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U.S. NEWS Thursday 23 November 2023
Turkey rules the table. But an AP-NORC poll finds disagreement
over other Thanksgiving classics
LINLEY SANDERS dislike it.
Associated Press THE PIE
Thanksgiving may be a According the poll, pump-
time for Americans to kin pie is the safe bet if you
want to make the average
come together, but opin-
ion is divided over what’s guest happy. One-third
of U.S. adults who will cel-
on the crowded dinner
table. We mostly agree ebrate Thanksgiving say
that’s their preferred des-
on the deliciousness of
pumpkin pie, say, but are sert. Pecan pie got 17%,
apple pie was right behind
split over the eternal turkey
question of dark meat ver- with 15% and sweet potato
pie was at 12%. Chocolate
sus white meat.
And don’t even ask if pie and cherry or berry pie
were in the single digits.
marshmallows belong on
sweet potatoes it could Caya, in Florida, bypasses
the pumpkin to go with a
cause a ruckus.
THE BIRD regional delicacy. “Being
About 3 in 10 U.S. adults A plate of roasted turkey and gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and glazed carrots appears in this close to Georgia, I’ve
(32%) who will celebrate Concord, N.H., on Oct. 2, 2012. got to go with pecan,” he
Thanksgiving this year say Associated Press says.q
turkey is their favorite dish
in the holiday feast, ac- leftovers. “You’re not going
cording to a new poll to get a great slice of dark
from The Associated Press- meat to go on a sandwich.
NORC Center for Public Af- But with the white meat,
fairs Research. you get that.”
Stuffing or dressing (19%) THE SAUCE
and mashed potatoes (6%) As for the least favorite
come in second and third. dishes on the Thanksgiv-
“Thanksgiving it’s about ing table, look no further
turkey,” said Ralph Caya, than cranberries. About 2
71, from Pensacola, Flor- in 10 celebrators say cran-
ida, who participated in berries or cranberry sauce
the survey. wouldn’t be missed. (For
On the other hand, Vaidehi the record, KRC Research
Upadhyaya, a 27-year-old reports 80 million pounds of
pharmacist in Glen Rock, cranberries are eaten dur-
New Jersey, is a lifelong ing Thanksgiving week.)
vegetarian. It’s all about Caya says cranberries on
the side dishes for her. the table are “important,”
Although turkey is tops but Upadhyaya is “pretty
across U.S. regions and indifferent,” adding: “I’ll
ages, there’s a slight gener- eat it if it’s there but it’s
ational divide. Americans like not exciting by any
45 or older are especially means.”
likely to call turkey the best Stallworth, who has taken
thing on the Thanksgiving a few culinary courses, ap-
table (39%), while younger preciates what cranberries
adults who agree come in do on the big day: “You
at 24%. definitely want a clash with
Once the turkey is carved, the salty and the gami-
about 4 in 10 celebrators ness of the meat. So to me,
(43%) prefer white meat cranberry is a must.”
over dark (28%), and about Thanksgiving celebrators
one in five (21%) have no are generally divided on
preference. Older people whether it’s better to have
are more likely than those cranberry sauce from a
under 45 to prefer dark can or homemade. About
meat (31% vs. 24%). one-quarter (24%) say the
About 1 in 10 adults under canned sauce is prefer-
45 don’t like the big bird at able, while 22% want it
all. made from scratch. About
“I have to go with the white one-third (35%) just don’t
meat,” says Carlos Stall- like cranberry sauce, with
worth, 58, of Los Angeles, those under 45 being more
who also thinks ahead to likely than older adults to