Page 9 - AB
P. 9
LOCAL Saturday 11 November 2023
Enjoy one of the best views on Aruba at the top of the Hooiberg Hill
the side of the hill was first a work out to get on top.
built in 1951, when Mr. Edu- In addition, there is now a
ardo Tromp constructed it. gazebo placed halfway up
At that time, the staircase the stair for a little rest. The
consisted of 900 steps. view at this resting stop is
Over time, as the steps also a sight to see.
faced erosion, the govern- The best time to climb the
ment decided to renovate hill would be early in the
these stairs in 1991. This morning or right before
new project delivered the sunset, as it may not be as
newer staircase with only hot. However, the hill is of
(Oranjestad)—If you are of the best views you can 587 steps. However, don’t course open all day, every
a regular hiker, or may- get on Aruba. be fooled—it may still be day.q
be want to spice up your
morning work out session, located at the center dis-
then you might enjoy one trict of the island, Santa
of the most popular climb- Cruz, the Hooiberg Hill is
ing sites on the island: The the second highest point
Hooiberg Hill. Accompa- on the island at 165 meters
nied with a 600-step stair- above sea level (or about
case, this hill overlooks a 540 feet above sea level).
great part of the island, the The highest point is Ja-
Caribbean sea, and some- manota Hill at 189 meters
times even the Santa Anna (620 feet), located in the
mountain located in the Arikok National Park.
coastal state of Falcon in
Venezuela, providing one The staircase that run on
Ayo & Casibari: Aruba’s famous rock formations
(Oranjestad)—The Ayo and Casibari Rock For- lay on top or lean on each other. The best as-
mations are known locally as one of the cru- pect of the Casibari Rock Formation is the ac-
cial sites to have in your “off-road” trip itinerary. companying view when you climb up the top of
These naturally formed rock formations as just the round, flat bolder. For this position, you can
one of the few places on the island that hold a see the majority of the island and the ocean in
rich history of our culture and of our ancestors. the south. Right in front of the entrance, there
is the Casibari Café and Grill, a great place to
Ayo get refreshments and snack before continuing
The Ayo Rock Formation is located in the north- your off-road adventure!
ern part of the island, right on the road that
leads you to the Black Stone Beach, and close is situated farther away from the busier parts of Both sites are open free to the public, 24 hours a
to the Natural Bridge. The Ayo is a fenced ter- the island. However, this is just another charm day. However, unless you are taking a trip with
rain that consists of several giant boulders, rest- of the site: the quiet area and the refreshing a professional tour guide, there are no guides
ing neatly on top of or side by side each other, breeze offer a sense of comfort and peace. at the sites to help you climb the rock. So, do
adding gorgeous natural architecture to the be careful when trudging on the boulders, and
surrounding “mondi”*. This is also one of the few Casibari make sure to befriend any roaming goats you
sites to contain prehistoric markings of our indig- Probably the busier rock formation site, the see along the way!
enous ancestors. The Ayo Rock formation con- Casibari is situated more in the center of the
tains stairs that lead you to the top of the high- island, much closer—and more accessible—to *Mondi: what we call our Aruban wilderness.
est boulder, offering a breath-taking view of the the general public. Just like Ayo, Casibari is a We don’t have forests, or deserts, but we do
Aruban backyard. The Ayo is usually quiet, as it fenced area containing several boulders that have mondi! q