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               Thursday 23 November 2023

            Nearly half of Americans think the U.S. is spending

            too much on Ukraine aid

            Continued from Front                                                                                                and Republicans (51%) are
                                                                                                                                similarly  concerned  about
            Now, 45% say the U.S. gov-                                                                                          Russian power – but Demo-
            ernment  is  spending  too                                                                                          crats  are  more  likely  than
            much  on  aid  to  Ukraine                                                                                          Republicans to see Ukraine
            in  the  war  against  Russia,                                                                                      as  a  nation  of  shared  val-
            compared with 52% in Oc-                                                                                            ues to the U.S. and to sup-
            tober. That shift appears to                                                                                        port more aid for Ukraine.
            come  mostly  from  Repub-                                                                                          About  half  of  the  public
            licans:  59%  now  say  too                                                                                         (48%)   endorses   provid-
            much  is  spent  on  Ukraine                                                                                        ing  weapons  to  Ukraine
            aid,  but  that’s  down  from                                                                                       (57%  among  Democrats,
            69% in October.                                                                                                     42%  among  Republicans).
            Nonetheless,  the  Republi-                                                                                         About 4 in 10 favor sending
            can  resistance  to  contin-                                                                                        government  funds  directly
            ued  Ukraine  aid  remains                                                                                          to  Ukraine  (54%  for  Demo-
            strong.                                                                                                             crats, 24% for Republicans).
            “I  understand  the  citizens                                                                                       Americans  have  grown
            need  help,  but  I  feel  like                                                                                     slightly  more  likely  to  say
            we’re  spending  way  too                                                                                           the U.S. should take “a less
            much  money  on  Ukraine                                                                                            active  role”  in  solving  the
            when  we  have  our  issues                                                                                         world’s  problems,  com-
            here, on our own soil, that                                                                                         pared  with  a  September
            we  need  to  deal  with,”                                                                                          poll  from  AP-NORC  and
            said  Eric  Mondello,  40,                                                                                          Pearson. Slightly fewer than
            from  Fountain,  Colorado.                                                                                          half (45%) now say the U.S.
            Pointing  to  needs  such  as                                                                                       should be less involved, up
            health  care  for  veterans                                                                                         from 33% in September. Just
            and  homelessness  in  com-  Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, left, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen.   16% of Democrats now say
                                         CQ Brown, participates in a virtual Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG) meeting, Wednesday,
            munities, Mondello added:    Nov. 22, 2023, at the Pentagon in Washington.                                          the U.S. should take a more
            “I  understand  the  U.S.  has                                                                     Associated Press   active role, down from 29%
            been an ally to others, but                                                                                         in September.
            I feel like, let’s take care of  makers  to  pass  Biden’s  told the White House press  South  Dakota  Sen.  John  Peter  Einsig,  a  Republican
            our people first.”           nearly  $106  billion  emer-  briefing  Monday.  “They  Thune,  the  No.  2  Repub-    from Tulsa, Oklahoma, said
