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               Saturday 30 december 2023

            Mexican president inaugurates centralized ‘super pharmacy’ to

            supply medicines to all of Mexico

            By MARIA VERZA                                                                                                      credit,  he  mounted  a  ma-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    jor  effort  to  obtain  COVID
            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexi-                                                                                            vaccines in 2021, using the
            co’s president is inaugurat-                                                                                        armed  forces  to  distribute
            ing a ‘super pharmacy’ in a                                                                                         them  and  volunteers  to
            bid to end the woes of pa-                                                                                          help  apply  them,  and  by
            tients throughout the coun-                                                                                         the  end  of  that  year  just
            try who are often told they                                                                                         about  anybody  in  Mexico
            need  a  specific  medicine                                                                                         who wanted a vaccine got
            but the hospital in question                                                                                        one, for free.
            doesn’t have it.                                                                                                    But  trying  to  replicate  that
            President  Andrés  Manuel                                                                                           model  of  centralized  gov-
            López  Obrador’s  solution                                                                                          ernment  purchasing  and
            was  to  outfit  a  big  ware-                                                                                      army  distribution  on  a  na-
            house  on  the  outskirts  of                                                                                       tional  scale  for  thousands
            Mexico City to centralize a                                                                                         of  medications  is  not  the
            supply and send it to hospi-                                                                                        same,  according  to  Mau-
            tals throughout the country.                                                                                        ricio Rodríguez, a professor
            “The pharmacy is going to                                                                                           at  the  School  of  Medicine
            be  big,  big,  big,  and  it  is                                                                                   at  Mexico’s  National  Au-
            going to have all the medi-                                                                                         tonomous University.
            cations that are used in the                                                                                        “This  is  crazy,”  said  Rodrí-
            heath  system,”  López  Ob-                                                                                         guez,  noting  the  govern-
            rador said Friday.           Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador greets supporters as he arrives to a ceremony   ment  is  opening  the  cen-
            The idea is that a hospital in   to launch a “mega-pharmacy” warehouse in Huehuetoca, Mexico, Friday, Dec. 29, 2023.  tralized warehouse without
            rural Mexico can put in an                                                                         Associated Press   answering  how  the  system
            order for a certain medica-  them, and bad at distribut-  isn’t  any  chemotherapy,  there is no shortage of mor-   will  operate,  especially  for
            tion, which will be stored at   ing them. Extreme central-  treatment  or  medicines,  phine, doctors are advised   urgently-needed  medica-
            the  huge  430,000  square-  ization  also  hasn’t  helped  have  some  empathy  and  to draw a single dose from    tions.  He  noted  that  con-
            foot (40,000 square meter)   Mexico much in the past in  sensitivity.”                 a  vial  and  throw  the  re-  centrating  all  the  drugs
            Mexico  City  warehouse.     many areas.                  The  problems  have  killed  mainder  out.  But  Mexico   at  one  site  increases  risks,
            The  armed  forces,  or  the   The most visible face of this  otherwise  healthy  people.  can’t do that. That has led   and  could  sideline  some
            government-run  pharma-      problem are the parents of  Because  Mexico  has  had  to contamination of the vi-     already-existing distribution
            ceutical  company  Birmex,   children  with  cancer,  who  problems   in   obtaining  als, leading to outbreaks of   systems.
            will then ship the drugs out   frequently  stage  protests  enough  morphine,  anes-   injection-induced   menin-   Many of the problems pre-
            by  land,  sea  or  air  “within   because  they  say  that  in  thesiologists in Mexico have  gitis  in  two  Mexican  states   date  López  Obrador,  who
            24 to 48 hours,” López Ob-   recent  years  chemother-    had  to  carry  around  their  that  have  killed  dozens   took  office  in  late  2018.
            rador pledged.               apy and other drugs have  own  vials  of  the  sedative,  of  people,  some  of  them   For  decades,  there  have
            The  question  is  whether   been impossible to obtain.   drawing    multiple   doses  Americans    who    sought   been  scandals  involving
            Mexico  can  overcome  its   Desperate parents blocked  out of a single vial for rou-  treatment  at  clinics  in  the   of  millions  of  dollars  worth
            history of being bad at reg-  traffic  at  the  Mexico  City  tine  procedures  like  spinal  border  city  of  Matamoros,   of  medicines  going  out-
            ulating  the  pharmaceuti-   airport last year, holding up  blocks during births.      across  from  Brownsville,   of-date   at   warehouses
            cal industry, bad at buying   a  banner  reading:  “There  In the United States, where  Texas.  To  López  Obrador’s   while hospitals couldn’t get
            medicines,  bad  at  storing                                                                                        them.q

             France heightens security for New Year’s Eve, with 90,000 police

             officers to be mobilized

            PARIS  (AP)  —  Security  will  is  happening  in  Israel  and  highlighted  when  a  tourist
            be  tight  across  France  on  Palestine,”  referring  to  the  was killed in a knife attack
            New Year’s Eve, with 90,000  Israel-Hamas war.            near  the  Eiffel  Tower  on
            law  enforcement  officers  Darmanin  said  that  police  Dec. 2. Large-scale attacks
            set  to  be  deployed,  do-  for the first time will be able  such  as  that  at  the  Bata-
            mestic  intelligence  chief  to use drones as part of se-  clan  in  2015,  when  Islamic
            Céline Berthon said Friday.  curity  work,  and  that  tens  extremists invaded the mu-
            Of  those,  6,000  will  be  in  of  thousands  of  firefighters  sic  hall  and  shot  up  cafe
            Paris,  where  French  Inte-  and  5,000  soldiers  would  terraces, killing 130 people
            rior  Minister  Gerald  Dar-  also be deployed.           also loom in memory.
            manin said over 1.5 million  New  Year’s  Eve  celebra-   The knife attack raised con-
            people  are  expected  to  tions in Paris will center on  cern in France and abroad
            attend celebrations on the  the  2024  Paris  Olympic  about  security  for  the
            Champs-Elysees.              Games,  including  DJ  sets,  Games that begin July 26,
            Speaking  at  a  press  con-  fireworks and video projec-  in just under seven months.
            ference, Darmanin cited a  tions  on  the  Arc  de  Triom-  But  law  enforcement  offi-
            “very  high  terrorist  threat”  phe. The security challenge  cials appear eager to show   Riot police officers patrol near the Eiffel Tower Monday, Dec.
                                                                                                   30, 2019 in Paris, two days before New Year’s Day.
            because, in part, of “what  ahead of the Olympics was  off a security-ready Paris.q                                             Associated Press
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