quadirikiri and Fon- Quadirikiri Cave. The origin of this name is part Nicolaas van der Biest was a successful land-
tein, you are taking in a full view of what San historical and speculation, as there are slight owner during the time of the phosphate boom
Nicolas has to offer. But did you know that you deviations from what actually happened. in late 19th century Aruba. Back then, landown-
are also passing through areas whose names ers (most, if not all of them men) were referred
have historical origins? Here are a few place In 1829, Pieter Lampe was a planter and the to as “Shon” by their subordinates. So, the dis-
names in San Nicolas and their origin story. person responsible for governing this remote trict was originally named after Shon Nicolaas.
area. As the story goes, Pieter was well known Over time, the name evolved into what is now
Sero Colorado and beloved for his kindness and good treat- San Nicolas.q
On your way to Baby or Roger’s Beach, you’ll ment of his employees, and was therefore also
pass by the famous Red Anchor at what was called Vader Piet (Father Piet). However, he Source: “Aruba: Short History” by Dr. J. Hartog.
once the entrance to the Colony residential was tragically murdered—some speculate at
community and be greeted with red soiled hills the hands of a slave. For his work and good
by the coast. This is Sero Colorado. Named af- heart, the area was named after him.
ter the 30-meter, deep red, limestone hill, “Sero
Colorado” translates to “Colored Hill”. Sero Col- San Nicolas
orado has deep historical ties with the once- Of course we can’t forget San Nicolas itself.
thriving phosphate industry in the area. Matter Much like Vader Piet, the origin of the name San
of fact, there are still underground shafts and Nicolas has so far two different accounts. In the
passages deep in Sero Colorado from the time literal sense, “San Nicolas” translates to “Saint
of phosphate mining. In 1958, the refinery at the Nicolas”, leading many to believe that this dis-
time, Lago, adopted this name for the residen- trict was named after a Spanish saint. Though
tial section of its employees. one account does support this with the theory
that the district was named after the saint by