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A26    u.s. news
                  Dialuna 9 augustus 2021

                           Hochul moves into spotlight as scandal roils Cuomo's reign

                                                next in the line of succession, it would                                role.
                                                not be appropriate to comment fur-  A steelworker’s daughter, Hochul, a
                                                ther on the process at this moment,”  lawyer, worked in Washington as an  An upstate candidate running for any
                                                she wrote.                          aide  to  former  U.S.  Rep.  John  La-  statewide office in New York faces a
                                                                                    Falce  and  later,  Sen.  Daniel  Patrick  daunting challenge, but even more so
                                                To many New Yorkers, Hochul is an  Moynihan,  both  from  New  York,  for the governor’s office, which has
                                                unknown quantity, serving since 2015  before holding her first public office,  historically  drawn  from  New  York
                                                in a job that is mostly ceremonial. A  on the town board in Hamburg, near  City.
                                                typical afternoon in late July had her  Buffalo.
                                                announcing  job  training  funding  in                                  Neiheisel said given her record, it is
                                                Utica,  discussing  manufacturing  in  From there, she became Erie County  difficult to predict what a “distinctly
                                                Rome and touring downtown Caze-     Clerk, where she made some news in  Hochul agenda” might look like, es-
                                                novia with the small town’s mayor.  2007 for resistance to a plan by then-  pecially  when  faced  with  the  state’s
            (AP) — As New York’s lieutenant                                         Gov. Eliot Spitzer to allow unauthor-  still-active pandemic response and a
            governor, Kathy Hochul has spent  That has been nothing like the atten-  ized immigrants get driver’s licenses.  recovery that will involve billions of
            years on the road as the friendly  tion-demanding  appearances  of  the  Hochul  and  another  western  New  dollars in federal aid.
            face  of  the  administration,  vis-  determinedly  high-profile  Cuomo,  York  clerk  explored  a  plan  to  have
            iting  the  far-flung  coffee  shops  who does most of his business in Al-  police arrest immigrants who tried to  “Given  how  little  she’s  historically
            and factory floors of each of the  bany and New York City and whose  apply.                                 been in the news cycle, I really don’t
            state’s  62  counties  for  countless  daily coronavirus briefings were na-                                 think she has the kind of name rec-
            ribbon-cutting  ceremonies  and  tional  events  at  the  height  of  the  “It will be a deterrent, and that’s what  ognition  that  you  would  expect  of
            civic cheerleading events.          coronavirus.                        I’m  looking  for,”  Hochul  told  The  somebody  who  is  suddenly  being
                                                                                    Buffalo News at the time.           thrust into a position of maybe being
            Now, with Gov. Andrew Cuomo fac-    Hochul has not been part of Cuomo’s                                     governor,” Neiheisel said “She’s go-
            ing possible impeachment over sexual  inner  circle  of  aides  and  allies.  Her  Her  next  move  was  to  Congress,  ing to have to do an awful lot, really
            harassment allegations, her next stop  name wasn’t mentioned in the inves-  where  in  2011  she  had  a  surprising  fast, in order for there to be a serious
            may be the state Capitol of Albany.  tigative  report,  released  by  Attorney  win in a special election in a district  conversation for keeping that job.”
                                                General  Letitia  James,  that  detailed  that had been in Republican hands for
            Hochul  would  become  the  state’s  not  only  the  harassment  allegations  decades. She lost a bid for reelection  At a news briefing Wednesday, New
            first woman governor if Cuomo were  against Cuomo but also efforts by his  a year later to Republican Chris Col-  York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who
            removed from office.                staff to discredit some of his accusers.  lins,  despite  an  endorsement  by  the  has a famously contentious relation-
                                                                                    National  Rifle  Association.  Collins  ship with Cuomo, said he’s gotten to
            A  centrist  Democrat  from  western  But at 62, Hochul is an experienced  later  resigned  from  the  U.S.  House  know Hochul over the last few years
            New  York,  she  has  worked  deep  in  politician, a veteran of 11 campaigns  and pleaded guilty to insider trading.  and “she strikes me as a very reason-
            Cuomo’s shadow for her two terms  that have taken her from town board                                       able person.”
            in  office,  but  this  week  joined  the  to Congress, the latter representing a  Hochul moved to the left, politically,
            chorus of politicians denouncing the  conservative western New York dis-  when Cuomo tapped her as his run-  “I believe if Kathy Hochul becomes
            governor after an independent inves-  trict after a surprising 2011 win in a  ning mate in 2014 after his first lieu-  governor,  she’ll  be  an  honest  bro-
            tigation  concluded  he  had  sexually  special election to fill a vacancy in the  tenant  governor,  former  Rochester  ker,” he said. “We’ll be able to work
            harassed 11 women while in office.  U.S. House.                         Mayor Robert Duffy, decided not to  together.”
                                                                                    run for reelection.
            “I believe these brave women,” Ho-  “Pragmatic would be a good way to                                       In  Buffalo,  Erie  County  Executive
            chul wrote, calling Cuomo’s behav-  describe her,” said Jacob Neiheisel, an  She  backed  New  York’s  SAFE  Act,  Mark  Poloncarz  worked  alongside
            ior  “repulsive  and  unlawful”  in  a  associate political science professor at  one of the nation’s toughest gun con-  Hochul when he was county comp-
            statement Tuesday.                  the University at Buffalo. “Someone  trol laws, as well as the state’s Green  troller  and  she  was  Erie  County
                                                who is pretty good at reading the tea  Light  Law,  which  let  unauthorized  Clerk. He said he saw Hochul easily
            She also acknowledged what has been  leaves and coming around to where  immigrants get driver’s licenses.   stepping into the governor’s office.
            simmering for months: The possibil-  her constituency is.”
            ity she will become governor.                                           Hochul  has  not  publicly  expressed  “I think it’s fair to say that if that did
                                                Hochul’s office declined an interview  whether she would pursue a full term  happen,  we  certainly  would  have  a
            “Because lieutenant governors stand  request.                           in 2022 if she were to step into the  friend in Albany,” he said.