            More  than  one-third  (38%)  gency  spending  package  just  keep  on  going,  and  lican  in  the  Senate,  said  he still believes the U.S. has
            of  U.S.  adults  say  that  cur-  that he proposed in Octo-  the cost and the threats to  lawmakers  will  continue  to  a role to play abroad, but
            rent  spending  is  “about  ber,  which  includes  more  America  and  to  the  world  work on the Ukraine-border  that he remains concerned
            the right amount,” which is  than $61 billion specifically  will keep rising.”         package  over  the  Thanks-  about  excessive  govern-
            up  slightly  from  last  month  for  the  war  in  Ukraine.  The  But  Congress  has  rebuffed  giving  break  and  won’t  ment  spending  and  fed-
            (31%).   Among     Republi-  rest  of  Biden’s  request  has  the  White  House  efforts  at  wait  until  mid-January  —  eral  debt.  Yet  Einsig  said
            cans,  nearly  3  in  10  (29%)  aid  for  Israel  as  it  battles  bolstering  Ukraine  support  when  Congress  faces  an-  he would be more inclined
            say  the  current  spending  Hamas,  money  for  various  at  least  twice  in  recent  other  government  fund-    to support aid to Ukraine if
            is about right, up from 20%  priorities in the Indo-Pacific  months.  First,  it  ignored  a  ing  deadline  —  to  act  on  there  were  more  oversight
            last month.                  region  and  additional  re-  roughly  $40  billion  supple-  Ukraine.                 into  how  the  money  was
            Paula Graves, 69, is among  sources  to  help  manage  mental  request  before  a  The big question mark is in  being used abroad, as well
            those who says the amount  migration  at  the  southern  Sept.  30  funding  deadline.  the  House,  where  still-new  as a timeline of how much
            of  spending  for  Ukraine  is  border.                   Then last week, it passed a  Speaker  Mike  Johnson  —  longer  the  U.S.  would  be
            the right amount.            On  Ukraine,  the  Biden  ad-  stopgap  funding  measure  who  had  voted  against  providing support.
            “Putin, he’s straight up evil.  ministration  is  increasingly  that keeps the government  Ukraine aid as a rank-and-  “We  don’t  have  transpar-
            I  don’t  think  there  should  warning  that  the  well  of  operating  through  early  file conservative — has spo-  ency on where the money
            be  any  question  in  any-  aid  is  running  dry.  In  an  next year, but with no ad-  ken broadly of the need to  is really, really going,” said
            one’s  mind,”  said  Graves,  unannounced  visit  to  Kyiv  ditional Ukraine aid.      counter Russian aggression  Einsig,  40.  “It’s  a  big  lump
            of Clovis, California. “He’s a  on  Monday,  Defense  Sec-  In  the  Senate,  a  small  bi-  yet  faces  unruly  GOP  law-  sum.”
            dictator.  He’s  infringed  on  retary  Lloyd  Austin  said  partisan  group  is  working  makers  who  have  shown  Four  in  10  U.S.  adults  say
            human  rights,  he’s  a  very  Ukraine’s  effort  to  defeat  on  legislation  that  would  more hostility to continued  Ukraine is an ally that shares
            scary person and if Ukraine  Russian  forces  “matters  to  combine  fresh  Ukraine  as-  support for Kyiv.         U.S.  interests  and  values.
            falls  to  him,  who’s  next?  the  rest  of  the  world”  and  sistance  with  stricter  bor-  Johnson, too, is insisting that  That view is most common
            What country’s next?”        pledged  that  U.S.  support  der  measures  to  address  additional  Ukraine  aid  be  among  Democrats  (53%),
            Graves, who says she is not  would  continue  “for  the  concerns from Republicans  paired with tougher border  who  are  much  more  likely
            affiliated  with  a  political  long haul.”               that  the  U.S.  was  focused  measures, although it is far  than  independents  (28%),
            party  but  leans  more  con-  That  message  was  rein-  on  needs  abroad  at  the  from  certain  that  any  im-  Republicans   (29%)   and
            servative, said she believes  forced at the White House.  expense of issues closer to  migration  agreement  that  Americans  overall  to  see
            the  U.S.  has  a  leadership  “As  President  Biden  has  home. A broad majority of  clears   the   Democratic-    Ukraine  as  a  nation  with
            role  on  the  global  stage  said,   when   aggressors  senators  remains  support-   led  Senate  could  pass  the  similar  values  and  needs.
            and added: “I think we def-  don’t  pay  a  price  for  their  ive of Ukraine aid, with Sen-  GOP-controlled House.  About  half  of  Republicans
            initely need to put America  aggression,  they’ll  cause  ate  Minority  Leader  Mitch  Half  of  U.S.  adults  are  ex-  say  Ukraine  is  a  partner
            first,  but  I  don’t  think  that  more  chaos  and  death  McConnell,  R-Ky.,  being  tremely or very concerned  that  the  U.S.  should  coop-
            needs to be first and only.”  and   destruction,”   John  one  of  the  most  stalwart  that Russia’s influence pos-  erate with, but say it is not
            The White House has been  Kirby,  spokesman  for  the  supporters  despite  the  iso-  es a direct threat to the Unit-  a  nation  that  shares  U.S.
            repeatedly  pressing  law-   National  Security  Council,  lationist strain in his party.  ed States. Democrats (53%)  values.q
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