Page 24 - awem
P. 24
24 AWEMainta Diamars, 22 September 2015
YES Aruba ta presenta ideanan necesario. John a lanta un start up cu a jega
su prome international E ideanan cu Roy $100 million dollar na entrada den
speaker pa nan Sustainable van’t Veer lo ta menos cu 8 aña.
compartiendo tin E evento aki no lo por tabata
posibel sin e cooperacion di Antilla
hopi potencial y Energy y Wernet Solar Solution,
t’esnan cu e mes no cu ta dos compania na Aruba
cu tin experiencia den e tereno
Business Ideas event por realisa ya cu e di sustainability. Hunto cu YES
ta 100% concentra Aruba a dicidi pa organisa e evento
aki p’e publico di Aruba pa por
den su mes un intercambia ideanan sostenibel cu
otro. Un otro partner di YES Aruba
business. Despues p’e evento aki ta Universidad di
Aruba, caminda e evento aki lo
cu Roy van’t Veer tuma lugar.
MANERA ya ta conoci caba, anochi lo ta Roy van’t Veer. Rib’e presenta tur su ideanan, nos lo
E evento aki lo ta dia 30 di
YES Aruba su eventonan ta uno anochi aki por spera 2 orador continua cu John Loewen cu lo september, desde18:30 y entrada
lo ta gratis. E evento ta bay ta un
caminda 2 of 3 orador ta duna sumamente interesante y cu varios comparti con pa hasi di e mihor di YES Aruba su evento nan di mas
grandi y pa mes motivo ta pidi pa
presentacion rib’un topico y asina oportunidad pa hasi pregunta ideanan un realidad. registra di trempan mirando cu
cupo ta
hunto cu e publico ta intercambia y comparti ideanan cu otro. E lo menciona cua stapnan ta
ideanan y por forma un network Tambe lo tin oportunidad pa crea necesario y cua risiconan tin. John
na final di e evento. networking na final di e evento. Loewen ta VP of Operations na
E biaha aki YES Aruba a dicidi Methes Energies Incna Canada.
di bay un stap mas leeuw y a Roy van’t Veer lo ta compartiendo John tin experiencia extensivo den
introduci un orador international, varios ideanan pa cu negoshi e ramo di engineering, technology
cual ta John Loewen, pa bin papia sostenibel, pa asina aporta y finance cual a yuda den e
n’e evento: Sustainable Business n’esnan cu lo kier cuminsa cu un lansamento di Methes Energies
Ideas. E otro orador local di e Sustainable Business pero no tin e Inc. Dor di su talento y experiencia
Guilder in a sweat He would then take off his but there was no one sitting in
sweat stained hat and dip the old rocking chair.
stained hat Grandpa, Grandpa she would
his hand into it, to retrieve a still shout, hoping to get an
By: Roland Peterson guilder (florin) answer from within the house.
for me. But there was no answer. She
then took up the sweat stained
FOR six years this ritual took He would then extend his With that bashful smile on hat from the rocking chair,
his face and trembling hands and smelled it, it smelled like
place. As the car stopped in front trembling hands to accept my he would say “that is for all There was a guilder (florin) in
it. Three more years this took
of the house. She would run up report card. the hard learning.” Then she place. Today I have ten (10)
loose guilders in my purse that I
the steps to the old man sitting in He would press the report card would run into the house to let will never spend.
the rocking chair. to his lips and with a feeble voice Grandma see her report card.
“Grandpa, Grandpa, she would “That’s my angel, That’s my On the seventh year when the
shout:” I did it again.” angel. car stopped, she ran up the stairs,