Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20210508
P. 32

A32    sports
                        Diasabra 8 Mei 2021

                          China opens Everest's north side to 38 virus-tested climbers

            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China                                                                                             will be provided masks, ther-
            has  opened  Mount  Ever-                                                                                           mometers and disinfectant.
            est's  northern  slope  to  a
            few  dozen  mountaineers                                                                                            Climbing schedules from the
            who will be tested for the                                                                                          south  side  of  the  mountain,
            coronavirus    and    must                                                                                          which  is  in  Nepal,  will  be
            keep  their  distance  while                                                                                        consulted so packs of climb-
            ascending    the    world's                                                                                         ers  don't  meet,  said  Nyima
            highest peak.                                                                                                       Tsering,  head  of  the  bureau
                                                                                                                                overseeing Chinese climbing
            Both Nepal and China closed                                                                                         operations.  People  not  reg-
            the  mountain  to  foreign                                                                                          istered to climb on the Chi-
            climbers last year because of                                                                                       nese  side  are  strictly  barred
            the pandemic. Nepal has al-                                                                                         from that side.
            lowed  in  foreign  climbers
            this season despite a surging                                                                                       Last  year,  China  used  the
            COVID-19 outbreak, and at                                                                                           break  in  climbing  to  haul
            least one climber, a Norwe-                                                                                         some 6 tons of garbage off the
            gian,  confirmed  last  month                                                                                       mountain  that  has  attracted
            he had contracted the virus.                                                                                        ever-larger  groups  of  climb-
                                                                                                                                ers  enabled  by  commercial
            Nepal  mountaineering  of-                                                                                          mountaineering companies.
            ficials  have  denied  any  out-
            break  on  the  mountain,  cit-                                                                                     In 2019, 362 people climbed
            ing only altitude sickness and  cent surge.               imported cases.              clean bill of health before at-  Everest from the north side,
            other  ailments  common  in                                                            tempting  the  summit,  state  241  of  whom  made  it  to
            the  cold,  harsh,  low-oxygen  In  contrast,  China,  where  The 38 people who were is-  media reported Friday.    the  summit.  Slightly  more
            environment where climbers  COVID-19  first  emerged,  sued  Chinese  permits  to                                   climbed  from  Nepal,  where
            stay  in  close  quarters.  This  has  now  largely  contained  climb  the  peak,  known  as  They  must  undergo  tem-  the  sale  of  mountaineering
            week,  the  Himalayan  nation  domestic transmission of the  Qomolongma  in  Tibetan,  perature  checks  regularly,  permits  and  trekking  and
            halted all flights as part of a  virus,  but  it  has  maintained  must  come  from  parts  of  use  bottled  oxygen  and  stay  mountaineering jobs are ma-
            strict lockdown of its capital  restrictions  such  as  health  China that are at low risk for  4 meters (13 feet) from other  jor drivers of the local econ-
            and major cities amid its re-  checks and is on guard against  infection  and  must  show  a  climbers at the summit. They  omy.

