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LOCAL Wednesday 11 september 2024
Casa del Mar Beach Resort – Your own piece of Aruba, a hidden gem
History with breathtaking oceanfront, se-
If you have been a regular visi- rene garden-side, and vibrant pool
tor to Aruba since the 1970’s, you views. Members and guests enjoy
probably recall the Sun Develop- the flexibility of exchanging their
ment group, who at that time were suite for points to use at various lo-
ahead of the times in introduc- cations worldwide, year-round ac-
ing timeshare to Aruba and using cess to the stunning property, and
the latest construction techniques numerous additional benefits.
around the island. Casa del Mar Beach Resort offers
As pioneers in Aruba’s tourism in- some of the lowest maintenance
dustry, Sun Development opened fees on the island and provides
the doors of Casa del Mar Beach the opportunity to purchase a pre-
Resort Phase I in October 1986. ferred week and suite type. This
The two-bedroom Presidential purchase guarantees lifelong own-
suites were introduced and well ership that can be passed down to
received. As Aruba’s tourism be- future generations.
gan to take off, Sun Development Schedule a brief tour without any
led the way. With Phase I sold out further obligation with their Sales
and demand for more inventory Agent during your current vaca-
increasing almost daily, the sec- tion and receive a free day pass in
ond phase of Casa del Mar Beach Beach Side Restaurant, Santos their own kids here to experience return with a welcome drink from
Resort was announced in July 1987 Coffee with Soul, Clinical Massage the resort and people of this beau- Matthews Beach Side Restaurant
and opened in January 1989, with Spa, Thrifty Car Rental, Island Tren- tiful island. while overlooking the beach.
many existing members buying or dz, and a recently renovated pick-
upgrading suites in Phase II. leball and tennis court. Members Buying “Your own piece of Aruba” For more information, visit their
In 1989, a separate building, the and guests can enjoy two pool Casa del Mar Beach Resort offers website at www.casadelmara-
Ambassador Building, was con- areas, a mini-market, and Pelican an impressive array of accommo-, where you can find ev-
structed across the street, adding Adventures with in-house con- dations, from one-bedroom suites erything you need to explore "Your
40 additional one-bedroom suites cierge services, as well as many to renovated two-bedroom suites own piece of Aruba." q
to Casa del Mar Beach Resort. To- activities for all ages. The resort is
day, the resort consists of 147 well- also surrounded by multiple fine
appointed suites in total. dining restaurants, all within walk-
ing distance. The suites are spa-
The resort cious and luxurious, accommodat-
Casa del Mar Beach Resort is ing families of
where a world-famous white sandy four to six people, depending on
beach meets the clear blue Ca- the suite type. These suites are
ribbean waters. Whether you are available to both transient guests
looking for a romantic getaway and through lifelong ownership via
or a fun-filled family vacation with timeshare purchase.
water sports and activities, Casa
del Mar Beach Resort has it all. What to expect
Located on Eagle Beach, ranked Experience all that Casa del Mar
among the top 10 beaches in the Beach Resort has to offer by book-
world, this resort offers a truly unfor- ing your next stay with them. You
gettable experience. Their recently will enjoy a warm and welcoming
renovated suites provide you with Caribbean ambience, with a staff
a private and luxurious retreat, al- always ready to assist with any-
lowing you to enjoy "Your own thing you need. Many still come to
piece of Aruba." the island with their families or have
The resort offers a variety of on- handed their timeshare down to
property amenities and conces- the next generation, who grew up
sionaires, including Matthews loving Aruba and continue to bring