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            Wednesday 11 september 2024

            Jon Stewart presses for a breakthrough to get the first 9/11 troops full care

                                                                                                   clear  fusion  specialist  and  who  spoke  on  the  condi-
            Continued from Front                                                                   president of the Institute for  tion of anonymity to discuss
                                                                                                   Energy  and  Environmental  the private meeting.
            Troops  found  clumps  of                                                              Research.                    The  veterans  don't  under-
            yellow  powder  scattered                                                              Radiation  exposure  from  stand why U.S. agencies will
            near  bunkers  where  Soviet                                                           uranium    can    damage  not  officially  acknowledge
            troops  had  stored  missiles.                                                         kidneys,  create  a  risk  for  the   radiation   exposure,
            Testing showed it was radio-                                                           bone  cancer  and  affect  particularly  because  it's
            active uranium, according                                                              pregnancies, among other  been  reported  in  agency
            to a declassified November                                                             harmful effects, said Makhi-  documents.
            2001  Defense  Department                                                              jani, who previously worked  "They're   clearly   weirdly
            assessment.                                                                            with  veterans  sickened  by  sensitive  about  this  place,"
            In  the  years  since,  thou-                                                          radiation  at  the  Bikini  Atoll  Stewart said.
            sands of K2 veterans have                                                              during  nuclear  weapons  Congress      obtained    de-
            reported  cancers,  kidney                                                             tests in the 1940s.          tailed  environmental  as-
            problems  and  other  medi-                                                            The  VA  does  not  have  sessments of the base and
            cal  conditions,  some  of                                                             statistics  on  how  many  of  reams  of  data  from  the
            which  are  known  to  be    Jon Stewart takes part in an interview outside the Department of   the  15,000-plus  troops  de-  Pentagon  and  made  it
            connected  to  radiation     Veterans Affairs, July 26, 2024 in Washington.   Associated Press  ployed  at  K2  got  sick.  The  public  four  years  ago  in  a
            exposure.   But   exposure                                                             veterans   grassroots   or-  bipartisan effort to get the
            from K2 is not covered un-   uranium  but  rather  an  en-  priority."                 ganization  has  contacted  K2 veterans' toxic exposure
            der  a  major  veterans  aid  riched  product,"  the  now-  VA  spokesman  Terrence  about  5,000  of  them,  and  recognized.  Rep.  Stephen
            bill known as the PACT Act  declassified report found.    Hayes  said  in  a  statement  more  than  1,500  reported  Lynch,  D-Mass.,  and  Rep.
            that  President  Joe  Biden  Despite  those  records,  the  that  since  the  passage  of  serious medical conditions,  Mark  Green,  R-Tenn.,  re-
            signed in 2022.              Defense  Department  has  the PACT Act almost 12,000  including  cancers,  kidney  cently  announced  new
            "K2  veterans  were  the  tip  not  officially  identified  the  K2  veterans  have  been  and bone problems, repro-  legislation to that end.
            of the spear. They were the  base  as  a  location  where  approved  for  at  least  one  ductive issues and birth de-  In response to multiple que-
            first group deployed in the  radiation  exposure  took  service-related    condition  fects.                        ries  by  the  AP,  officials  at
            war on terror, and they are  place.  And  the  Depart-    and have received an av-     U.S.  forces  left  the  base  in  the  White  House,  VA  and
            still  on  a  lazy  Susan  of  bu-  ment  of  Veterans  Affairs  erage  yearly  payment  of  2005. Since then, Uzbekistan  Defense Department have
            reaucratic nonsense, keep-   has  not  added  it  to  the  $30,871  to  compensate  has taken on a greater role  pointed  to  other  aspects
            ing  them  from  getting  the  presumptive    conditions  them  for  the  disabilities  in  regional  counterterror-  of  expanded  care  for  K2
            benefits  and  health  care  troops  experienced  there.  they now have.               ism efforts, particularly after  veterans  —  both  from  the
            that  they  earned,"  Stew-  The White House has said it  But  K2  veterans  have  also  the  U.S.  lost  its  foothold  in  PACT Act and supplemen-
            art said in an interview this  remains a priority for Biden,  died waiting for the Penta-  Afghanistan after the 2021  tal  care  that  the  VA  an-
            week  with  The  Associated  but  has  deferred  to  the  gon and the VA to recog-     withdrawal.                  nounced  last  month  add-
            Press.                       agencies,  which  say  more  nize  their  radiation-related  Just  over  a  dozen  U.S.  ing  more  conditions  that
            Stewart is pressing the Biden  information is needed.     illness  claims,  and  further  troops have been regularly  they face.
            administration for changes  "President  Biden  believes  studies and reviews just pro-  deployed  to  Uzbekistan  When  it  comes  to  the  ra-
            to  get  the  K2  veterans  ful-  veterans  harmed  by  toxic  long the process, said Matt  over the last few years, ac-  diation  exposure,  the  gov-
            ly  covered  and  he  called  exposures  while  they  were  Erpelding, who leads the K2  cording to Pentagon data.  ernment  refers  to  a  Johns
            into  a  meeting  Monday  stationed  at  K2  should  veterans  group  Stronghold  Uzbek  Gen.  Maj.  Shukhrat  Hopkins study on depleted
            between veterans and the  have access to the benefits  Freedom Foundation.             Khalmukhamedov        met  uranium  impact  on  vet-
            Defense  Department's  as-   they earned and deserve,"  "It needs to get done now,"  with Gen. CQ Brown, chair-     erans  that  won't  be  com-
            sistant  secretary  for  health  White  House  spokesperson  said  Erpelding,  who  de-  man  of  the  Joint  Chiefs  of  plete  until  2031,  the  30th
            affairs.                     Kelly  Scully  said  in  a  state-  ployed to K2 as a C-130 pi-  Staff,  at  the  Pentagon  on  anniversary of the attacks.
            A  2001  Army  health  team  ment to the AP.              lot in December 2001.        Monday  to  discuss  shared  "Because DOD, and by ex-
            site  assessment  found  ura-  The  Pentagon  also  said  Based  on  a  review  of  the  efforts  to  defeat  the  Is-  tension the VA, do not ac-
            nium  littered  around  K2  in  in  a  statement  it  "remains  declassified K2 data, radia-  lamic State group and "Uz-  knowledge it was there, it is
            "pellets, discrete pockets of  committed  to  thoroughly  tion levels  documented at  bekistan's desire to develop  a sticking point for every K2
            yellow  residue,  and  finely  reviewing  all  information  K2  in  2001  were  as  much  a strategic partnership with  bill or rule and was left out
            distributed  throughout  the  related to K2" and that "en-  as 40,000 times what would  the  U.S.,"  a  readout  from  of  the  PACT  Act  because
            soil."                       suring the health and safe-  have registered if the urani-  Brown's office said.       it   was   nonnegotiable,"
            "Testing to date implies that  ty  of  our  service  members  um was naturally occurring,  K2  did  not  come  up,  ac-  K2  veteran  Mark  Jackson
            the uranium is not depleted  and veterans remains a top  said Arjun Makhijani, a nu-   cording  to  a  U.S.  official  said.q
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