Page 9 - MIN TTC 9 MAART 2016
P. 9
Wednesday 9 March 2016
Come Celebrate Aruba’s National Colors and Sounds…
Renaissance Marketplace Joins Huge Anniversary Party for Flag & Anthem Day
ORANJESTAD – No better
date to immerse yourself in
the Aruban culture,
than on a national holiday
and the upcoming Flag &
Anthem Day is going to be
a particularly special one.
This year, the island is cele-
brating its 30th anniversary
of “Status Aparte” within
the Dutch Kingdom and
also the 40th anniversary
of its own national flag and
On March 18th 2016 the
whole island will erupt in
solemn and colorful cel-
ebrations and you can be
part of it too right at the
Renaissance Marketplace.
Only for this day, all restau-
rants will be showcasing
a special creole menu or
from the Rosea Cultural. pared to the little ones in
This group will be perform- the family,
ing some of the most tradi- so they can feel part of the
tional dances like the waltz celebration too.
and the mazurca. So remember that on Fri-
Local arts and crafts will be day,
at hand so you have a sou- March 18th, 2016 the place
venir to remember this spe- to celebrate Aruba’s Na-
cial event by, tional Flag & Anthem Day
as well as a special Aruban is at Renaissance Market-
photo booth where fami- place.
lies have the opportunity For more details about this
to snap a unique image celebration and every-
to share with family and thing about the mall, be
friends. sure to follow Renaissance
As usual, Renaissance Mar- Marketplace on its Face-
ketplace will have many book page.
entertaining surprises pre-
will give its regular menu a and feet surrender to the
touch of the local flavors. rhythm of one of the best
There will be special prices local bands,
or promotions, Robert Jeand’or& Su Solo
so be sure to check out all Banda Show together with
the wonderful restaurants the catching sounds of
and cafés at the Renais- Youth Extreme, as well as
sance Marketplace. Amy Sorinio.
Everything starts at 7 pm This eclectic music combi-
so it’s the perfect time to nation will be performing at
have dinner and/or drinks different locations through-
with friends. out the mall.
And while you feast your If you want to experience
palate with the best that the true folklore of Aruba,
our culinary traditions it doesn’t get more au-
have to offer, let your ears thentic than the dancers