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            Wednesday 11 september 2024

            LIV Casino at Barceló Aruba Introduces Exciting New Baccarat

            Electronic Table Games!

            Oranjestad,  Aruba  –  LIV
            Casino at Barceló Aruba is
            excited  to  announce  the
            launch  of  our  brand-new
            Baccarat  electronic  table
            games!  This  exciting  addi-
            tion  brings  a  modern  twist
            to the classic game, offer-
            ing a unique and engaging
            experience for all players.

            We  warmly  invite  the  lo-
            cal  Asian  community  and
            all  gaming  enthusiasts  to
            come  and  try  out  these
            state-of-the-art   Baccarat
            tables.  Whether  you’re  an
            experienced player or new
            to the game, our Baccarat
            electronic  tables  promise
            endless  excitement  and
            the chance to win big!

            Join  us  at  LIV  Casino  and
            be among the first to expe-
            rience  this  innovative  way
            to play Baccarat in Aruba.

            For  more  information,  visit
            us  at  LIV  Casino,  Barceló

            Ever heard of the cah’i orgel?
            A key instrument in Aruban folklore music

            (Oranjestad)—The cah’i orgel mu-    After  that,  Sprock  made  his  own  recognized from the start that the
            sic box is an important and unique  cah’i  orgel  “Josefina”,  and  suc-  cah’i  orgel  is  an  instrument  that
            instrument that is used on the ABC  cessfully  debuted  it  on  the  streets  needs preserving.
            islands in the Dutch Caribbean. This  of Barquisimeto. Back in Curacao,
            instrument is a staple in our folklore  he started his own cah’i orgel busi-  As mentioned, the cah’i orgel is a
            music,  and  its  significance  in  the  ness along with his brother Luis. In  music box. made from mahogany
            traditions of Aruba has and contin-  Aruba, it is said that the cah’i orgel  wood, it contains a cylinder with a
            ues  to  bring  together  the  old  and  was  introduced  by  Rufo  Wever,  maximum  of  eight  music  pieces.
            young.                              who  later  in  his  career  became  By  rotating  the  lever  on  the  front
                                                one of the composers for the Aru-   side of the box, the cah’i orgel pro-
            The origin of the cah’i orgel is said  ban national anthem.             duces music similar to that of a pi-
            to have come from Europe around                                         ano, and is accompanied often by
            150  years  ago.  A  cross  breed  be-  Rufo Wever was a young musician  someone else playing the “wiri”, a   tumba, mazurka and more.
            tween  the  barrel  piano  and  the  in  1937  when  he  established  his  percussion instrument made out of
            organ,  the  most  popular  stories  own cah’i orgel business on the is-  steel and reminiscent to the Span-  Fun  fact:  another  name  for  the
            said  that  the  instrument  came  land. Before that he experimented  ish guiro. Back then, you would of-   cah’i orgel is the “tingilingi box.”q
            from  either  England  or  Germany,  with his uncle’s cah’i orgel, and he  ten also find someone playing the   Source: “E Cilinder Magico entre
            but  made  its  way  to  Italy  down  over the years he learned to build  triangle  alongside  the  cah’i  orgel   Aruba y Curaçao” by Marilyn Alcalá-
            to  Venezuela,  where  in  1881,  Mr.  and repair the instrument. In fact,  and wiri. In Aruba, the cah’i orgel   Wallé, Herta Parabirsing-Balentina and
            Horatio  Sprock  (1866-1949)  from  he was incredibly skilled in this, and  and wiri is used for traditional music   Nidia Rosaria-Wallé.
            Curacao was first introduced to it.  he  was  one  of  the  few  to  have  genres, such as the Aruban waltz,
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