Page 6 - aruba-today-20240905
P. 6
Thursday 5 sepTember 2024
Human rights group implicates Venezuelan security forces in
killings during post-election protests
By REGINA GARCIA CANO the late fiery leader Hugo
Associated Press Chávez, threw rocks at law
MEXICO CITY (AP) — A enforcement officers and
global human rights watch- buildings, and burned po-
dog on Wednesday im- lice motorcycles and gov-
plicated Venezuelan se- ernment propaganda.
curity forces and pro-gov- Maduro and his ruling party
ernment armed groups in allies, who controlled all
killings that occurred during aspects of government in
the protests that followed the South American gov-
the country’s disputed July ernment, responded to the
presidential election. demonstrations with full
Human Rights Watch, in a force, carrying out arbitrary
report detailing repressive detentions, prosecutions as
measures the government well as a campaign that
unleashed after the vote, encourages people to re-
asserted that credible port relatives, neighbors
evidence gathered and and other acquaintances
analyzed by researchers, who participated in the
forensic pathologists and protests or cast doubt on
arms experts ties Venezu- the results.
ela’s national guard and Among the killings detailed
national police to some in the Human Rights Watch
of the 24 killings that took Protesters clash with police during demonstrations against the official election results declaring report is that of civil engi-
place as people protested President Nicolas Maduro’s reelection, the day after the vote in Caracas, Venezuela, July 29, 2024. neer and food truck work-
Associated Press
the outcome of the elec- er Rancés Daniel Yzarra
tion. The organization also Bolívar. The organization
concluded that violent ing in Venezuela is shock- The organization said it cluding minors, took to the said Yzarra Bolívar, 30, par-
gangs aligned with the rul- ingly brutal,” Juanita Goe- reached its conclusions re- streets across Venezuela ticipated in the July 29 pro-
ing party also “appear to bertus, the organization’s garding the killings based hours after ruling party-loy- tests in the northern Vene-
be responsible” in some of director for the Americas, on interviews with witness- al electoral authorities de- zuela city of Maracay.
the deaths. said in a statement. “Con- es, journalists and other clared President Nicolás A journalist told research-
Twenty-three of those killed cerned governments need sources; reviews of death Maduro the winner of the ers the demonstration was
were protesters or bystand- to take urgent steps to en- certificates, videos, pho- election. initially peaceful, and a dif-
ers and one was a member sure that people are able tographs; and analyses by The protests were largely ferent witness reported pro-
of the Bolivarian National to peacefully protest and forensic pathologists and peaceful, but demonstra- testers called for soldiers at
Guard. that their vote is respect- arms experts. tors also toppled statues a military compound to join
“The repression we are see- ed.” Thousands of people, in- of Maduro’s predecessor, them.q
Nicaraguan congress gives legal footing to practice of
prosecuting exiles and seizing their property
By GABRIELA SELSER approved criminal code condemned. It’s a prac- ty,” while at the same time more Nicaraguans have
Associated Press changes Tuesday that al- tice that’s already carried “reinforcing the structure of fled into exile themselves to
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Ni- low the government to out but will now have legal repression, giving it a legal escape the repression that
caragua’s Sandinista-con- try opponents in absentia foundation. The proposal framework.” Pineda was followed massive 2018 pro-
trolled National Assembly and seize the assets of the from President Daniel Orte- exiled and stripped of his tests that Ortega dubbed
ga was approved unani- nationality last year. a failed coup with interna-
mously in the state party Sandinista party lawmaker tional backing.
controlled legislature. María Auxiliadora Martínez The changes also add new
Opponents and organiza- defended the reform, say- criminal statutes, including
tions that have fled or been ing that “it is guarantee- one that sanctions anyone
forced into exile in Ortega’s ing a system of coherent who promotes, requests or
years-long campaign to si- norms” through “new kinds facilitates economic, com-
lence critical voices could of crimes that will allow the mercial or financial sanc-
be fined, sentenced to strengthening of the coun- tions against the govern-
lengthy prison terms and try’s legal system.” ment.
see their property seized by Fellow party lawmaker Ed- Also on Tuesday, the U.N.
the government under the win Castro said it authorizes High Commissioner for Hu-
approved changes. the seizures from Nicara- man Rights Office said in a
Nicaraguan lawyer Uriel guans or foreigners “to report that the government
Pineda said that with these compensate society for the is “persecuting not only
changes Ortega’s adminis- crime committed.” those who express dissident
Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega poses for a photo during tration is looking to “legalize Last year, the government opinions, but also any per-
the ALBA Summit at the Palace of the Revolution in Havana, the arbitrary (actions) that exiled more than 300 oppo- son or organization that
Cuba, Dec. 14, 2021. it has been committing, like sition figures, stripping them acts independently or is not
Associated Press
the confiscation of proper- of their nationality. Far directly under its control.”q