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A30     world news
                        Dialuna 17 Mei 2021

                            Hundreds of bodies found buried along Indian riverbanks

            (AP) — Police are reach-                                                                                            bank  in  neighboring  Bihar
            ing  out  to  villagers  in                                                                                         state.
            northern India to investi-                                                                                          Authorities  performed  post
            gate the recovery of bod-                                                                                           mortems but said they could
            ies buried in shallow sand                                                                                          not  confirm  the  cause  of
            graves  or  washed  up  on                                                                                          death due to decomposition.
            the  Ganges  River  banks,                                                                                          A  dozen  corpses  were  also
            prompting speculation on                                                                                            found  last  week  buried  in
            social  media  that  they’re                                                                                        sand at two locations on the
            the remains of COVID-19                                                                                             riverbank  in  Unnao  district,
            victims.                                                                                                            40  kilometers  (25  miles)
                                                                                                                                southwest  of  Lucknow,  the
            In  jeeps  and  boats,  police                                                                                      Uttar  Pradesh  state  capital.
            used  portable  loudspeak-                                                                                          District  Magistrate  Ravindra
            ers  with  microphones  ask-                                                                                        Kumar  said  an  investigation
            ing people not to dispose of                                                                                        is  underway  to  identify  the
            bodies in rivers. “We are here                                                                                      cause of death.
            to help you perform the last                                                                                        India’s  two  big  states,  Ut-
            rites,” police said.                                                                                                tar  Pradesh  and  Bihar,  with
            On Friday, rains exposed the                                                                                        nearly 358 million people in
            cloth  coverings  of  bodies                                                                                        total,  are  among  the  worst
            buried in shallow sand graves                                                                                       hit in the virus surge sweep-
            on  a  wide,  flat  riverbank  in                                                                                   ing through the country with
            Prayagraj,  a  city  in  Uttar                                                                                      devastating death tolls. Hap-
            Pradesh state. While officials                                                                                      less villagers have been rush-
            say the riverside burials have  ods of religious significance,  mated there were at least 300  in Sehgal state have found “a  ing the sick to nearby towns
            taken  place  for  decades,  the  and instead disposed of them  shallow riverside graves on a  small number” of bodies on  and  cities  for  treatment,
            sheer numbers in the shadow  in rivers or by digging graves  sand bar near near Prayagraj.  the  riverbanks,  he  said,  but  many  of  them  dying  on  the
            of the pandemic are focusing  on riverbanks.              Each  grave  was  covered  by  didn’t give a figure.      way, victims of India’s crum-
            more  attention  on  the  prac-  Ramesh  Kumar  Singh,  a  an orange, yellow or reddish  However,  on  Sunday,  a  bling health care.
            tice.                        member  of  Bondhu  Mahal  cloth  and  appeared  laid  out  30-year-old  Buddhist  came  After hitting record highs for
            Navneet Sehgal, a state gov-  Samiti, a philanthropic orga-  in the same direction. Several  to  the  same  riverbank  in  weeks,  the  number  of  new
            ernment    spokesman,   on  nization  that  helps  cremate  policemen were at the scene,  Prayagraj  with  other  fam-  cases  was  stabilizing,  said
            Sunday  denied  local  me-   bodies,  said  the  number  of  but allowed a family who ar-  ily  members  and  buried  his  Dr. V.K. Paul, a government
            dia  reports  that  more  than  deaths  is  very  high  in  rural  rived in a small truck to bury  mother, who he said had died  health expert.
            1,000 corpses of COVID-19  areas,  and  poor  people  have  a  75-year-old  woman  at  the  of a heart attack.      The  Health  Ministry  on
            victims  had  been  recovered  been  disposing  of  bodies  in  site.                  “She  was  not  infected  with  Sunday  reported  311,170
            from  rivers  in  the  past  two  the  river  because  of  the  ex-  K.P. Singh, a senior police of-  COVID-19,”  Vijay  Kumar  confirmed  cases  in  the  past
            weeks.  “I  bet  these  bodies  orbitant  cost  of  performing  ficer, said authorities had ear-  told  the  AP,  adding  that  his  24 hours, down from 326,098
            have nothing to do with CO-  the  last  rites  and  a  shortage  marked  a  cremation  ground  religion  allows  both  crema-  on Saturday.
            VID-19,” he said.            of wood. The cost of crema-  on  the  Prayagraj  riverbank  tion and burial, “but I chose  It  also  reported  4,077  addi-
            He  said  some  villagers  did  tion has tripled up to 15,000  for  those  who  died  of  CO-  burial.”             tional  deaths,  taking  the  to-
            not  cremate  their  dead  as  is  rupees ($210).         VID-19, and police were no  Health  authorities  last  week  tal fatalities to 270,284. Both
            customary,  due  to  a  Hindu  On  Saturday,  an  Associated  longer  allowing  any  burials  retrieved  71  bodies  that  figures are almost certainly a
            tradition  during  some  peri-  Press  photojournalist  esti-  on the riverfront. Authorities  washed up on a Ganges River  vast undercount, experts say.

