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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Diaranson 7 september 2022

                            Memphis police ID body of abducted jogger Eliza Fletcher

            (AP) — Police in Tennes-                                                                                            said.  Abston  previously  kid-
            see said Tuesday they had                                                                                           napped  a  prominent  Mem-
            found the body of a Mem-                                                                                            phis  attorney  in  2000  when
            phis  woman  abducted                                                                                               he was just 16 years old. He
            during  a  pre-dawn  run,                                                                                           spent  20  years  in  prison  for
            confirming fears that Eli-                                                                                          that crime, but he had been
            za Fletcher was killed af-                                                                                          sentenced to 24. Some prom-
            ter she was forced into an                                                                                          inent Tennessee Republicans
            SUV on Friday morning.                                                                                              on Tuesday were quick to ar-
                                                                                                                                gue  that  had  Abston  served
            The  news  followed  an  ex-                                                                                        his  full  sentence,  Fletcher
            haustive  search  throughout                                                                                        would still be alive.
            the long weekend with dogs,
            ATVs  and  a  helicopter  in  a                                                                                     The  statute  requires  serving
            case that has drawn national                                                                                        entire  sentences  for  various
            media attention and is already                                                                                      felonies, including attempted
            becoming  a  source  of  parti-                                                                                     first-degree  murder,  vehicu-
            san controversy over criminal                                                                                       lar  homicide  resulting  from
            sentencing and parole.                                                                                              the  driver's  intoxication  and
            U.S. Marshals arrested Cleo-
            tha  Abston,  38,  on  Satur-                                                                                       Fletcher is the granddaughter
            day  after  police  detected  his                                                                                   of the late Joseph Orgill III,
            DNA  on  a  pair  of  sandals                                                                                       a  Memphis  hardware  busi-
            found near to where Fletcher  20  years  for  a  previous  kid-  ford bond and he could not  gation to determine how and  nessman  and  philanthropist.
            was  last  seen,  according  to  napping. On Tuesday morn-  afford a lawyer. General Ses-  where  Fletcher  was  killed.  Her case is the latest that re-
            an arrest affidavit. Police did  ing,  he  made  his  first  court  sions  Judge  Louis  Montesi  Davis  said  the  body  was  inforces the fears of many fe-
            not find Fletcher's body until  appearance  on  charges  of  appointed  a  public  defender  found  behind  a  vacant  du-  male athletes when it comes
            just after 5 p.m. on Monday  kidnapping,  tampering  with  to represent Abston.        plex.  A  police  affidavit  said  to working out alone, at night
            and did not publicly confirm  evidence, theft, identity theft,                         officers noticed vehicle tracks  or in secluded places. Crime
            that  the  body  was  Fletcher's  and fraudulent use of a credit  Court   records   showed  next to the duplex's driveway,  statistics show these types of
            until Tuesday morning. The  card.                         Abston also has been charged  and they "smelled an odor of  attacks  are  exceedingly  rare.
            34-year-old  Fletcher  was  a                             with  first-degree  murder.  decay."                      Women  out  for  a  run  face
            school teacher and the grand-  Several  of  Fletcher's  rela-  He is scheduled to appear in                         much  greater  dangers  from
            daughter  of  a  prominent  tives were in the courtroom  court again Wednesday.        Purple running shorts whose  traffic. But the fear they in-
            Memphis businessman.         along  with  more  than  20                               appearance  was  consistent  spire  is  real,  as  are  smaller-
                                         media  members  as  Abston  Memphis  Police  Director  with those Fletcher was wear-   scale episodes of harassment
            Abston  was  released  from  was issued a $510,000 bond.  Cerelyn  "CJ"  Davis  said  it  ing were found in a discarded  or  assaults  on  women,  even
            prison  in  2020  after  serving  Abston said he could not af-  was too early in the investi-  trash bag nearby, the affidavit  in well-populated areas.

                           Uvalde students go back to school for 1st time since attack

            (AP) — Students in Uval-     though  a  timeline  has  not  en  state  troopers  on  Uvalde  school,  while  others  pulled  school  board  fired  district
            de  went  back  to  school  been  set.  Fundraising  is  un-  campuses.  But  that  was  of  their  kids  out  of  the  district  police Chief Pete Arredondo,
            Tuesday for the first time  derway  for  the  construction  no  comfort  to  some  fami-  and enrolled them in private  who McCraw and the House
            since  a  gunman  killed  19  of a new elementary campus.  lies since more than 90 state  schools.  One  teacher  who  report  accused  of  failing  to
            children and two teachers                                 troopers were present during  was shot in the abdomen and  take control of the scene and
            in a classroom attack that  Teachers  hugged  students  the attack.                    survived, Elsa Avila, is still re-  wasting time by looking for a
            shocked  the  country  and  climbing  out  of  cars  in  the                           covering.                    key for a classroom door that
            helped  fuel  passage  of  a  drop-off  line  and  guided  More  than  100  families  in                            was likely unlocked.
            landmark national law on  them toward a line of teach-    Uvalde signed up for virtual  Last  month,  the  Uvalde
            gun violence.                ers who were waiting behind
                                         the fence.
            Children  began  arriving  at
            Uvalde  Elementary  before  School  started  weeks  ago  in
            dawn, walking through new-   many parts of Texas, but dis-
            ly  installed  8-foot  (2.4-me-  trict officials pushed back the
            ter)  metal  fencing  that  sur-  first  day  of  class  in  Uvalde
            rounds the campus and past  after  a  summer  of  heart-
            a state trooper standing guard  ache,  anger  and  revelations
            outside an entrance.         of widespread failures by law
                                         enforcement  officers  who
            Colorful  flags  hung  inside  allowed an 18-year-old gun-
            the  hallways,  and  teachers  man  to  fire  inside  adjoining
            wore  turquoise  shirts  that  fourth  grade  classrooms  for
            read  "Together  We  Rise  &  more than 70 minutes.
            Together  We  Are  Better"  on
            the back. State troopers were  Uvalde  school  officials  said
            parked on every corner out-  several  enhanced  security
            side the school.             measures are still incomplete,
                                         including installing addition-
            The  district  announced  in  al cameras and new locks.
            late  June  that  the  scene  of
            the assault, Robb Elementary,  The  Texas  Department  of
            would be permanently closed  Public Safety has committed
            and  eventually  torn  down,  to  putting  nearly  three  doz-
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