Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220907
P. 30

              Diaranson 7 september 2022

                                     Liz Truss becomes Britain's new prime minister

            (AP) — Liz Truss became
            U.K.  prime  minister  on
            Tuesday and immediately
            confronted  the  enormous
            task ahead of her amid in-
            creasing  pressure  to  curb
            soaring  prices,  ease  labor
            unrest  and  fix  a  health
            care  system  burdened  by
            long waiting lists and staff

            At  the  top  of  her  inbox  is
            the energy crisis triggered by
            Russia's invasion of Ukraine,
            which threatens to push en-
            ergy bills to unaffordable lev-  Johnson,  who  announced  the party's 172,000 dues-pay-
            els, shuttering businesses and  his  intention  to  step  down  ing  members  were  the  only
            leaving  the  nation's  poorest  two months ago, formally re-  voters. As party leader, Truss  Critics say that will fuel fur-  ident Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
            people shivering in icy homes  signed during his own audi-  automatically  became  prime  ther  inflation  while  failing
            this winter.                 ence with the queen a short  minister without the need for  to  address  the  cost-of-living  Truss has also pledged to in-
                                         time earlier.                a general election because the  crisis.  The  uncertainty  has  crease  U.K.  defense  spend-
            Truss,  who  refused  to  spell                           Conservatives still have a ma-  rattled money markets, driv-  ing to 3% of gross domestic
            out her energy strategy dur-  It  was  the  first  time  in  the  jority in the House of Com-  ing  the  pound  below  $1.14  product from just over 2% —
            ing the two-month campaign  queen's  70-year  reign  that  mons.                       on Monday, its weakest since  another expensive promise.
            to  succeed  Boris  Johnson,  the handover of power took                               the 1980s.
            now plans to cap energy bills  place  at  Balmoral,  rather  But  as  a  national  leader  se-                      But she's likely to have much
            at  a  cost  to  taxpayers  of  as  than  Buckingham  Palace  in  lected  by  less  than  0.5%  of  In  theory,  Truss  has  time  to  cooler  conversations  with
            much  as  100  billion  pounds  London. The  ceremony was  British adults, Truss is under  make  her  mark:  She  doesn't  EU  leaders,  who  were  an-
            ($116  billion),  British  news  moved to Scotland to provide  pressure  to  show  quick  re-  have  to  call  a  national  elec-  noyed  by  her  uncompro-
            media reported Tuesday. She  certainty  about  the  sched-  sults.                     tion  until  late  2024.  But  mising  stance  as  foreign
            is expected to unveil her plan  ule,  because  the  96-year-old                        opinion  polls  already  give  secretary  in  talks  over  trade
            on Thursday.                 queen has experienced prob-  Many  people  in  Britain  are  the  main  opposition  Labour  rules  for  Northern  Ireland,
                                         lems getting around that have  still learning about their new  Party  a  steady  lead,  and  the  an  unresolved  Brexit  issue
            Truss, 47, took office Tuesday  forced palace officials to make  leader.               worse the economy gets, the  that has soured relations be-
            afternoon at Balmoral Castle  decisions about her travel on                            more pressure will grow.     tween London and Brussels.
            in  Scotland,  when  Queen  a day-to-day basis.           Truss,  a  low-tax,  small-gov-                           With  the  U.K.  threatening
            Elizabeth  II  formally  asked                            ernment  conservative  who  Truss, as foreign secretary, was  to breach the legally binding
            her  to  form  a  new  govern-  Truss became prime minister  admires  Margaret  Thatcher,  a firm supporter of Ukraine's  divorce  treaty,  and  the  EU
            ment  in  a  carefully  choreo-  a day after the ruling Conser-  says  her  priority  is  cutting  resistance to Russia. She has  launching legal action in re-
            graphed  ceremony  dictated  vative  Party  chose  her  as  its  taxes and slashing regulations  said her first phone call with  sponse, the dispute could es-
            by  centuries  of  tradition.  leader  in  an  election  where  to  fuel  economic  growth.  a world leader will be to Pres-  calate into a trade war.

                          US: Russia to buy rockets, artillery shells from North Korea

            (AP) — The Russian Min-      to the isolated state of North  Times.                    The  White  House  said  last  east.
            istry  of  Defense  is  in  the  Korea demonstrates that "the                          week  that  Russia  has  faced
            process of purchasing mil-   Russian  military  continues  The  U.S.  official  did  not  technical problems with Ira-  The  North's  arms  export  to
            lions of rockets and artil-  to suffer from severe supply  detail  how  much  weaponry  nian-made  drones  acquired  Russia  would  be  a  violation
            lery  shells  from  North  shortages in Ukraine, due in  Russia  intends  to  purchase  from  Tehran  in  August  for  of U.N. resolutions that ban
            Korea for its ongoing fight  part  to  export  controls  and  from North Korea.        use in its war with Ukraine.  the  country  from  export-
            in  Ukraine,  according  to  sanctions."                                                                            ing to or importing weapons
            a newly downgraded U.S.                                   The finding comes after the  Russia  picked  up  Mohajer-6  from other countries. Its pos-
            intelligence finding.        U.S.  intelligence  officials  Biden administration recent-  and Shahed-series unmanned  sible  dispatch  of  laborers  to
                                         believe  that  the  Russians  ly confirmed that the Russian  aerial  vehicles  over  several  the  Russian-held  territories
            A  U.S.  official,  who  spoke  could look to purchase addi-  military in August took deliv-  days last month as part what  in Ukraine would also breach
            on the condition of anonym-  tional North Korean military  ery  of  Iranian-manufactured  the Biden administration says  a  U.N.  resolution  that  re-
            ity to discuss the intelligence  equipment in the future. The  drones for use on the battle-  is likely part of a Russian plan  quired  all  member  states  to
            determination,  said  Monday  intelligence finding was first  field in Ukraine.        to acquire hundreds of Irani-  repatriate  all  North  Korean
            that the fact Russia is turning  reported  by  The  New  York                          an UAVs for use in Ukraine.  workers  from  their  soil  by
                                                                                                   North  Korea  has  sought  to
                                                                                                   tighten relations with Russia  There  have  been  suspicions
                                                                                                   as  much  of  Europe  and  the  that China and Russia haven't
                                                                                                   West has pulled away, blam-  fully  enforced  U.N.  sanc-
                                                                                                   ing the United States for the  tions on North Korea, com-
                                                                                                   Ukraine  crisis  and  decrying  plicating  a  U.S.-led  attempt
                                                                                                   the  West's  "hegemonic  poli-  to deprive North Korea of its
                                                                                                   cy"  as  justifying  military  ac-  nuclear weapons.
                                                                                                   tion by Russia in Ukraine to
                                                                                                   protect itself.              The  provocative  move  by
                                                                                                                                North  Korea  comes  as  the
                                                                                                   The  North  Koreans  have  Biden administration has be-
                                                                                                   hinted  interest  in  sending  come increasingly concerned
                                                                                                   construction workers to help  about stepped-up activity by
                                                                                                   rebuild   Russian-occupied  North  Korea  in  pursuit  of
                                                                                                   territories  in  the  country's  nuclear weapons.
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