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                     Tuesday 16 april 2024
            Only 26% of Americans say they get at least eight hours of sleep,

            new Gallup poll says

            Continued from front                                                                                                labor as well, like making sure
                                                                                                                                the house was clean.
            Younger women, under the                                                                                            A through line of American
            age of 50, were especially                                                                                          cultural  mythology  is  the
            likely  to  report  they  aren’t                                                                                    idea  of  being  “individually
            getting enough rest.                                                                                                responsible for creating our
            The poll also asked respon-                                                                                         own  destinies,”  she  said.
            dents  to  report  how  many                                                                                        “And that does suggest that
            hours  of  sleep  they  usually                                                                                     if you’re wasting too much
            get per night: Only 26% said                                                                                        of your time ... that you are
            they got eight or more hours,                                                                                       responsible  for  your  own
            which is around the amount                                                                                          failure.””The other side of the
            that sleep experts say is rec-                                                                                      coin is a massive amount of
            ommended for health and                                                                                             disdain  for  people  consid-
            mental well-being. Just over                                                                                        ered lazy,” she added.
            half, 53%, reported getting                                                                                         Broughal says she thinks that
            six to seven hours. And 20%                                                                                         as  parents,  her  generation
            said  they  got  five  hours  or                                                                                    is able to let go of some of
            less,  a  jump  from  the  14%                                                                                      those expectations. “I priori-
            who  reported  getting  the                                                                                         tize ... spending time with my
            least amount of sleep in 2013.  A traveler takes a nap as he waits for a ride outside Miami International Airport, Friday, July 1,   kids, over keeping my house
            (And just to make you feel   2022, in Miami.                                                       Associated Press   pristine,” she said.
            even more tired, in 1942, the                                                                                       But  with  two  little  ones  to
            vast majority of Americans  ally heard of in 1942,” Fioroni  hours  in  the  day.  So  even  Claude Fischer, a professor  care  for,  she  said,  making
            were sleeping more. Some  said. “There’s almost nobody  though she recognizes the  of  sociology  at  the  gradu-   peace with a messier house
            59% said they slept eight or  that said they slept five hours  importance of sleep, it often  ate school of the University of  doesn’t mean more time to
            more hours, while 33% said  or less.” In modern American  comes in below other priori-  California, Berkeley. Their be-  rest: “We’re spending fam-
            they slept six to seven hours.  life, there also has been “this  ties like her 4-month-old son,  lief system included the idea  ily time until, you know, (my
            What even IS that?)          pervasive belief about how  who still wakes up throughout  that working hard and being  3-year-old) goes to bed at
            THE REASONS AREN’T EXACT-    sleep  was  unnecessary  —  the night, or her 3-year-old  rewarded with success was  eight and then we’re reset-
            LY CLEAR                     that it was this period of in-  daughter. “I really treasure  evidence of divine favor.  ting the house, right?”
            The poll doesn’t get into rea-  activity where little to nothing  being  able  to  spend  time  “It has been a core part of  THE  TRADEOFFS  OF  MORE
            sons WHY Americans aren’t  was actually happening and  with (my children),” Broughal  American  culture  for  cen-  SLEEP
            getting the sleep they need,  that took up time that could  says. “Part of the benefit of  turies,” he said. “You could  While the poll only shows a
            and since Gallup last asked  have  been  better  used,”  being self-employed is that I  make the argument that it  broad shift over the past de-
            the question in 2013, there’s  said  Joseph  Dzierzewski,  get a more flexible schedule,  ...  in  the  secularized  form  cade, living through the CO-
            no data breaking down the  vice president for research  but it’s definitely often at the  over the centuries becomes  VID-19 pandemic may have
            particular impact of the last  and scientific affairs at the  expense of my own care.”  just a general principle that  affected  people’s  sleep
            four years and the pandemic  National Sleep Foundation.   THERE’S A CULTURAL BACK-     the morally correct person  patterns.  Also  discussed  in
            era.                         It’s  only  relatively  recently  DROP TO ALL THIS, TOO   is  somebody  who  doesn’t  post-COVID life is “revenge
            But what’s notable, says Sar-  that  the  importance  of  So why are we awake all the  waste their time.”           bedtime procrastination,” in
            ah Fioroni, senior researcher  sleep  to  physical,  mental  time? One likely reason for  Jennifer Sherman has seen  which people put off sleep-
            at Gallup, is the shift in the  and  emotional  health  has  Americans’  sleeplessness  is  that in action. In her research  ing and instead scroll on so-
            last  decade  toward  more  started  to  percolate  more  cultural  —  a  longstanding  in rural American communi-  cial media or binge a show
            Americans  thinking  they  in  the  general  population,  emphasis on industriousness  ties over the years, the sociol-  as a way of trying to handle
            would  benefit  from  more  he said.                      and productivity.            ogy professor at Washington  stress.
            sleep  and  particularly  the  And there’s still a long way  Some  of  the  context  is  State University says a com-  Liz Meshel is familiar with that.
            jump in the number of those  to go. For some Americans,  much  older  than  the  shift  mon theme among people  The 30-year-old American is
            saying they get five or less  like  Justine  Broughal,  31,  a  documented  in  the  poll.  It  she interviewed was the im-  temporarily living in Bulgaria
            hours.                       self-employed  event  plan-  includes the Protestants from  portance of having a solid  on a research grant, but also
            “That five hours or less cat-  ner with two small children,  European  countries  who  work ethic. That applied not  works a part-time job on U.S.
            egory ... was almost not re-  there simply aren’t enough  colonized the country, said  only to paid labor but unpaid  hours to make ends meet. q

                                                                      Justice Thomas misses Supreme Court

                                                                      session Monday with no explanation

                                                                      WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Su-     wise can't be there in person.  says when a justice is out sick.
                                                                      preme  Court  Justice  Clar-  Chief  Justice  John  Roberts  Thomas was hospitalized two
                                                                      ence  Thomas  was  absent  announced  Thomas'  ab-        years ago with an infection,
                                                                      from the court Monday with  sence,  saying  that  his  col-  causing him to miss several
                                                                      no explanation.              league would still participate  court sessions. He took part

            Associate Justice Clarence Thomas joins other members of the   Thomas, 75, also was not par-  in the day's cases, based on  in the cases then, too.
            Supreme  Court  as  they  pose  for  a  new  group  portrait,  at  the   ticipating remotely in argu-  the briefs and transcripts of  He is the longest serving of
            Supreme Court building in Washington, Oct. 7, 2022.       ments, as justices sometimes  the  arguments.  The  court  the current justices,  joining
                                                     Associated Press  do when they are ill or other-  sometimes, but not always,  the Supreme Court in 1991.q
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