Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20220907
P. 28
Diaranson 7 september 2022
Colorful West Indian Day parade returns to NYC streets
event, with onlookers and profile being the 2015 death
participants carrying flags of an aide to then-Gov. An-
from a slew of countries. drew Cuomo from stray
The main parade started in gunfire during the hours of
the late morning and was J'Ouvert, which used to start
expected to go into the early even earlier and was more in-
evening. A separate street formal.
party known as J'Ouvert,
commemorating freedom Since then, a formal start time
(AP) — The steel bands Monday after a pandemic- two years of virtual events. from slavery, was held in the for J'Ouvert was instituted,
and brightly colored cos- induced hiatus. early morning hours before along with checkpoints for
tumes of Caribbean Car- Brooklyn is where hundreds the larger parade started off. entry, as well as an increase in
nival came back to the Throngs of people made their of thousands of Caribbean police presence on the day.
streets of New York City, way to the streets of Brook- immigrants and their descen- Outbreaks of violence have
with the West Indian lyn, where one of the world's dants have put down roots occasionally marred both Police had not reported any
American Day Parade largest celebrations of Carib- and turned the Labor Day the early morning and main incidents in connection with
taking place in person bean culture takes place, after celebration into a must-do parade, with the most high- Monday's events.
Judge grants Trump bid for special master in document search
(AP) — In a legal victory Florida property. The injunc- probe. About 100 of the doc-
for former President Don- tion is in place until the yet- uments contained classifica-
ald Trump, a federal judge to-be-named special master tion markings.
on Monday granted his completes his or her work, or
request for a special mas- until "further court order." The department had been
ter to review documents using a separate "privilege
seized by the FBI from his Even so, it is not clear that review team" for that work,
Florida home and tempo- the decision will present a but Cannon cited at least two
rarily halted the Justice long-term impediment to the instances in which members
Department's use of the investigation's progress or of the investigative team were
records for investigative significantly affect investiga- "exposed" to potentially privi-
purposes. tive decisions or the ultimate leged material, something she
outcome of the probe. And said raised questions about
The decision by U.S. District a separate assessment by the the adequacy of the process.
Judge Aileen Cannon autho- U.S. intelligence community
rizes an outside legal expert of the risk posed by the ap- The department had also
to review the records taken parent mishandling of clas- said Trump was not entitled
during the Aug. 8 search and sified records will continue to the return of any of the
to weed out from the rest under the judge's order. presidential records that were
of the investigation any that taken since he is no longer
might be protected by claims He noted, for instance, that president and the documents
of attorney-client privilege or the judge did not immedi- therefore do not belong to
executive privilege. Some of ately order the seized docu- him. And personal items that
those records may ultimately ments returned to Trump or were recovered were com-
be returned to Trump, but suppress any of the evidence. mingled with classified in-
the judge put off a ruling on formation, giving them po-
that question. The department and Trump's tential evidentiary value, the
lawyers are to submit by Fri- department said.
The order came despite the day a list of proposed special
strenuous objections of the master candidates. Though prosecutors had ar-
Justice Department, which gued that Trump, as a former
said a special master was not FBI agents in August seized president, had no legal basis
necessary in part because of- when it might appeal. ticularly given the judge's roughly 11,000 documents to assert executive privilege
ficials had already completed directive that the Justice and 1,800 other items from over the documents, the
their review of potentially The order almost certainly Department may not for Mar-a-Lago as part of a crim- judge said he was entitled to
privileged documents. The slows the pace of the depart- the moment use any of the inal investigation into the re- raise it as a concern and per-
department said Monday that ment's investigation into the seized materials as part of its tention of national defense mitted the special master to
it was reviewing the decision presence of top-secret infor- investigation into the storage information there, as well as look for records that might
but did not indicate if and mation at Mar-a-Lago, par- of government secrets at the into efforts to obstruct the be covered by that privilege.