Page 39 - MIN VOS 29 OCT 2015
P. 39
24 AWEMainta Diahuebs, 29 Oktober 2015
Chatting with
dr. Oswald
Wever about our
genetic structure
at the YMCA in
San Nicolas
IN 1830 the president of the United States of carried Indian genes. forward to meet you and will be pleased to
The quickly developing branch of DNA listen to your comments and to answer your
America, Andrew Jackson, enacted ‘The Indian studies gives us the opportunity to search questions.
Removal Act’ which forced the Cherokee our roots. Biological science learns that The presentation will take place at the YMCA
Indians to leave their homeland and relocate during procreation characteristics are being in San Nicolas from 10:15 till 12 noon and
into unchartered territories in the West coast carried over to the next generation by both will be presented in the English language.
of this continent. 13.000 Cherokees were mother and father. DNA is present in all our Free entrance. Enjoy a snack and refreshment
removed to Oklahoma in 1839. One thousand cells. MitochondriaDNA is present only in on the house.“Never believe what the mirror
of them were African slaves who already had mitochondria and this substantial is being shows you. Look for your roots, to know your
been set free. Ten thousand of the deported found only in the maternal ova and not in destiny”.
Indians and African slaves survived the trail paternal sperm cells.
and continued living in peace in their new Enconexion cu
territory. Y-chromosome in paternal sperms measures Halloween
genetic input, only in men. Mitochondria DNA
Nowadays there are Cherokees throughout studies on the contrary measure exclusively Centro di Bario
the United States: from Eastern Oklahoma maternal genetic heritage both in women and Playa Pabao
to Western North Carolina. However, little men. This means that the mother’s genes will cu Nochi di
is known about a minority of black Indians determine the ethnic geographic descendant Pelicula
who still share a common past with Native of any population: Indian, African, European
Americans (Documentary: ‘Trail of Tears’). or Asiatic. DIABIERNA, 30 di october, directiva
They have mixed by marriage and they both
still share the Cherokee tradition. Today During his presentation dr. Wever will focus on di Centro di Bario Playa Pabao, ta
genetic studies were able to identify their the so called haplogroups. He will explain why organisa “nochi di pelicula” p’e
ethnic geographic descendant through their a person can be part of just one haplogroup. muchanan di Playa Pabao y di Aruba
maternal lineage. This can never change! Your nationality has engeneral.
nothing to do with your ethnic geographic E anochi di pelicula ta completamente
Dr. Oswald Wever has dedicated eight years of structure. You can change your passport but gratis cu e posibilidad pa cumpra
mitochondrialDNA studies in order to identify you will always be an Indian, an African, a popcorn, hotdog y refresco na prijsnan
the genetic structure of the Aruban population. Caucasion European or an Asiatic. di famia. Ta cuminsa cu e pelicula
His main concern was that historians in the pa 7’or pm y lo termina 9’or pm. Lo
past have committed distortion of the facts MitochondrialDNA tests are being realized in pasa e pelicula “ The Book Of Life”.
by declaring ‘that the Indian genes had been laboratories. Dr. Oswald Wever has performed Un invitacion ta bay na mayornan pa
extinguished in the Aruban population’. Dr. his research in cooperation with two prominent compaña nan yiu(nan) y bin disfruta di
Wever considered it his mission to correct this institutes ‘Universidad de Puerto Rico’ and e “nochi di pelicula”. Tambe ta invita
misinterpretation most exactly as possible. ‘Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones muchanan pa bin bisti cu nan disfras
The additional value of his research is the Scientificas’ (Caracas, Venezuela). di Halloween. Portanan lo habri for di
evidence based scientific fact that our Aruban 6’or pm y muchanan por cuminsa bay
population is trihybrid: Indian, African and On sunday the first of november Fundacion den e ambiente di halloween. Lo tin
Caucasian European. However genetic science Herencia Historico di Aruba in cooperation mangel pa tur mucha.
ascertains that no matter the influence of with UNOCA is honouring you with an
migration in any part of the world the genetic interesting presentation about the structure of
descendant of the native will stay dominant. the Aruban population. Dr. Wever is looking
The result of his investigation indicated in
2011 that 54 % of the Aruban population still