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20 AWEMainta .com Diaranson, 15 September 2021
'Inefficient' EU system for deporting migrants
'encourages illegal migration', audit says
In this Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020, file photo, refugees and migrants sleep on a street near the destroyed
Moria camp following a fire, on Lesbos island, Greece. - Copyright AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris, File
Inefficiencies in the European Union's system for Chief auditor Leo Brincat told reporters that
returning illegal migrants to their countries of origin "effective" deportations are an "essential part of a
have the opposite effect to that intended, according comprehensive migratory policy".
to a special auditors report.
"Nevertheless, the current EU returns system suffers
Instead of putting people off from making the
journey to Europe, they are actually encouraged to greatly from inefficiencies that lead to the opposite
do so, according to the European Court of Auditors of the intended effect: encouraging, rather than
(ECA). discouraging, illegal migration," he added.
In the report published on Monday, the ECA said that The report noted the EU is divided over whether to
of around 500,000 people who have been ordered use coercive measures like withholding development
to leave the EU since 2008, only 29% were finally aid or sanctions or employ political and economic
deported. But just 19% -– barely one in five –- who incentives to encourage other nations to cooperate
entered from outside continental Europe have been on migrant management.
sent back.
@euronews @@BBCWorld @cnni
Haiti PM Ariel Henry Former Presidents
banned from leaving country Bill Clinton, George W. Bush
It’s special coverage focused amid investigation into his alleged and Barack Obama — along
on electric vehicles and involvement in the assassination with former first ladies
of President Jovenel Moïse
other transport that can help Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush
and Michelle Obama — are
meet the EU's bid to become teaming up to aid in a massive,
carbon neutral by 2050. bipartisan effort to welcome
and support Afghan refugees.