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               Saturday 30 december 2023

            Amid 28-game losing streak, Detroit showed it can compete with

            NBA’s best

            By JIMMY GOLEN                                                                                                      from  1942-45,  have  had  a
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    longer losing streak.
            BOSTON  (AP)  —  Detroit                                                                                            “I’m  not  interested  in  just
            coach  Monty  Williams  has                                                                                         winning  one  more  game
            believed it for a while, and                                                                                        this  year    you  know  what
            now he has proof: The Pis-                                                                                          I  mean?  To  stop  this.  That
            tons  can  compete  with                                                                                            would  be  soft,  in  my  opin-
            anybody in the NBA.                                                                                                 ion,”  Cunningham  said.
            And,  he  can  only  hope,                                                                                          “Our goals are a lot higher
            the  wins  will  come  soon                                                                                         than that. We have what it
            enough.      The    Pistons                                                                                         takes to win a game, that’s
            opened  a  21-point  lead                                                                                           nothing.  But  to  put  games
            over the league-best Celt-                                                                                          together, to find our system,
            ics on Thursday night, forc-                                                                                        find what’s clicking and al-
            ing overtime before Boston                                                                                          low  us  to  sustain  winning.
            pulled out a 128-122 victory                                                                                        That’s all we’re looking for.”
            and sent Detroit to an NBA                                                                                          Kristaps Porzingis had eight
            record-tying  28th  loss  in  a                                                                                     of his season-high 35 points
            row.  “As  bad  as  they  hurt                                                                                      in  a  10-0  run  that  turned
            right now, I hurt for them,”                                                                                        a  four-point  deficit  into  a
            Williams  said.  “But  I  told                                                                                      106-100  Boston  lead  in  the
            them: `If we bring that kind                                                                                        final two minutes of regula-
            of  toughness  and  execu-                                                                                          tion. Jaden Ivey scored six
            tion    minus  the  turnovers     Detroit Pistons forward Bojan Bogdanovic (44) and guard Cade Cunningham (2) return to the   straight  points  for  Detroit
            we’re not just going to win   court during the fourth quarter of the team’s NBA basketball game against the Brooklyn Nets on   to tie it. Then, after Jayson
            one game. We’re going to     Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2023, in Detroit.                                                    Tatum  was  credited  with
            put something together.’”                                                                          Associated Press   a  layup  on  a  replay-con-
            It was the first time all sea-  all these teams were play-  that in my life, going into a  to  2-29  and  matched  the  firmed  goaltending  call,
            son the Pistons led by more  ing  against,”  said  Detroit  basketball game,” he said.  “Trust the Process” Philadel-  Bojan Bogdanovic made a
            than 20 points, and the first  guard Cade Cunningham,  “So every game we should  phia 76ers with the 28 con-        putback on Cunningham’s
            time  they  had  gotten  to  who had 31 points and nine  be able to fight teams and  secutive  losses;  the  Pistons  missed 3 to send it to OT.
            overtime in the two months  assists but missed a poten-   impose our will on them. We  need  a  victory  at  home  Derrick  White  scored  10  of
            since  their  last  win.  Detroit  tial winning 3-pointer at the  did  that  early  on.  We  kind  against  Toronto  on  Satur-  his 23 points in the extra pe-
            has  also  lost  to  Miami  by  end of regulation.        of let go of the rope a little  day  night  to  avoid  break-  riod and Porzingis had six in
            one  point,  Milwaukee  by  “There’s  no  team  that  I’ve  bit in the third quarter. But  ing the NBA record for lon-  the overtime  dunking after
            two and defending cham-      ever  come  across  in  the  there’s a lot of growth, and  gest  losing  streak.In  major  a full-court pass from Tatum
            pion Denver by four points  NBA  where  I  felt  like  I  was  something  we  can  learn  North American sports, only  and  then  sinking  a  pair  of
            this season.                 going  into  a  slaughter-   from and definitely take to  the  NFL’s  Chicago  Cardi-  free throws to make it 125-
            “We’re on the same level as  house.  I’ve  never  felt  like  the next game.” Detroit fell  nals,  who  lost  29  straight  117.q

             Rafael Nadal is trying to be realistic ahead of his 1st tournament in

             a year at Brisbane

             BRISBANE, Australia (AP) —  a lot of pressure on himself  ment in more than a year.   Open  crown  beginning  four-hour final.
             Rafael Nadal is not putting  ahead  of  his  first  tourna-  The  37-year-old  Spanish  Jan. 14 in Melbourne.     Thirteen  years  later,  after
                                                                      lefthander is set to return at  “It’s  impossible  to  think  six months sidelined with a
                                                                      the  Brisbane  International  about   winning   tourna-  foot  injury,  he  came  from
                                                                      next  week  after  almost  a  ments  today,”  he  said.  two  sets  behind  to  beat
                                                                      year  out  with  a  hip  injury.  “What’s  really  possible  is  Daniil  Medvedev  in  the  fi-
                                                                      The 22-time Grand Slam sin-  to  enjoy  the  comeback.  nal.
                                                                      gles champion’s last match  I don’t expect much  one  “I still don’t know,” he said
                                                                      was a second-round loss at  year  without  being  on  the  of  how  he  won  that  2009
                                                                      the Australian Open in Jan-  court.”                     title.  “Before  the  match  it
                                                                      uary, and Nadal eventually  But  he  was  quick  to  men-  was  impossible  to  imag-
                                                                      decided  to  have  surgery  tion  his  Melbourne  Park  ine  myself  winning  that
                                                                      on  his  troublesome  hip  in  wins  when  prompted,  two  match.”
                                                                      June.                        against-the-odds titles won  Nadal  has  said  2024  is
                                                                      Thousands  queued  for  a  in  2009  and  2022  that  set  “probably going to be my
                                                                      glimpse of Nadal on Friday  aside the current world No.  last year on the profession-
                                                                      at  a  fan  appearance  in  672’s low expectations.      al tour.”
                                                                      downtown  Brisbane  when  In 2009 he outlasted coun-     But he said he was encour-
             Rafael Nadal of Spain hits a ball into the crowd during a public   Nadal  was  keen  to  play  tryman Fernando Verdasco  aged by his fitness, confess-
             appearance in the Queen Street Mall ahead of the Brisbane   down the prospect of a ti-  over five hours in the semi-  ing  he  feels  “much  better
             International tennis tournament in Brisbane, Australia, Friday,   tle in the Queensland state  final before beating Roger  than  what  I  expected  a
             Dec. 29, 2023.                                           capital  or a third Australian  Federer two days later in a  month ago.”q
                                                     Associated Press
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