Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210809
P. 30

A30    world news
                  Dialuna 9 augustus 2021

                          Taliban takes key northern Afghan cities as battles rage on

                                                                                                                        to the city.

                                                                                                                        Both lawmakers spoke by telephone
                                                                                                                        in Kabul, where they live. They said
                                                                                                                        they had been in touch with officials
                                                                                                                        and  provincial  council  members  in
                                                                                                                        the morning and early afternoon, and
                                                                                                                        Beg was appealing directly to the act-
                                                                                                                        ing defense minister at his office.

                                                                                                                        Taleqan had been under siege in re-
                                                                                                                        cent weeks and largely cut off from
                                                                                                                        the  rest  of  the  country  by  Taliban
                                                                                                                        forces  that  had  taken  control  of  the
                                                                                                                        surrounding  countryside  over  the
                                                                                                                        past three months.

                                                                                                                        The insurgents have been on a coun-
                                                                                                                        try-wide  offensive  that  intensified
                                                                                                                        as U.S. and NATO troops began to
                                                                                                                        wrap  up  their  withdrawal  from  the
                                                                                                                        country  this  summer.  With  Taliban
                                                                                                                        attacks  increasing,  Afghan  security
                                                                                                                        forces  and  government  troops  have
                                                                                                                        retaliated with airstrikes aided by the
                                                                                                                        United States. The fighting has raised
            (AP)  —  Taliban  fighters  seized  miles (335 kilometers) away.                                            growing  concerns  about  civilian  ca-
            most  of  the  capital  of  northern                                    But  the  official  indicated  that  the  sualties.
            Afghanistan’s  key  Kunduz  prov-   Another  provincial  council  member  Biden administration remains deter-
            ince on Sunday, and took another  from  Kunduz,  Mohammad  Yusouf  mined to stick to its plan to end the  On Saturday, Taliban fighters entered
            neighboring  provincial  capital  Ayubi,  also  said  Afghan  forces  only  U.S. war in Afghanistan by the end of  the  capital  of  the  northern  Jawzjan
            after a monthlong siege. The ad-    control  the  airport  and  main  army  the month despite the Taliban’s rapid  province after sweeping through nine
            vances were the latest in a series  barracks, and that the Taliban control  strategic gains.                of  10  districts  in  the  province.  Sev-
            of blows to government forces as  the rest of the city.                                                     eral other of the country’s 34 provin-
            U.S.  troops  complete  their  pull-                                    White House officials in recent days  cial capitals are threatened as Taliban
            out  after  nearly  two  decades  in  “The innocent and poor must pay the  have raised concern about reports of  fighters  sweep  through  large  swaths
            the country.                        cost of the war in Kunduz and other  retaliation against civilians in Taliban-  of Afghanistan at a surprising speed.
                                                parts  of  the  country,  both  govern-  controlled  areas.  They’ve  also  con-
            The  militiamen  planted  their  flag  ment forces and the Taliban are the  demned  last  week’s  killing  of  Dawa  Earlier  last  week  their  fighters  cap-
            in  the  main  square  of  Kunduz  city,  enemy of civilians,” said Ayubi. “One  Khan  Menapal,  the  chief  of  the  Af-  tured the ninth of 10 police districts
