Page 13 - HOH
P. 13
local Thursday 6 July 2023
The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history
(Oranjestad)—The Bushiri- sioned by the Dutch West ing for more gold. About 25
bana Gold Mill Ruins is one India Company. Under the pounds worth was found.
of the most visited places leadership of Mr. Paulus
by tourists on the island, Printz, a three-year search At the same time, the Aru-
as it lies along the north- was conducted on Aruba, ban government took im-
ern coast line near the mini to no avail. Though they mediate actions, and in-
pool and on the way to the found some gold, it was formed Curacao that gold
Natural Bridge. Despite its enough to motivate a fur- was found. At first, every-
seemingly plain appear- ther search, and the assign- one could look for gold,
ance, this ruin represents ment was discontinued by as long as they sold it to
one of the most important Printz himself. the government. However,
histories of the island: The after some time, the gov-
Aruban Gold Rush. It wasn’t until 100 years lat- ernment decided to im-
er, in 1824, when a young plement stricter rules and was no different, but used the Bushiribana Gold Mill.
Built in 1872 by English com- boy found a lump of gold banned local search par- a unique method that in-
pany Aruba Island Gold while out herding his fa- ties. volved grinding the rocks The gold mill itself had a
Mining Company Ltd, the ther’s sheep. His father took and letting the dust be short life-span: only 10 years
gold mill at Bushiribana it to a local merchant who Over the years, concession- blown away by the strong in service, but its structure
was constructed in the then sold the lump for $70. holding had seen different northeast wind, leaving remained relatively solid till
area where most gold was Unbeknownst to the boy companies from around clumps of gold behind. The this day, and is now a his-
found by locals. The story and his father, they quite the world, all of which used next step was melting the torical remnant. q
of gold on Aruba actually literally struck gold, and primitive methods to dig gold and letting it attach
dates back to 1725, when as word got out, a gold and carve out gold from to quicksilver in order to Sources: Etnia Nativa & gold-
a first exploration for gold fever spread among the the rocks. Aruba Island obtain pure gold. All these
on the island was commis- locals who started search- Gold Mining Company Ltd. processes were done at
Blackstone Beach
curi Beach. There, you can park
your car and take a 1km hike to-
wards Blackstone Beach.
This beach forms part of the Arikok
National Park and is therefore a
site that is preserved. This is why it is
also relatively untouched by com-
mercial influences.
Despite being called a beach, do
note that it is not advised to swim
in the water, as the current is very
strong and can easily stray you fur-
ther in the wild ocean. However,
you can still enjoy a spectacular
view of the stones and the northern
ocean that stretches out in front of
(Oranjestad)—Named after its Blackstone Beach is relatively easy the Ayo Rock Formation, take the the beach and take a picture with
most recognizable feature, the to access. Once you get passed Andicuri road leading up to Andi- your friends or family! q
Blackstone Beach almost rep-
resents the opposite of the typi-
cal Aruban beaches. For one, it
has black sand and is covered in
black smooth stones. Secondly, it
lies on the northern side of the is-
land, away from the white sandy
beaches of in the southern region.
So, if you feel up for something dif-
ferent—or if it’s opposite day, visit
the Blackstone Beach.
Blackstone Beach shows the more
natural side of Aruba: the stones
that cover the beaches and the
shape of it has been crafted for
thousand years via volcanic erup-
tions, coral reef movements and
wave activity of the rural northern
part of the island.
Located further east to the Natu-
ral Bridge and Andicuri Beach, the