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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 11 september 2024
            Speaker Johnson pushes ahead on funding bill with proof of

            citizenship mandate despite dim prospects

            By KEVIN FREKING                                                                                                    ing, and the shiny object at-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tached to it will be dropped
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                                                          like  a  hot  potato  before
            House Speaker Mike John-                                                                                            passage," Massie said.
            son  vowed  Tuesday  to                                                                                             Republicans  can  afford  to
            press ahead with requiring                                                                                          lose  only  four  votes  from
            proof of citizenship for new                                                                                        their  ranks  if  every  Demo-
            voters  as  part  of  a  bill  to                                                                                   crat votes against the bill.
            avoid a partial government                                                                                          Republican     presidential
            shutdown  in  three  weeks,                                                                                         nominee Donald Trump on
            though  the  measure  ap-                                                                                           Tuesday seemingly encour-
            peared  likely  to  be  voted                                                                                       aged  a  government  shut-
            down.                                                                                                               down if Republicans in the
            Democrats      overwhelm-                                                                                           House  and  Senate  "don't
            ingly oppose the measure.                                                                                           get assurances on Election
            Enough  Republicans  were                                                                                           Security." He said on the so-
            also  coming  out  against                                                                                          cial  media  platform  Truth
            the bill, though for different                                                                                      Social that they should not
            reasons,  that  its  prospects                                                                                      go forward with a continu-
            of  passing  the  House  ap-                                                                                        ing resolution without such
            peared dim. Even if it does   House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., talks to reporters as he arrives at the Capitol in Washington,   assurances.
            pass the House on Wednes-    Monday, Sept. 9, 2024.                                                                 Senate  Republican  lead-
            day,  the  bill  would  go  no-                                                                    Associated Press  er  Mitch  McConnell  dis-
            where in the Senate.         verify  voters'  eligibility  and   said on X that the continu-  to Americans' intelligence."  agreed when asked about
            Johnson  said  the  issue  of  maintain  accurate  voter   ing resolution was "an insult  "The CR doesn't cut spend-  Trump's post.q
            election  security  is  too  rolls.
            critical  to  ignore,  though  "Is  it  any  surprise  that  the
            research  has  shown  that  speaker's  purely  partisan
            voting by non-citizens is ex-  CR seems to be running into
            tremely  rare.  It's  also  clear  trouble?"  Senate  Major-
            that Republicans see value  ity Leader Chuck Schumer
            in making House Democrats  said,    using   Washington
            take another vote on the is-  parlance for the short-term
            sue. The House approved a  continuing resolution need-
            bill with the proof of citizen-  ed to prevent a shutdown.
            ship mandate back in July    "The  answer  is  very  simple.
            "If  you  have  a  few  thou-  The House should stop wast-
            sand  illegals  participate  in  ing time on a CR proposal
            the  election  in  the  wrong  that cannot become law."
            place, you can change the  Schumer  called  on  John-
            makeup  of  Congress  and  son  to  consult  with  Demo-
            you  can  affect  the  presi-  cratic  leaders  and  the
            dential  election,"  Johnson  White  House  on  a  biparti-
            said. "The American people  san package that can pass
            understand that."            both chambers.
            The first test for the stopgap  A  few  House  Republicans
            spending  bill  came  Tues-  have also come out against
            day  with  a  209-206  vote  the bill. Some won't vote for
            that kept it moving ahead.  any  continuing  resolution.
            But some Republicans who  They  want  Congress  to  re-
            have said they will oppose  turn  to  passing  the  dozen
            the bill on final passage al-  annual  appropriations  bills
            lowed it to proceed.         individually. Others say the
            The measure includes a six-  continuing resolution funds
            month extension of federal  programs  at  levels  they
            funding  to  keep  agencies  consider  inappropriate  at
            and  programs  operating  a  time  of  nearly  $2  trillion
            through March 28.            annual deficits.
            But  Democrats  want  a  "I'm a firm no on bankrupt-
            shorter-term  extension  so  ing  the  nation  and  a  yes
            that  the  current  Congress  on  election  integrity,"  said
            will  set  full-year  spending  Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., in an-
            levels  for  fiscal  year  2025  nouncing his opposition.
            rather  than  the  next  presi-  Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn.,
            dent  and  Congress.  They  said Republican leadership
            also want the proof of citi-  was asking him to vote for
            zenship  mandate  stripped  what  he  called  "a  Nancy
            out  of  the  bill,  saying  it's  Pelosi-Schumer budget."
            unnecessary       because  "I  just  think  that's  a  bad
            states already have effec-   idea," Burchett said.
            tive safeguards in place to  Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky.,
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