Page 9 - aruba-today-20231230
P. 9

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 30 december 2023

            The Aruba Tourism Authority honors loyal visitors at Divi Dutch Village!

            The Aruba Tourism Authority recently  The honorees were:
            had the great pleasure of recogniz-  Emerald Ambassadors Mr.John & Mrs.
            ing Emerald Ambassadors of Aruba.  Donna Macleod from Massachusetts,
            These Ambassadors were respective-  United States
            ly honored with a certificateacknowl-
            edging their years of visits, loyalty,  Ms. Marouska Heyliger representing
            and love for the island of Aruba.   the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  and
                                                staff members of the Divi Dutch Vil-
            The honor certification is presented  lage bestowed the Emerald Ambas-
            on behalf of the Minister of Tourism as  sador  certificate  to  the  honorees,
            a token of appreciation and to say  presented them with gifts, and also
            “Masha Danki” to guests who have  thankedthem for choosing Aruba as
            visited Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or  their favorite vacation destination,
            more consecutively.                 as their home away from home.

            The three honoring levels are as fol-  Top reasons for returning to Aruba,
            lows:                               provided by the honorees were:
            Distinguished Visitor (10>years con-  Aruba’s great people
            secutively visiting Aruba)          Aruba’s food
            Goodwill  Ambassador  (20>years  Aruba’s nice sandy beaches
            consecutively visiting Aruba)       Aruba’s casinos
            Emerald Ambassador (35>years con-   Aruba’s warm weather
            secutively visiting Aruba)                                              thority, we would like to express our  to the honorees for their continued
                                                On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Au-  sincere gratitude and appreciation  visits to the“One Happy Island”.q

            Visit the natural bridges of Aruba!

            (Oranjestad)—After  you’ve  been a tourist attraction for  length and 7 meters in height,
            visited the Alto Vista Church,  many years.               making it the biggest natu-
            the Bushiribana Gold Mill Ru-                             ral bridge in the Caribbean
            ins and the mini natural pool  The bridge was formed dur-  at the time. For many years,
            that is located right next to  ing thousands of years, cut  this site was also a frequently
            it, you’re next up around the  and  crafted  by  the  wild  visited beach, as the bridge
            northern coast line must be  waves  that  crash  into  the  had a small opening through
            the Natural Bridge. Once the  coral  stone  walls  of  the  which the water would flow
            largest natural bridge in the  coast. Before its collapse, this  into the tiny beach.
            Caribbean, this bridge has  bridge measured 30 meters in
                                                                      Unfortunately  in  2005,  the
                                                                      bridge  collapsed,  and  the   longer is functional, there is  called the “Baby Bridge” or
                                                                      little  beach  dried  up.  De-  now a smaller natural bridge  “Daughter Bridge”.q
                                                                      spite this, this site remained   very close. This bridge is often
                                                                      a  tourist  attraction,  with
                                                                      many visitors walking along
                                                                      the coral cliffs of the bridge
                                                                      to see the spectacular view
                                                                      of the northern coastline and
                                                                      the Caribbean Sea. Visitors
                                                                      can also still visit the souvenir
                                                                      shop on the left of the bridge

                                                                      While the natural bridge no
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