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A30    world news
                        Diasabra 8 Mei 2021

                            UK to ease holiday travel ban yet keeps most quarantines

            LONDON  (AP)  —  Brit-                                                                 the  British  government's  month  it  gave  the  same  ad-
            ain announced a "first ten-                                                            roadmap  out  of  lockdown.  vice for people under 30.
            tative step" Friday toward                                                             Pubs and restaurants in Eng-
            resuming     international                                                             land can reopen indoor areas  England's deputy chief medi-
            travel,  saying  U.K.  citi-                                                           that day, and venues includ-  cal  officer,  Jonathan  Van-
            zens will be able to travel                                                            ing theaters and cinemas can  Tam,  said  the  government
            to  countries  including                                                               welcome limited audiences.   expects to follow the new ad-
            Portugal,  Iceland  and  Is-                                                                                        vice and still meet its target of
            rael later this month with-                                                            Britain  has  recorded  more  giving everyone 18 and over a
            out  having  to  quarantine                                                            than  127,500  coronavirus  vaccine jab by July 31.
            upon their return.                                                                     deaths, the highest toll in Eu-
                                                                                                   rope.  But  recent  infections  Britain is also using vaccines
            Transport  Secretary  Grant                                                            and  deaths  have  plummeted  made  by  Pfizer-BioNTech
            Shapps said the country's cur-                                                         thanks  to  extensive  lock-  and Moderna.
            rent blanket ban on overseas                                                           downs  and  a  rapid  vaccina-
            vacations will be replaced on                                                          tion program. Two-thirds of  British  health  officials  say
            May 17 by a traffic-light sys-                                                         U.K. adults have received at  the  risk  from  COVID-19
            tem  classifying  countries  as                                                        least one vaccine jab and al-  far  exceeds  any  risk  from
            low, medium or high risk.                                                              most  a  third  have  had  both  the  AstraZeneca  vaccine  for
                                                                                                   doses.                       the  vast  majority  of  people,
            The  "green  list"  of  12  low-                                                                                    but  the  calculation  is  "more
            risk  territories  also  includes                                                      The  campaign  has  relied  finely balanced" for younger
            Gibraltar,  the  Faroe  Islands                                                        heavily on the Oxford-Astra-  groups, who tend not to suf-
            and  the  Falkland  Islands  —                                                         Zeneca  vaccine,  whose  use  fer serious illness from coro-
            but  not  major  vacation  des-                                                        has  been  restricted  in  some  navirus infections.
            tinations  for  Britons  such  islands  of  Saint  Helena,  As-                        European  countries  because
            as  France,  Italy,  Spain  and  cension Island and Tristan da  Turkey's  addition,  which  of a potential link to extreme-  Up  to  April  28,  Britain's
            Greece,  which  are  on  the  Cunha.                      takes   effect   Wednesday,  ly rare blood clots.         medicines  regulator  had  re-
            "amber" list. Britons traveling                           throws into doubt the ability                             ceived  242  reports  of  blood
            to those countries, and many  He said the list would be re-  of  players  and  fans  to  travel  In a change of advice, British  clots  accompanied  by  low
            others  including  the  United  viewed  regularly  and  would  to  the  Champions  League  authorities  said  Friday  that  platelet count in people who
            States and Canada, will have  likely be expanded.         soccer  final  between  two  people under 40 will not be  had received the AstraZeneca
            to  self-isolate  for  10  days                           English teams — Manchester  given  the  AstraZeneca  vac-  vaccine,  out  of  28.5  million
            when they return.            All  but  essential  travel  from  City and Chelsea — which is  cine if another shot was avail-  doses  given.  There  were  49
                                         Britain  remains  barred  to  due to be played in Istanbul  able.                      deaths.
            Britons  hoping  for  an  over-  "red  list"  countries  with  se-  on May 29.
            seas  vacation  this  summer  vere  outbreaks,  including                              The  Joint  Committee  on  The  AstraZeneca  vaccine,
            without a quarantine do not  India  and  South  Africa,  and  Shapps  said  the  government  Vaccination  and  Immuniza-  which is cheaper and easier to
            have  a  lot  to  choose  from.  people returning from them  was  "very  open"  to  holding  tion  said  people  aged  30  to  store than Pfizer or Moderna,
            Several  countries  on  the  face  10  days  of  mandatory  the game in Britain, but that  39 without underlying health  is critical to global immuni-
            green  list  are  still  closed  to  quarantine  in  a  supervised  it was a decision for soccer's  conditions should receive an  zation campaigns. It is a pillar
            British  visitors,  including  hotel. On Friday the British  European  governing  body,  alternative  vaccine,  "where  of the U.N.-backed program
            Australia,  New  Zealand  and  government  added  Nepal,  UEFA.                        available and only if this does  known as COVAX that aims
            Singapore.  Others  are  little-  the  Maldives  and  Turkey  to                       not  cause  substantial  delays  to get vaccines to some of the
            visited,  such  as  the  remote  that list.               May  17  is  the  next  date  on  in  being  vaccinated."  Last  world's poorest countries.

                         Taiwan rations water, drills extra wells amid record drought

            TAIPEI,  Taiwan  (AP)  —  popular tourist lake.           ment has allocated money to  have been hit hard.
            Some  households  in  Tai-                                extract drinkable water from                              "Our  business  is  90%  less
            wan  are  going  without  Authorities  are  drilling  ex-  the sea.                    "The lotus flowers and seeds  than  last  year,"  said  Wang
            running water two days a  tra  wells  and  using  military                             I  planted  don't  produce  Ying-shen,  chairman  of  a
            week after a months-long  planes  to  dump  cloud-seed-   Farmers  who  need  to  flood  well,"  said  Chen  Chiu-lang,  group  for  businesspeople
            drought  dried  up  the  is-  ing  chemicals  in  hopes  of  paddies  to  raise  rice,  lotus  a farmer in the southern city  who rent boats to visitors.
            land's  reservoirs  and  a  triggering  rain.  The  govern-  root  and  other  thirsty  crops  of  Tainan,  standing  in  a  dry
                                                                                                   paddy field.                 Light  rain  fell  in  some  ar-
                                                                                                                                eas  this  week,  but  Econom-
                                                                                                   Rainfall in the seven months  ics  Minister  Wang  Mei-hua
                                                                                                   through  February  was  less  warned Thursday restrictions
                                                                                                   than half the historic average  might be tightened.
                                                                                                   after no typhoons hit Taiwan
                                                                                                   in 2020 for the first time in  Other  cities  are  restrict-
                                                                                                   56  years,  according  to  the  ing  total  water  supplies  for
                                                                                                   government.                  each customer. They include
                                                                                                                                Hsinchu,  one  of  the  biggest
                                                                                                   Households  in  areas  un-   global  enters  for  semicon-
                                                                                                   der  top-level  restrictions  go  ductor  manufacturing,  and
                                                                                                   without  running  water  two  Tainan and Kaohsiung in the
                                                                                                   days per week. They include  south.
                                                                                                   Taiwan's     second-biggest
                                                                                                   city, Taichung, with 2.8 mil-  The  economy  ministry  al-
                                                                                                   lion  people,  and  Miaoli  and  located 2.5 billion New Tai-
                                                                                                   Changhua counties.           wan dollars ($88 million) in
                                                                                                                                March  for  well  drilling  and
                                                                                                   Parts  of  Sun  Moon  Lake,  a  emergency  sea  water  desali-
                                                                                                   popular  tourist  spot,  have  nation facilities.
                                                                                                   dried up.
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