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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 17 Mei 2021

                            Israel kills 42 in Gaza as Netanyahu warns war will go on

            (AP)  —  Israeli  airstrikes                                                                                        ing  a  5-year-old  boy  and  a
            on  Gaza  City  flattened                                                                                           soldier.
            three buildings and killed                                                                                          Hamas and the Islamic Jihad
            at least 42 people Sunday,                                                                                          militant group have acknowl-
            Palestinian medics said, in                                                                                         edged  20  fighters  killed  in
            the deadliest single attack                                                                                         the  fighting.  Israel  says  the
            in the latest round of vio-                                                                                         real number is far higher and
            lence. Despite the toll and                                                                                         has  released  the  names  and
            international  efforts  to                                                                                          photos of two dozen alleged
            broker a cease-fire, Israeli                                                                                        operatives it says were “elimi-
            Prime Minister Benjamin                                                                                             nated.”
            Netanyahu  signaled  the                                                                                            The  assault  has  displaced
            fourth  war  with  Gaza’s                                                                                           some  34,000  Palestinians
            Hamas  rulers  would  rage                                                                                          from  their  homes,  U.N.
            on.                                                                                                                 Mideast  envoy  Tor  Wen-
                                                                                                                                nesland  told  the  Security
            In  a  televised  address,  Ne-                                                                                     Council on Sunday.
            tanyahu said the attacks were                                                                                       The turmoil has  also spilled
            continuing at “full-force” and                                                                                      over  elsewhere,  fueling  pro-
            will “take time.“ Israel “wants                                                                                     tests  in  the  occupied  West
            to levy a heavy price” on the                                                                                       Bank  and  stoking  violence
            Hamas  militant  group,  he                                                                                         within Israel between its Jew-
            said,  flanked  by  his  defense                                                                                    ish  and  Arab  citizens,  with
            minister  and  political  rival,                                                                                    clashes  and  vigilante  attacks
            Benny  Gantz,  in  a  show  of   the 2014 war.”           Among those reported killed  ligence people.”             on people and property.
            unity.                       Rescuers    furiously   dug  was  Dr.  Ayman  Abu  Al-    Buzbee  called  for  any  such   On Sunday, a driver rammed
            Hamas  also  pressed  on,    through the rubble using ex-  Ouf, the head of the internal  evidence to be laid out.  into an Israeli checkpoint in
            launching  rockets  from  ci-  cavators and bulldozers amid  medicine department at Shifa  “We  are  in  a  conflict  situa-  the east Jerusalem neighbor-
            vilian  areas  in  Gaza  toward   clouds  of  heavy  dust.  One  Hospital and a senior mem-  tion,”  Buzbee  said.  “We  do   hood  of  Sheikh  Jarrah  —
            civilian  areas  in  Israel.  One   shouted “Can you hear me?”  ber of the hospital’s corona-  not  take  sides  in  that  con-  where  the  Palestinian  fami-
            slammed into a synagogue in   into  a  hole.  “Are  you  OK?”  virus  management  commit-  flict.  We  heard  Israelis  say   lies had been threatened with
            the southern city of Ashkelon   he asked. Minutes later, first  tee.  Two  of  Abu  Al-Ouf’s  they have evidence; we don’t   eviction  —  injuring  six  of-
            hours before evening services   responders pulled a survivor  teenage  children  and  two  know what that evidence is.”  ficers before police shot and
            for the Jewish holiday of Sha-  out.  The  Gaza  Health  Min-  other  family  members  were  The  AP  has  operated  from   killed the attacker, Israeli po-
            vuot,  Israeli  emergency  ser-  istry  said  16  women  and  10  also buried under the rubble  the building for 15 years, in-  lice said.
            vices  said.  No  injuries  were   children  were  among  those  of their home.        cluding through three previ-  The  violence  also  sparked
            reported.                    killed,  with  more  than  50  The death of the 51-year-old  ous wars between Israel and   pro-Palestinian  protests  in
            In the Israeli air assault early   people wounded.        physician “was a huge loss at  Hamas.  The  news  agency’s   cities  across  Europe  and  the
            Sunday, families were buried   Haya  Abdelal,  21,  lives  in  a  very  sensitive  time,”  said  cameras,  operating  from  its   United States.
