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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 16 april 2024
            New rules for Pregnant Workers Fairness Act include divisive

            accommodations for abortion

            By CLAIRE SAVAGE and AL-                                                                                            proposed rule in August for
            EXANDRA OLSON                                                                                                       a monthslong public com-
            AP Business Writers                                                                                                 mentary  period.  Abortion
            NEW YORK (AP) — Workers                                                                                             rights  proponents,  mean-
            are entitled to time off and                                                                                        while, applauded the provi-
            other  job  accommoda-                                                                                              sion as critical at time when
            tions  for  abortions    along                                                                                      abortion  rights  have  been
            with    pregnancy-related                                                                                           curtailed  in  many  states
            medical conditions like mis-                                                                                        following the U.S. Supreme
            carriage,  stillbirth  and  lac-                                                                                    Court’s  2022  decision  to
            tation  under the Pregnant                                                                                          overturn Roe v. Wade. The
            Workers  Fairness  Act,  ac-                                                                                        EEOC is composed of three
            cording to finalized federal                                                                                        Democratic  commissioners
            regulations published Mon-                                                                                          and  two  Republican  com-
            day.                                                                                                                missioners.
            The  regulations  provide                                                                                           Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana,
            guidance  for  employers                                                                                            the lead Republican spon-
            and  workers  on  how  to                                                                                           sor  of  the  Pregnant  Work-
            implement  the  law,  which                                                                                         ers  Fairness  Law,  accused
            passed  with  robust  bipar-                                                                                        the Biden administration on
            tisan  Congressional  sup-                                                                                          Monday  of  “shocking  and
            port  in  December  2022                                                                                            illegal” disregard of the leg-
            but  sparked  controversy                                                                                           islative process to promote
            last  year  when  the  Equal   An exam room is seen inside Planned Parenthood on March 10, 2023, in Fairview Heights, Ill.   a political agenda.
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            Employment        Opportu-                                                                                          The  Alliance  Defending
            nity  Commission  included  costs,  and  that  the  type  the  accommodation  will  Major  business  groups  also  Freedom,  a  conservative
            abortions  in  its  draft  rules.  of  accommodation  that  cause the employer an un-  supported  the  law,  citing  Christian legal organization,
            The  language  means  that  most  likely  will  be  sought  due hardship.              the  need  for  clarity  about  said  the  Biden  administra-
            workers can ask for time off  under  the  Pregnant  Work-  The  EEOC’s  regulations,  the  accommodations  that  tion was trying to “smuggle
            to obtain an abortion and  ers  Fairness  Act  regarding  which  will  be  used  as  a  employers  are  required  to  an abortion mandate” into
            recover  from  the  proce-   an  abortion  is  time  off  to  framework  to  enforce  the  give pregnant workers.   the law.
            dure.The EEOC says its de-   attend a medical appoint-    law,  will  go  into  effect  on  “No one should have to risk  But in comments submitted
            cision to keep the abortion  ment or for recovery, which  June 18.                     their job for their health just  to the EEOC, the American
            provisions  in  its  final  rules  does not have to be paid.  Labor  advocates  hailed  because  they  are  preg-   Civil  Liberties  Union  ap-
            despite criticism from some  The  act  requires  most  em-  the  new  law  as  especially  nant, recovering from child-  plauded  the  agency  for
            conservatives  is  consistent  ployers with 15 or more em-  important  for  women  of  birth,  or  dealing  with  a  re-  “recognizing  that  abortion
            with  its  own  longstanding  ployees to provide “reason-  color  who  are  most  likely  lated  medical  condition,”  has for decades been ap-
            interpretation  of  Title  VII,  able accommodations” for  to work in low-wage, physi-  said  EEOC  Chair  Charlotte  proved under the law as a
            as well as court rulings. The  a  worker’s  known  limita-  cally  demanding  jobs  but  A. Burrows on Monday.      ‘related medical condition’
            federal agency added that  tions related to pregnancy,  are  often  denied  accom-     But  Republican  lawmakers  to  pregnancy  that  entitles
            the new law does not obli-   childbirth, or related medi-  modations  for  everything  and  anti-abortion  activists  workers  to  reasonable  ac-
            gate employers or employ-    cal  conditions  including  from  time  off  for  medical  denounced  the  EEOC’s  commodations,  including
            er-sponsored  health  plans  fertility  and  infertility  treat-  appointments  to  the  abil-  inclusion  of  abortion  after  time off to obtain abortion
            to  cover  abortion-related  ments in some cases  unless  ity to sit or stand on the job.  the agency first released its  care.”q

            Biden administration agrees to provide $6.4 billion to Samsung for

            making computer chips in Texas

            By JOSH BOAK                               propel Texas into a state of the art semi-
            Associated Press                           conductor  ecosystem,”  Commerce  Sec-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  Biden  adminis-  retary Gina Raimondo said on a call with
            tration has reached an agreement to pro-   reporters. “It puts us on track to hit our goal
            vide up to $6.4 billion in direct funding for  of  producing  20%  of  the  world’s  leading
            Samsung  Electronics  to  develop  a  com-  edge chips in the United States by the end
            puter  chip  manufacturing  and  research  of the decade.”
            cluster  in  Texas.  The  funding  announced  Raimondo  said  she  expects  the  project
            Monday  by  the  Commerce  Department  will create at least 17,000 construction jobs
            is part of a total investment in the cluster  and more than 4,500 manufacturing jobs.
            that,  with  private  money,  is  expected  to  Samsung’s  cluster  in  Taylor,  Texas,  would
            exceed  $40  billion.  The  government  sup-  include  two  factories  that  would  make
            port  comes  from  the  CHIPS  and  Science  four- and two-nanometer chips.
            Act, which President Joe Biden signed into  Also, there would be a factory dedicated
            law  in  2022  with  the  goal  of  reviving  the  to research and development, as well as
            production of advanced computer chips  a facility for the packaging that surrounds     The logo of the Samsung Electronics Co. is seen during a media
                                                                                                   tour  at  Samsung  Electronics’  headquarters  in  Suwon,  South
            domestically.  “The  proposed  project  will  chip components.q                        Korea, June 13, 2023.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press
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