                         Pandemic triggers new crisis in Peru: lack of cemetery space

                                                                      The same plight is shared by  fected person died every four  began constructing his “eter-
                                                                      other  families  across  Peru.  minutes at home or in a hos-  nal home.” He and his wife
                                                                      After  struggling  to  control  pital,  and  hospital  space  has  decided to act after watching
                                                                      the coronavirus pandemic for  been so scarce that Peruvians  the  news  and  learning  that
                                                                      more than a year, the country  have  read  on  social  media  two dozen neighbors died of
                                                                      now  faces  a  parallel  crisis:  a  about  families  offering  kid-  COVID-19.
                                                                      lack  of  cemetery  space.  The  neys, cars or land in exchange  “You  feel  quite  worried
                                                                      problem affects everyone, not  for one of the country’s 2,785  when  there  is  nowhere  to
                                                                      just  relatives  of  COVID-19  intensive care beds.       take  them,  and  there  are  no
                                                                      victims,  and  some  families  Even  when  cemetery  space  pennies  with  which  to  bury
                                                                      have acted on their own, dig-  can be found, burials pose a  them,” Coba said.
                                                                      ging  clandestine  graves  in  huge financial burden, espe-  Many  of  Peru’s  sprawling
                                                                      areas  surrounding  some  of  cially  for  families  who  have  cemeteries  have  grown  with
                                                                      Lima’s 65 cemeteries.        fallen  into  poverty  because  no development plans or gov-
                                                                      The desperate lack of options  of  COVID-19.  The  cost  of  ernment approval. They lack
                                                                      comes  as  the  country  en-  a burial in a cemetery on the  walls or fences and are adja-
                                                                      dures  its  deadliest  period  of  edge of Lima is nearly $1,200,  cent to irregular settlements,
            (AP) — After Joel Bautista  live  on  television,  attracting  the pandemic yet. More than  almost five times the month-  making  it  nearly  impossible
            died of a heart attack last  the  attention  of  authorities  64,300  people  who  tested  ly minimum wage of $244.  at times to determine where
            month  in  Peru,  his  fam-  and  prompting  them  to  of-  positive for COVID-19 have  Retired   merchant   Victor  they end and where the im-
            ily tried unsuccessfully to  fer the family a space on the  died  in  Peru,  according  to  Coba  took  matters  into  his  poverished   communities
            find an available grave at  rocky slopes of a cemetery.   the Health Ministry, but that  own  hands,  building  graves  begin.  Graves  are  now  en-
            four different cemeteries.  “If there is no solution, then  figure  is  almost  certainly  an  for himself, his wife and four  croaching on the settlements.
            After  four  days,  they  re-  there  will  be  a  space  here,”  undercount.  A  vital  records  other  relatives  in  a  narrow  Of  Lima’s  65  cemeteries,
            sorted to digging a hole in  Yeni Bautista told The Asso-  agency estimates that the true  space  in  a  cemetery  at  the  only 20 have a health license.
            his garden.                  ciated  Press,  explaining  the  figure is more than 174,900,  foot  of  a  treeless  hill  in  the  One  on  a  hidden  hill  has
                                         family’s decision to dig at the  counting  those  whose  pos-  north of Lima.          been  operating  for  24  years
            The  excavation  in  a  poor  foot of a tropical hibiscus tree  sible  infection  was  not  con-  Coba, 72, carried bricks, sand  and does not require any pa-
            neighborhood  in  the  capital  after  her  brother’s  body  be-  firmed by a test.    and cement to the site, where  perwork  for  burials,  which
            city  of  Lima  was  broadcast  gan to decompose.         As  recently  as  April,  an  in-  with  help  from  a  friend  he  cost $361.q
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