            where it was seen flying atop a traffic  can’t  provide  security  and  the  other  ghan  government’s  press  operations  of Lashkar Gah, the capital of south-
            police booth, a video obtained by the  doesn’t care about people’s safety,” he  for  local  and  foreign  media,  and  a  ern Helmand province. Heavy fight-
            Associated Press showed.            added.                              bombing that targeted acting Defense  ing there continues, as do U.S. and
                                                                                    Minister Bismillah Khan Mohamma-    Afghan  government  airstrikes,  one
            It was the fourth provincial capital to  The  Afghan  government  in  Kabul  di, killing eight and wounding more.  of which damaged a health clinic and
            largely  succumb  to  Taliban  fighters  denies  it  has  lost  the  northern  city,                        high school.
            in less than a week, as they ramp up  which  would  be  the  fourth  provin-  White House press secretary Jen Psaki
            a  push  across  Afghan’s  regions,  and  cial  capital  to  be  largely  overrun  by  said on Friday that recent surge in at-  The Defense Ministry confirmed air-
            wage an assassination campaign in the  Taliban fighters in the last week. In-  tacks run counter to the “the Taliban  strikes occurred but said they target-
            capital, Kabul.                     terior  Ministry  Spokesman  Mirwais  claim to want international legitima-  ed Taliban positions, killing 54 fight-
                                                Stanekzai  said  that  Afghan  security  cy” and offered that the militants “do  ers and wounding 23 others. It made
            Two provincial council members said  forces continue to fight and have al-  not have to stay on this trajectory.”  no mention of a clinic or school be-
            the Taliban took control of the gov-  ready  retaken  some  areas  from  the                                ing bombed in its statement. Deputy
            ernor’s office and police headquarters  Taliban, without elaborating.   Also Sunday, the Taliban forces over-  provincial  council  chairman  Majid
            after a day of firefights, as well as the                               ran  Taleqan,  the  capital  of  Takhar  Akhund  said  the  facilities  had  been
            main prison building, where 500 in-  The Taliban has long considered the  province which lies next to Kunduz,  under  Taliban  control  when  they
            mates including Taliban fighters were  city  a  sought-after  prize.  It  seized  two  Afghan  lawmakers  said.  Takhar,  were struck.
            freed.                              Kunduz, at the heart of a major ag-  a city of some 200,000, has particu-
                                                ricultural  region  near  Tajikistan,  for  lar  significance  for  the  anti-Taliban  As  they  rolled  through  provincial
            Kunduz’s capture would be a signifi-  around  two  weeks  in  2015  before  northern alliance fighters who joined  capitals, the Taliban issued an English
            cant gain for the Taliban and a test of  withdrawing in the face of a NATO-  the U.S.-led coalition to oust the re-  language statement on Sunday saying
            their ability to take and retain terri-  backed Afghan offensive. The insur-  ligious militia in 2001.      that  residents,  government  employ-
            tory  in  their  campaign  against  the  gents pushed back into the city center                             ees, and security officials had nothing
            Western-backed government.          a  year  later,  briefly  raising  their  flag  Sayed  Sharafuddin  Aini,  a  member  to fear from them.
                                                before  gradually  being  driven  out  of the Afghan parliament from from
            It is one of the country’s larger cit-  again.                          Takhar  province,  said  the  Taliban  “No  former  civil  servant  and  other
            ies  with  a  population  of  more  than                                managed to take the city in the after-  government  employee  including
            340,000, and was a key area defended  In Washington, senior officials from  noon after three months of advances  those  who  worked  in  the  security
            against  Taliban  takeover  by  Western  the  White  House  National  Security  during which it took control of all of  sector ... should have any fear of the
            troops over the years.              Council, State Department and De-   the province’s countryside.         Mujahideen  of  the  Islamic  Emirate,
                                                fense Department were in close con-                                     nor  flee  towards  other  places,”  said
            Councilman Ghulam Rabani Rabani  tact  with  U.S.  embassy  officials  in  Another  MP  from  the  area,  Nazifa  the statement.
            said  that  fighting  was  continuing  at  Kabul  assessing  the  broader  impact  Yousefi  Beg,  said  that  all  provin-
            the  city’s  airport  and  other  parts  of  of  the  fall  of  Kunduz,  according  to  cial officials including the governor,  Revenge attacks and repressive treat-
            the  city  still  in  government  hands.  a senior administration official. The  police  chief,  and  council  members  ment of women have been reported
            Kunduz is a strategic crossroads with  official  was  not  authorized  to  com-  were on the run . She said she wor-  however in areas now under Taliban
            good access to much of northern Af-  ment and spoke on the condition of  ried about their safety and wanted the  control.
            ghanistan as well as Kabul, about 200  anonymity.                       government  to  send  reinforcements
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