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U.S. NEWS Thursday 5 sepTember 2024
U.S. accuses Russia of using state media to spread disinformation
before the November election
By ERIC TUCKER, DAVID elections.”
KLEPPER and MATTHEW LEE In a speech last month,
Associated Press Deputy Attorney General
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Lisa Monaco said Russia re-
Biden administration an- mained the biggest threat
nounced wide-ranging ac- to election integrity, accus-
tions Wednesday meant to ing Russian President Vladi-
call out Russian influence mir Putin and “his proxies
in the upcoming U.S. presi- are using increasingly so-
dential election, unsealing phisticated techniques in
criminal charges against their interference opera-
two employees of a Rus- tions. They’re targeting spe-
sian state-run media com- cific voter demographics
pany and seizing internet and swing-state voters to
domains used by the Krem- in an effort to manipulate
lin to spread disinformation. presidential and congres-
The measures represented sional election outcomes.
a U.S. government effort They’re intent on co-opting
at disrupting a persistent unwitting Americans on
threat from Russia that social media to push nar-
American officials have ratives advancing Russian
long warned has the po- interests.”
tential to sow discord and Much of the concern
create confusion among Attorney General Merrick Garland speaks during a meeting of the Justice Department’s Election around Russia centers on
voters. Washington has Threats Task Force, at the Department of Justice, Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024, in Washington, with cyberattacks and disin-
Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, left, and FBI Director Christopher Wray, right.
said that Russia remains the Associated Press formation campaigns de-
primary threat to elections signed to influence the No-
even as the FBI investigates company to publish nearly Attorney General Merrick tions against those suspect- vember vote. The tactics
a hack by Iran of Donald 2,000 videos containing Garland said the actions ed of being involved. include using state media
Trump’s campaign and an Russian propaganda. The relate to Russia’s use of “Today’s announcement like RT to advance anti-U.S.
attempt breach of the Joe defendants, who remain at state media to enlist un- highlights the lengths some messages and content, as
Biden-Kamala Harris cam- large, used fake identities witting American influenc- foreign governments go well as networks of fake
paign. and the company was un- ers to spread propaganda to undermine American websites and social me-
One criminal case accuses aware it was being used by and disinformation. democratic institutions,” dia accounts that amplify
two employees of RT, a Rus- Russia. In the other action, Intelligence agencies have the State Department said. the claims and inject them
sian-state funded media or- officials announced the sei- previously charged that “But these foreign govern- into American’s online con-
ganization that was forced zure of 32 internet domains Russia was using disinfor- ments should also know versations. Typically, these
by the Justice Department that were used by the mation to try to interfere in that we will not tolerate networks seize on polarizing
as a foreign agent, of co- Kremlin to spread Russian the election. The new steps foreign malign actors in- political topics such as im-
vertly funding a Tennessee- propaganda and weaken show the depth of U.S. con- tentionally interfering and migration, crime or the war
based content creation global support for Ukraine. cerns and signal legal ac- undermining free and fair in Gaza.q
House Republicans subpoena Secretary Blinken for testimony on
U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan
By FARNOUSH AMIRI drawal and evacuation,” “The Secretary has testified they have called a “stun- bul, far more rapidly than
Associated Press McCaul wrote. before the Congress on ning failure of leadership” U.S. intelligence had fore-
WASHINGTON (AP) — He added that three years Afghanistan more than 14 after Taliban forces seized seen as American forces
House Republicans have later, Blinken is “in a position times more than any oth- the Afghan capital of Ka- pulled out.q
issued a subpoena de- to inform the Committee’s er Cabinet-level official,”
manding testimony from consideration of potential Miller said, adding that four
Secretary of State Antony legislation aimed at helping of those times were directly
Blinken as they wrap up a prevent the catastrophic before the Foreign Affairs
sprawling yearslong investi- mistakes of the withdrawal, committee at the request
gation into the chaotic U.S. including potential reforms of McCaul. “It is disappoint-
withdrawal from Afghani- to the Department’s legis- ing that instead of con-
stan in August 2021. lative authorization.” tinuing to engage with the
Rep. Michael McCaul, the Matthew Miller, a State De- Department in good faith,
chairman of the House For- partment spokesman, said the Committee instead has
eign Affairs Committee, Blinken is unable to testify issued yet another unnec-
sent a subpoena letter late on the dates proposed by essary subpoena.” The sub-
Tuesday ordering Blinken to the committee as he will poena for Blinken’s testi-
appear before the com- be traveling for diplomatic mony is the latest in a series
mittee by Sept. 19 or face work the majority of Sep- of moves by McCaul and
a contempt of Congress tember. He claimed the other House Republicans
charge. “You served as the committee denied “rea- over the last 18 months to A U.S. Chinook helicopter flies over the U.S. embassy in Kabul,
Afghanistan, on Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021, as the capital was
final decision maker for the sonable alternatives” to hold the Biden administra- captured by Taliban forces.
department on the with- the subpoena date. tion accountable for what Associated Press