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u.s. news Dialuna 9 augustus 2021
New push to disband Minneapolis police after Floyd's death
(AP) — On a hot summer necessary.” The new depart- JaNaé Bates, a leader of the
afternoon, Latrell Snider ment would no longer be Yes 4 Minneapolis campaign,
and his partner knocked under the sole command of said the ease with which the
on Abdullahi Mohamed’s the mayor’s office, which is campaign gathered signatures
door, introduced them- significant given that incum- shows the momentum for
selves and launched their bent Mayor Jacob Frey op- change is still there more than
pitch: Minneapolis, they poses abolishing the police a year after Floyd’s death.
said, has a chance to re- department while a major-
place its police depart- ity of City Council members “The residents of Minneapo-
ment with something supports the idea. lis really were the ones who
new, and they wanted Mo- made the call for this, who
hamed’s support. More than 30 local groups were like, we can’t just let
are pushing for change under this lesson that took place in
With his children looking on the “Yes 4 Minneapolis” ban- the summer to be something
from a living room window, ner. They gathered 20,000 that fizzles out, and then
Mohamed reacted cautiously, signatures to get the measure what? We just wait for the
saying he likes police and re- on the ballot — almost twice next person to be killed by and changes in the depart- department is the target of
lies on them to keep his fam- the number necessary — and the police?” she said. ment, but they also worry federal and state investiga-
ily safe. When Snider assured have raised about $1 million, about rising crime. tions into policing practices,
him that a new public safety including $500,000 from Minneapolis, like most other and both investigations could
department would still have Open Society Policy Center, major U.S. cities, has been on Opponents also say the ballot force widespread change.
a police unit but would do which has ties to billionaire edge due to rising violence question doesn’t guarantee In addition, the mayor and
things differently — such as George Soros. and property crime in almost that a new public safety de- Chief Medaria Arradondo
responding to some 911 calls every neighborhood in the partment would have police have launched several policy
without armed officers — “What we knew as public past year. And the police de- officers at all. Instead, it says changes since Floyd’s death,
Mohamed brightened. safety — which is only the partment is more than 200 officers would be included including requiring new
police right now, the only op- officers, or about 25%, below “if necessary to fulfill the de- training on de-escalation,
“I think that would be a bet- tion that we have — was un- its authorized strength due partment’s duties.” Bill Ro- overhauling use of force re-
ter idea,” he said. acceptable,” said Brian Full- mostly to a wave of retire- driguez, co-founder of Op- strictions and strengthening
man, lead organizer with one ments and disability leaves eration Safety Now, called the disciplinary process.
More than a year after George of the groups, Barbershop following Floyd’s death. the proposed amendment a
Floyd’s death sparked a failed and Black Congregation Co- “trojan horse” and warned Ed Brown, 69, listened to
push to abolish the Minne- operative. “The murder of Both factors have energized that the campaign’s end goal Snider’s pitch on his north
apolis Police Department, George Floyd ignited a lot opponents of the initiative. is to abolish police. Minneapolis doorstep in July.
activists and several City of historical pain and disre- All of Mpls — a new group Brown, who is Black, told
Council members are trying spect that we have been go- that has raised more than It’s among several aspects of The Associated Press that
again, with a well-funded ini- ing through, and we made $109,000 — will begin cam- the ballot question that city a new public safety depart-
tiative that would ask voters the decision that we no lon- paigning against the proposal officials plan to highlight ment seems like a good plan.
in November whether the ger wanted to have what we in the coming weeks with with an explanatory note He thinks it would mean
department — disparaged by have now as the only option door knocking, community in November. Activists are police officers are no longer
critics for what they say is an for public safety.” events, mailers and digital ads trying to block such a note, sent to some calls that they
enduring culture of brutality through the fall. arguing that the city is im- aren’t equipped to deal with
— should be dismantled. A majority of City Council properly trying to influence and that can otherwise end in
members first began pushing All of Mpls campaign man- voters. violence.
In its place would be a pub- to eliminate the police de- ager Leili Fatehi called the
lic safety department that partment soon after Floyd’s proposal to eliminate the de- Regardless of how the bal- “What we need to do is rei-
employs a “comprehensive death, but they failed to meet partment “a gimmick.” She lot question fares, the city magine the police depart-
public health approach” and deadlines to get it on the bal- said plenty of residents want remains under pressure to ment,” Brown said.
licensed peace officers “if lot last November. The Rev. police to be held accountable make changes. The police
Cuomo digs in, shows no sign of heeding calls to resign
(AP) — New York Gov. including close aides. not win. “I am not aware of the gov- able to Cuomo in the report.
Andrew Cuomo has dug in ernor having plans to resign,”
for the fight of his political Scores of Democrats, in- About two-thirds of state Cuomo lawyer Rita Glavin “It was shoddy. It was biased.
life despite the threat of cluding President Joe Biden, Assembly members have al- told CNN on Saturday. It omits evidence, and it was
potential criminal inves- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ready said they favor an im- an ambush,” Glavin said.
tigations and widespread and some past Cuomo loyal- peachment trial if he refuses Commisso has said Cuomo
calls for his impeachment ists, have urged him to leave to resign. Nearly all 63 mem- reached under her shirt and
over findings that he sexu- office or face an impeach- bers of the state Senate have fondled her when they were Cuomo has flat-out denied
ally harassed 11 women, ment battle he probably can- called for Cuomo to step alone in a room at the Execu- that he ever touched any-
down or be removed. tive Mansion last year and on one inappropriately, but he
another occasion rubbed her acknowledged hugging and
“My sense is from what I’m rear end while they posed for kissing aides and other indi-
hearing is he’s still look- a photo. viduals.
ing for ways to fight this
and get his side of the story Cuomo’s attorneys have cen- Glavin said it’s clear to Cuo-
out,” state Democratic party tered his defense on attacking mo that people who “worked
Chairman Jay Jacobs said in the credibility and motives for him felt that he was in-
an interview with The Asso- of his accusers. Glavin has vading their space and that it
ciated Press. But Jacobs add- also blasted the investiga- was unwanted.”
ed: “I just think that he’s go- tion overseen by Attorney
ing to, at some point, see that General Letitia James for not “He doesn’t believe it was
the political support is just providing its findings and inappropriate,” Glavin said.
not anywhere near enough to transcripts to Cuomo lawyers “He has seen what these
even make an attempt worth- ahead of time, and for not in- women have said, and he
while.” cluding more material favor- does feel badly about this.”