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A28    u.s. news
                        Diasabra 8 Mei 2021

                                California reports first ever yearly population decline

                                                                                    years to fall to an overall population  officials say was a direct impact from
                                                                                    of just over 3.9 million.           the  Trump  administration's  decision
                                                                                                                        to  stop  issuing  new  visas  for  much
                                                                                    California became a state in 1850 on  of that year. Coronavirus restrictions
                                                                                    the heels of a gold rush that prompt-  around the world also caused about a
                                                                                    ed  people  to  seek  their  fortune  out  29% decline in international students
                                                                                    west. The population soared follow-  coming to California, or about 53,000
                                                                                    ing World War II with the help of a  people.
                                                                                    robust defense and aerospace indus-
                                                                                    try. It boomed again in the 1980s and  Plus, about 51,000 people died from
                                                                                    1990s  as  technology  companies  put  the  coronavirus  in  California  last
                                                                                    Silicon Valley on the map.          year. That's a 19% increase above the
                                                                                                                        state's average death rate for the past
                                                                                    But the growth slowed after the end  three years. In all, 51 of the state's 58
                                                                                    of the Cold War in the 1990s when  counties posted death rates above the
                                                                                    the federal government cut back on  three-year  average  —  including  12
                                                                                    defense  spending  and  again  in  the  that had increases of 20% or more.
                                                                                    years  before  the  Great  Recession  in  The state's population has become a
                                                                                    the late 2000s.                     political issue this year in light of the
                                                                                                                        effort to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom,
                                                                                    State officials say California has seen  with Republicans blaming high taxes
            SACRAMENTO,  Calif.  (AP)  —  gressional seat for the first time be-    more people leave than move in from  and the governor's policies for people
            California's  population  fell  by  cause it grew more slowly than other  other states for much of the last three  fleeing the state. From 2010 to 2020,
            more than 182,000 people in 2020,  states over the past decade.         decades. However, that had been off-  about  6.1  million  people  left  Cali-
            marking  the  first  year-over-year                                     set by international immigration and  fornia  for  other  states  compared  to
            loss ever recorded for the nation's  But  the  census  numbers  reflect  the  births so that California continued to  about 4.9 million people who moved
            most populous state.                state's population in April 2020. The  grow.                            to  California  from  other  states,  ac-
                                                new  state  numbers  released  Friday                                   cording to an analysis of census data
            State officials announced Friday that  reflect  the  state's  population  as  of  That changed in 2020. State officials  by the Public Policy Institute of Cali-
            California's population dipped 0.46%  January 2021.                     say a declining birth rate, plus reduc-  fornia.
            to  just  under  39.5  million  people                                  tions  in  international  immigration
            from January 2020 to January 2021.  The state four most populated cities  and an increase in deaths because of  The Department of Finances popula-
                                                -- Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose  the coronavirus, led to the state's first  tion estimate comes from a number
            The news comes one week after the  and San Francisco -- lost a combined  ever year-over-year population loss.  of sources, including birth and death
            U.S.  Census  Bureau  announced  a  88,000 people. LA dropped the most                                      counts,  the  number  of  new  driver's
            paltry population growth for Califor-  at  nearly  52,000  and  has  now  lost  California  had  a  negative  interna-  licenses and address changes, school
            nia, resulting in the state losing a con-  about 75,000 people in the last three  tional migration in 2020, which state  enrollments and federal tax returns.

                       NASA's new chief big on climate, hedges on 2024 moon landing

            CAPE        CANAVERAL,  His  underlying  vision  for  Nelson  grew  up  near  Cape  the U.S. Army Reserve dur-
            Fla.  (AP)  —  NASA's  new  NASA: "to explore the heav-   Canaveral,  graduating  from  ing the Vietnam War. After a  It  was  while  Nelson  was  a
            administrator  is  big  on  ens  with  humans  and  ma-   high  school  a  year  before  few terms in the Florida leg-  congressman  that  he  rock-
            tackling  climate  and  di-  chines."                     Mercury    astronaut   Alan  islature, Nelson, a Democrat,  eted  into  orbit  aboard  space
            versifying  the  agency's                                 Shepard  became  the  first  won  election  to  Congress,  shuttle Columbia in January
            workforce, but hedging on  Nelson said he did not seek  American  in  space  60  years  first  in  the  House  and  then  1986  —  just  two  weeks  be-
            whether  the  U.S.  can  put  the NASA administrator job  ago  this  week.  He  went  on  the Senate, before a 2018 de-  fore  Challenger's  astronauts
            astronauts  on  the  moon  and had recommended three  to  law  school  and  served  in  feat ended his political career.  perished during liftoff.
            by 2024.                     women  to  lead  the  space
                                         agency.  He  said  he  told  the
            In his first interview since be-  Biden   administration   he
            coming  NASA's  top  official  would  accept  the  nomina-
            this  week,  former  Sen.  Bill  tion only if one of the wom-
            Nelson  told  The  Associated  en could serve as his deputy.
            Press on Friday that tracking  Selected  for  the  job:  former
            climate change is a top issue.  space  shuttle  commander
            He also wants to diversify the  Pam Melroy.
            space agency's workforce so it
            reflects America.            Nelson,  78,  is  NASA's  14th
                                         administrator, the third to fly
            As for landing astronauts on  in space and the first to grow
            the  moon,  Nelson  said  the  up in the shadow of rockets.
            goal remains 2024, a deadline  He  was  sworn  in  Monday
            set by the Trump administra-  by  Vice  President  Kamala
            tion. But he cautions space is  Harris,  who  will  head  the
            hard and he needs more time  National  Space  Council.  In
            to  review  the  matter,  espe-  a  show  of  bipartisan  space
            cially with a contract protest  support, the two previous ad-
            over the lunar lander for as-  ministrators took part in the
            tronauts.                    ceremony,  representing  the
                                         Obama and Trump adminis-
            "We  all  know  that  space  is  trations.
            hard,"  he  said,  noting  there
            are  often  delays  developing  Nelson  steps  into  NASA's
            new  technologies.  "But  the  top job after 44 years of pub-
            goal is 2024."               lic service, 42 of them in an
                                         elected public office.
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