                          9 Super League clubs accept UEFA fines, 3 rebels face bans

            Only nine of the 12 Euro-    after  the  English  clubs  —                             declaration"  will  rejoin  the  owner Joel Glazer on Friday
            pean clubs who launched  Arsenal,  Chelsea,  Liverpool,  The nine clubs will also make  European  Club  Association,  showed  a  level  of  contrition
            an ill-fated bid to form a  Manchester  United,  Man-     a  combined  payment  of  15  which  they  quit  on  May  18  never seen in the 16 years of
            Super League have agreed  chester  City  and  Tottenham  million euros for what UEFA  when the Super League was  his family owning the club.
            to a peace deal with UEFA  — backed out inside 48 hours  called a "gesture of goodwill"  announced,  and  they  will
            and  accepted  being  fined  after a backlash from the fans  to  benefit  children,  youth  terminate their legal involve-  Glazer  pledged  to  accelerate
            millions of dollars.         and British government.      and grassroots football.     ment with the company.       discussions  with  fans  about
                                                                                                                                fans  being  able  to  have  a
            The remaining trio of rebels  The  Premier  League  clubs  In  a  move  to  prevent  them  The English clubs could yet  greater say in United, which
            are  at  risk  of  being  banned  along  with  Atletico  Madrid,  deploying  the  Super  League  face  separate  sanctions  from  is  listed  on  the  New  York
            from the Champions League  AC  Milan  and  Inter  Milan  threat  again,  the  clubs  have  the  Premier  League  and  Stock Exchange, but the fam-
            for not renouncing the break-  have  officially  signed  up  to  also  agreed  to  be  fined  100  Football  Association  which  ily  controls  the  shares  with
            away. Barcelona, Real Madrid  a  settlement  with  UEFA  to  million  euros  if  they  seek  is investigating their attempt  the key voting rights.
            and  Juventus  have  refused  participate only in the exist-  again to play in an unauthor-  to  split  from  the  established
            to  approve  what  UEFA  on  ing open European competi-   ized  competition  or  50  mil-  structure.  UEFA  indicated  a  The Manchester United Sup-
            Friday  called  "reintegration  tions and accepted giving up  lion euros if they breach any  desire  for  the  agreement  to  porters'  Trust,  which  boasts
            measures,"  and  they  will  be  5%  of  revenue  for  the  next  other commitments to UEFA  settle with UEFA to serve as  more than 200,000 members,
            referred  to  UEFA  disciplin-  season they play in a Europe-  as part of the settlement.  mitigation  when  domestic  responded  cautiously  to  the
            ary  bodies  for  sanctions  af-  an competition. Teams from                           punishments are assessed.    letter,  saying  the  commit-
            ter  backing  the  new  largely  England  and  Spain  reaching  Ceferin  previously  told  The                      ments  could  represent  "in
            closed competition.          the final can earn more than  Associated  Press  that  the  UEFA said at the request of  theory only" a change in the
                                         100  million  pounds  ($122  clubs  refusing  to  renege  on  clubs  it  "will  ask  and  sup-  right direction by the family
            The  Super  League  project  million),  meaning  5  million  the  Super  League  could  be  port  that  due  consideration  which  also  owns  the  NFL's
            imploded  three  weeks  ago  euros would be sacrificed.   banned  from  UEFA's  com-   be  given  by  their  respective  Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
                                                                      petitions.                   national associations and na-
                                                                                                   tional  leagues  to  the  spirit,  The  complaints  by  United
                                                                      The  12  clubs  were  dubbed  content  and  purpose  of  the  fans  are  about  the  Glazers
                                                                      the "dirty dozen" by Ceferin  commitments  given  by  the  loading  debt  onto  the  club
                                                                      in  a  heated  period  when  he  clubs to UEFA."          and not investing sufficiently
                                                                      fought  to  prevent  the  clubs                           in upgrading Old Trafford.
                                                                      launching a competition that  English  clubs  are  trying  to
                                                                      would  lock  in  15  places  for  regain the trust of fans after  While Chelsea fans still back
                                                                      teams for more than two de-  infuriating them by trying to  Russian  billionaire  owner
                                                                      cades,  rather  than  having  to  join the Super League with-  Roman  Abramovich,  they
                                                                      qualify  through  annual  do-  out consulting them.       protested  against  the  Super
                                                                      mestic  league  placings  as  is                          League  project.  Chelsea  this
                                                                      required for the Champions  After protests at Old Trafford  week  pledged  to  allow  fans
                                                                      League.                      forced  the  postponement  of  to  be  represented  in  board
                                                                                                   Manchester  United's  Pre-   meetings to bring them into
                                                                      The nine clubs to sign up to  mier  League  game  against  the decision-making process.
                                                                      UEFA's  "club  commitment  Liverpool  on  Sunday,  co-
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