            under piles of cement rubble   a  building  next  to  one  that  Mohammed Abu Selmia, the  top floor office and roof ter-  Israel appears to have stepped
            and  twisted  rebar.  A  yellow   was  destroyed  and  said  she  director of Shifa.   race,  offered  24-hour  live   up  strikes  in  recent  days  to
            canary  lay  crushed  on  the   was  sleeping  when  the  air-  Gaza’s health care system, al-  shots  as  militants’  rockets   inflict  as  much  damage  as
            ground.  Shards  of  glass  and   strikes  sent  her  fleeing  into  ready gutted by an Israeli and  arched  toward  Israel  and  Is-  possible  on  Hamas  as  inter-
            debris covered streets blocks   the street. She accused Israel  Egyptian  blockade  imposed  raeli airstrikes hammered the   national  mediators  work  to
            away from the major down-    of not giving its usual warn-  after  Hamas  seized  power  city and its surroundings.  end the fighting and stave off
            town thoroughfare where the   ing to residents to flee before  from  rival  Palestinian  forces  “We think it’s appropriate at   an Israeli ground invasion in
            three buildings were hit over   launching such an attack.  in 2007, had been struggling  this point for there to be an   Gaza.
            the  course  of  five  minutes   “We are tired,” she said, “We  with  a  surge  in  coronavirus  independent  look  at  what   The Israeli military said it de-
            around 1 a.m.                need a truce. We can’t bear it  infections  even  before  the  happened  yesterday  —  an   stroyed the home Sunday of
            The  hostilities  have  repeat-  anymore.”                latest conflict.             independent  investigation,”   Gaza’s top Hamas leader, Ya-
            edly  escalated  over  the  past   The  Israeli  army  spokesper-  Israel’s  airstrikes  have  lev-  Buzbee said.   hiyeh Sinwar, in the southern
            week,  marking  the  worst   son’s office said the strike tar-  eled a number of Gaza City’s  The  latest  outbreak  of  vio-  town of Khan Younis. It was
            fighting  in  the  territory  that   geted  Hamas  “underground  tallest  office  and  residential  lence  began  in  east  Jerusa-  the  third  such  attack  in  the
            is home to 2 million Palestin-  military infrastructure.” As a  buildings, alleging they con-  lem  last  month,  when  Pal-  last  two  days  on  the  homes
            ians since Israel and Hamas’   result of the strike, “the un-  tain  Hamas  military  infra-  estinians clashed with police   of senior Hamas leaders, who
            devastating 2014 war.        derground  facility  collapsed,  structure.  Among  them  was  in  response  to  Israeli  police   have gone underground.
            “I have not seen this level of   causing the foundation of the  the  building  housing  The  tactics  during  Ramadan  and   Egypt and the U.S. were in-
            destruction  through  my  14   civilian  houses  above  them  Associated  Press  office  and  the  threatened  eviction  of   volved  in  cease-fire  efforts,
            years of work,” said Samir al-  to collapse as well, leading to  those of other media outlets.  dozens of Palestinian families   but it wasn’t clear if they were
            Khatib  an  emergency  rescue   unintended casualties.”   Sally Buzbee, the AP’s execu-  by Jewish settlers. A focus of   making  progress,  in  light  of
            official in Gaza. “Not even in                                                                                      Netanyahu’  statement  that
                                                                      tive editor, on Sunday called  the  clashes  was  the  Al-Aqsa   the  campaign  is  continuing.
                                                                      for an independent investiga-  Mosque,  a  frequent  flash-  The  U.N.  Security  Council
                                                                      tion into the airstrike that de-  point  located  on  a  hilltop   was also meeting Sunday, and
                                                                      stroyed the AP office the day  compound  revered  by  both   Secretary-General  Antonio
                                                                      before.                      Muslims and Jews.            Guterres called for an end to
                                                                      Netanyahu    alleged   that  Hamas  began  firing  rockets   the “senseless cycle of blood-
                                                                      Hamas  military  intelligence  toward  Jerusalem  on  Mon-  shed, terror and destruction.”
                                                                      was  operating  inside  the  day, triggering the Israeli as-
                                                                      building.                    sault on Gaza.
                                                                      “It’s a perfectly legitimate tar-  At least 188 Palestinians have
                                                                      get,” he told CBS’s Face the  been  killed  in  the  hundreds
                                                                      Nation on Sunday.            of  airstrikes  in  Gaza,  in-
                                                                      Asked if he had provided any  cluding  55  children  and  33
                                                                      evidence of Hamas’ presence  women,  with  1,230  people
                                                                      in the building in a call Sat-  wounded. Eight people in Is-
                                                                      urday  with  U.S.  President  rael have been killed in some
                                                                      Joe  Biden,  Netanyahu  said,  of  the  3,100  rocket  attacks
                                                                      “we pass it through our intel-  launched from Gaza, includ-
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