                         Weary US businesses confront new round of mask mandates

            (AP)  -  Businesses  large                                vaccine rules like his will be  stance, recently began requir-  Many business owners didn’t
            and  small,  from  McDon-    “We’ve already been through  commonplace.  Next  month,  ing  masks  for  employees  __  wait for the CDC or their lo-
            ald’s  and  Home  Depot  the  worst  of  the  challenges  New York City will start re-  but  not  customers  __  in  ar-  cal  governments  before  act-
            to  local  yoga  studios,  are  when we shut down the in-  quiring vaccinations to enter  eas where virus transmission  ing. In mid-July, Tamra Pat-
            reinstituting  mask  man-    doors  last  year,”  said  Brack  restaurants,  gyms  and  the-  rates  are  high.  McDonald’s  terson  reinstituted  a  mask
            dates  as  U.S.  coronavirus  May,  the  chef  and  owner  of  aters.                  is  requiring  masks  for  both  mandate  and  reduced  seat-
            cases rise. Bars, gyms and  Cowbell,  a  New  Orleans                                  employees  and  customers.  ing  capacity  from  200  to  65
            restaurants   across   the  burger  joint.  “Let’s  just  get  But  for  now,  customers  are  Home  Depot’s  mask  man-  at Chef Tam’s Underground
            country are requiring vac-   ahead of the curve here.”    far more likely to encounter  date is nationwide.         Cafe, the restaurant she owns
            cines to get inside.                                      mask  mandates.  After  lift-                             in Memphis, Tennessee.
                                         May  recently  began  requir-  ing  mask  recommendations
            After  a  largely  mask-free  ing customers to show their  for  fully  vaccinated  people
            summer, it’s a reversal no one  vaccine  cards  for  indoor  in  May,  the  CDC  reversed
            wanted to see, brought on by  dining.  He  said  he  wants  to  course  in  late  July,  recom-
            the fast-spreading delta vari-  protect his workers, who are  mending  masks  for  both
            ant  and  new  guidance  from  required  to  be  vaccinated  vaccinated  and  unvaccinat-
            the U.S. Centers for Disease  but  have  young  children  at  ed people in areas of higher
            Control.  But  business  own-  home,  as  well  as  his  neigh-  transmission.
            ers and workers say they will  borhood, where some musi-
            do what they can to keep their  cians recently contracted the  The  shifting  guidance  has
            doors open and not slow the  coronavirus.                 caused confusion over which
            economic  gains  of  the  last                            rules  to  enforce  and  how.
            few months.                  May  expects  that  eventually,  Walmart  and  Target,  for  in-
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