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               Saturday 30 december 2023

                                                                      Social media companies made $11

                                                                      billion in U.S. ad revenue from minors,

                                                                      Harvard study finds

                                                                      By BARBARA ORTUTAY and
                                                                      HALELUYA HADERO
                                                                      AP Technology Writers
                                                                      Social  media  companies
                                                                      collectively made over $11
                                                                      billion  in  U.S.  advertising
                                                                      revenue  from  minors  last
                                                                      year, according to a study
                                                                      from the Harvard T.H. Chan
                                                                      School  of  Public  Health
                                                                      published on Wednesday.
                                                                      The  researchers  say  the
                                                                      findings  show  a  need  for
                                                                      government      regulation
                                                                      of  social  media  since  the
                                                                      companies  that  stand  to   This combination of photos shows logos of X, formerly known as
                                                                      make money from children     Twitter, top left; Snapchat, top right; Facebook, bottom left; and
                                                                      who  use  their  platforms   TikTok, bottom right.
                                                                      have failed to meaningful-                                            Associated Press
                                                                      ly  self-regulate.  They  note
                                                                      such  regulations,  as  well   the  data  to  estimate  how   cial incentives to continue
                                                                      greater transparency from    much ad revenue the plat-    to delay taking meaningful
                                                                      tech  companies,  could      forms  earned  from  minors   steps  to  protect  children,”
                                                                      help  alleviate  harms  to   in the U.S.                  said  Bryn  Austin,  a  profes-
                                                                      youth  mental  health  and   Researchers  and  lawmak-    sor  in  the  Department  of
                                                                      curtail  potentially  harmful   ers  have  long  focused  on   Social  and  Behavioral  Sci-
                                                                      advertising  practices  that   the negative effects stem-  ences  at  Harvard  and  a
                                                                      target  children  and  ado-  ming  from  social  media    senior author on the study.
                                                                      lescents.                    platforms,  whose  person-   The  platforms  themselves
                                                                      To  come  up  with  the  rev-  ally-tailored   algorithms   don’t  make  public  how
                                                                      enue  figure,  the  research-  can drive children towards   much  money  they  earn
                                                                      ers  estimated  the  number   excessive  use.  This  year,   from minors.
                                                                      of users under 18 on Face-   lawmakers  in  states  like   Social media platforms are
                                                                      book,  Instagram,  Snap-     New  York  and  Utah  intro-  not  the  first  to  advertise
                                                                      chat,  TikTok,  X  (formerly   duced  or  passed  legisla-  to  children,  and  parents
                                                                      Twitter)  and  YouTube  in   tion that would curb social   and experts have long ex-
                                                                      2022 based on population     media use among kids, cit-   pressed  concerns  about
                                                                      data  from  the  U.S.  Cen-  ing harms to youth mental    marketing  to  kids  online,
                                                                      sus  and  survey  data  from   health and other concerns.  on  television  and  even  in
                                                                      Common  Sense  Media         Meta,  which  owns  Insta-   schools.
                                                                      and Pew Research.            gram  and  Facebook,  is     But  online  ads  can  be  es-
                                                                      They then used data from     also  being  sued  by  doz-  pecially  insidious  because
                                                                      research  firm  eMarketer,   ens  of  states  for  allegedly   they  can  be  targeted  to
                                                                      now  called  Insider  Intel-  contributing to the mental   children and because the
                                                                      ligence,  and  Qustodio,  a   health crisis.              line between ads and the
                                                                      parental  control  app,  to   “Although  social  media    content kids seek out is of-
                                                                      estimate  each  platform’s   platforms  may  claim  that   ten blurry.
                                                                      U.S.  ad  revenue  in  2022   they can self-regulate their   In  a  2020  policy  paper,
                                                                      and  the  time  children     practices  to  reduce  the   the  American  Academy
                                                                      spent  per  day  on  each    harms  to  young  people,    of  Pediatrics  said  children
                                                                      platform.  After  that,  the   they have yet to do so, and   are  “uniquely  vulnerable
                                                                      researchers  said  they  built   our  study  suggests  they   to the persuasive effects of
                                                                      a  simulation  model  using   have  overwhelming  finan-  advertising because of im-
                                                                                                                                mature critical thinking skills
                                                                                                                                and impulse inhibition.”
                                                                                                                                “School-aged      children
                                                                                                                                and  teenagers  may  be
                                                                                                                                able to recognize advertis-
                                                                                                                                ing but often are not able
                                                                                                                                to resist it when it is embed-
                                                                                                                                ded  within  trusted  social
                                                                                                                                networks,  encouraged  by
                                                                                                                                celebrity  influencers,  or
                                                                                                                                delivered next to personal-
                                                                                                                                ized  content,”  the  paper
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