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               Thursday 23 November 2023

            Mexican officials admit secrecy-shrouded border train project

            had no environmental impact study

            By DANIEL SHAILER                                                                                                   said  said  Alex  Olivera,  a
            Associated Press                                                                                                    senior  scientist  with  the
            MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —  The                                                                                          Center  for  Biological  Di-
            governor of Mexico’s north-                                                                                         versity.  “But  this  is  AMLO’s
            ern  state  of  Sonora  ac-                                                                                         government,  so  probably
            knowledged  Tuesday  that                                                                                           they will say that it is ‘strate-
            a  secrecy-shrouded  train                                                                                          gic  infrastructure’”  like  the
            project was an army under-                                                                                          Maya  Train,  and  therefore
            taking that has not yet sub-                                                                                        exempt.
            mitted  any  environmental                                                                                          Opponents have been un-
            impact  statement,  months                                                                                          able to get even the most
            after  construction  had  al-                                                                                       basic  information  on  the
            ready started.                                                                                                      train  line,  with  no  federal,
            The  rail  link  between  the                                                                                       local or state authority will-
            port  of  Guaymas  and  the                                                                                         ing to take responsibility for
            border  city  of  Nogales                                                                                           the  $350  million  project  to
            threatens  to  cut  through                                                                                         build  40  miles  (63  kilome-
            and damage environmen-                                                                                              ters) of train line.
            tally-sensitive  conservation                                                                                       Even  though  parts  are  al-
            lands.                       Construction continues for a new train line in northern Mexico, in San Lorenzo, Sonora state,   ready  under  construction
            Sonora  Gov.  Alfonso  Du-   Mexico, Monday, Nov. 13, 2023.                                                         and  government  contrac-
            razo  justified  the  new  rail                                                                    Associated Press   tors  have  begun  felling
            line project saying it would                                                                                        trees  and  bulldozing  the
            solve the problem of a rail  ment  is  trying  to  convert  miles  (65  kilometers)  south  jungle.                 path  for  the  railroad  to-
            line  that  passed  through  Guaymas,  on  the  Gulf  of  of the U.S.-Mexico border.   In  the  face  of  court  chal-  ward  the  Aribabi  ranch
            the  center  of  Nogales  by  California,  into  a  major  The  project  illustrates  the  lenges and criticism, López  home  to  a  rare  combina-
            diverting  rail  traffic  outside  container port, but the cur-  power  that  Mexico’s  presi-  Obrador  in  2021  passed  a  tion  of  black  bears  and
            the city.                    rent railway connection to  dent Andrés Manuel López  law  stating  the  projects  of  jaguars  no  environmental
            But  while  the  state  is  par-  the  United  States  cuts  the  Obrador  has  given  to  the  importance  to  “national  impact statement has ever
            tially financing the project,  city of Nogales in half.   army,  which  has  been  al-  security” would not have to  been filed. “Because it is a
            Durazo said it is “being car-  The new rail line cuts a com-  lowed  to  sidestep  normal  submit  impact  statements  strategic  project,  it  is  the
            ried out by the Defense de-  pletely new path well south  permitting  and  environ-    until up to a year after they  responsibility of the Environ-
            partment,” adding that the  of  Nogales  that  threatens  mental  standards.  This  has  start construction.        ment  Department  and  we
            state’s  operational  role  is  to  cut  through  the  Aribabi  been the case of the Maya  Under  Mexico’s  environ-  have a year to submit the
            limited to helping the Army  ranch, a federally designat-  Train  tourist  rail  line  on  the  mental  laws,  sidestepping  environmental impact, and
            secure the rights-of-way.    ed Natural Protected Area,  Yucatan  peninsula,  which  impact  assessments  ought  that is well under way,” Du-
            The  Sonora  state  govern-  and  the  town  of  Imuris,  40  cut  a  swath  through  the  to  be  “completely  illegal,”  razo said.q

            IAEA head says the barring of several nuclear inspectors by Iran is

            a ‘serious blow’ to monitoring

             By  STEPHANIE  LIECHTEN-    of  the  International  Atom-  several  experienced  U.N.  ing  of  the  IAEA  Board  of  tors  from  monitoring  the
             STEIN                       ic  Energy  Agency  said  inspectors  from  monitoring  Governors in Vienna.           country’s nuclear program,
             Associated Press            Wednesday that Iran’s de-    the  country’s  nuclear  pro-  While  refusing  to  get  into  and that Tehran has further
             VIENNA  (AP)  —  The  head  cision in September to bar  gram  constituted  “a  very  specific numbers or names,  increased  its  stockpile  of
                                                                      serious blow” to the agen-   Grossi  said  that  the  ban  near  weapons-grade  ura-
                                                                      cy’s ability to do its job “to  concerned one-third of the  nium.
                                                                      the best possible level.”    core group of the agency’s  The IAEA said that accord-
                                                                      IAEA  Director-General  Ra-  most  experienced  inspec-   ing  to  its  assessment,  as
                                                                      fael  Mariano  Grossi  said  tors designated for Iran.    of Oct. 28, Iran has an es-
                                                                      that  while  the  U.N.  nucle-  “This is completely uncalled  timated  128.3  kilograms
                                                                      ar  watchdog  continued  for, this is completely illogi-  (282.9  pounds)  of  uranium
                                                                      to  perform  its  monitoring  cal,” he said.              enriched  up  to  60%  pu-
                                                                      work, Iran had targeted in-  Grossi  said  that  he  hoped  rity,  which  represents  an
                                                                      spectors “who have a lot of  to “reverse” Iran’s decision  increase  of  6.7  kilograms
                                                                      experience,  particularly  in  and  that  he  is  having  “a  since its September report.
                                                                      enrichment  and  other  ca-  conversation”  about  the  Iran  has  long  denied  ever
                                                                      pacities.”                   issue  with  Mohammad  Esl-  seeking  nuclear  weapons
                                                                      “It takes a long time to pre-  ami, the head of Iran’s civil-  and continues to insist that
                                                                      pare  inspectors  who  have  ian nuclear program,         its  nuclear  program  is  en-
             International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General,   the  necessary  amount  of  The comments come after  tirely  for  peaceful  purpos-
             Rafael Grossi, addresses the media during a news conference   experience,  skills  and  abil-  a  confidential  IAEA  report  es, such as for use in medi-
             following an IAEA Board of Governors meeting in Vienna,   ity  to  perform  their  work,”  last  week  said  that  Iran  cine,  agriculture,  industry
             Austria, Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023.                       Grossi told reporters on the  continues  to  bar  several  and science.q
                                                     Associated Press   first day of a regular meet-  of the watchdog’s inspec-
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