Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210722
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A30     world news
                      DIAHUEBS 22 JULI 2021

                            UN migration official: 20 migrants drown off Libya’s coast

            (AP) — Libya’s coast guard                                                             have exceeded the number  fleeing war and poverty in Af-
            intercepted     Wednesday                                                              of interceptions for the entire  rica and the Middle East. The
            four boats  in the Medi-                                                               year of 2020.”               oil-rich country plunged into
            terranean Sea carrying                                                                                              chaos  following a NATO-
            migrants trying to reach                                                               An IOM report  earlier  this  backed uprising that toppled
            Europe, a  U.N. official                                                               month  said the number  of  and killed longtime autocrat
            said. According to the mi-                                                             migrants  and refugees who  Moammar Gadhafi in 2011.
            grants, 20 people from one                                                             died while attempting  to
            of the vessels had gone                                                                reach Europe on danger-      Rights groups and officials at
            overboard earlier in  the                                                              ous sea  crossings more than  U.N. agencies that work with
            day and were presumed to                                                               doubled so far this year, com-  migrants  and  refugees have
            have drowned.                                                                          pared to the first six months  for years now cited survivor
                                                                                                   of 2020.                     testimony about systematic
            The circumstances  under                                                                                            abuse in the detention camps
            which the migrants  went                                                               The report said at least 1,146  in Libya, including forced
            overboard were unclear, said                                                           people perished between  labor, beatings,  rapes and
            Safa Msehli, a spokeswoman                                                             January  and June, with the  torture. The abuse often ac-
            for the International  Orga-                                                           Central Mediterranean route  companies efforts to extort
            nization for Migration.  The  of migrants were intercepted  crossings  and  attempted  between  Libya and Italy be-  money from families before
            vessel was overcrowded  as  off Libya’s coast, Msehli also  crossings  from Libya in re-  ing the deadliest, claiming  migrants are allowed to leave
            many of the rubber dinghies  said. Around 500  migrants,  cent months. Amnesty Inter-  741 lives.                   Libya on traffickers’ boats.
            and dilapidated  boats smug-  including  nine children and  national  has said that  in the
            gling the migrants typically  43 women, were returned to  first six months of this year,  The deadliest shipwreck  so  Earlier in July, Libyan mari-
            are.                         shore and taken to the Maba-  more than  7,000 people in-  far this year took place on  time authorities acknowl-
                                         ni detention center in Tripoli,  tercepted at sea were forcibly  April 22 off Libya, when 130  edged that one of their coast
            It was the latest disaster in the  she said.              returned to detention camps  people drowned despite the  guard vessel had fired warn-
            Mediterranean involving mi-                               in Libya.                    ship sending multiple dis-   ing shots at a migrant boat it
            grants seeking a better life in  Many of the migrants  were                            tress calls.                 was chasing in the Mediter-
            Europe.                      exhausted and suffered from  “The situation in the central                             ranean, in an apparent effort
                                         dehydration, she added.      Mediterranean is a humani-   Libya has in recent years  to stop it from crossing  to
            Since Tuesday, a total of seven                           tarian crisis,” Msehli  said.  emerged  as the dominant  Europe and endangering the
            vessels smuggling hundreds  There has been a spike in  “We are in July, and already  transit  point for migrants  lives of the migrants onboard.

                               China blasts dam to divert floods that killed at least 25

            (AP)  — China’s military  about      10,000   passengers  the province said more than
            has blasted a dam to  re-    were halted, including  three  100,000  people have been
            lease floodwaters threat-    for more than 40 hours, ac-  evacuated to safety.
            ening one of  its most  cording to Caixin, a business
            heavily populated prov-      news magazine. Sections of  Henan province has many
            inces, as the death toll in  26 highways were closed due  cultural  sites and is a major
            widespread flooding rose  to the rain, the Transport  base for industry and agri-
            to at least 25.              Ministry said on its social  culture. It is  crisscrossed by
                                         media account.               multiple waterways, many
            The dam operation was car-   A blackout shut down  ven-   of them linked  to the Yel-
            ried out late Tuesday night in  tilators at the  First Affili-  low River, which has a long
            the city of Luoyang, just as  ated Hospital of Zhengzhou  history of bursting its banks
            severe flooding overwhelmed  University, forcing staff to  during periods of intensive
            the Henan provincial  capi-  use hand-pumped airbags to  rainfall.
            tal of  Zhengzhou, trapping  help patients breathe, accord-
            residents in the subway sys-  ing to the city’s Communist  State media  on Wednes-
            tem and stranding them  at  Party committee. It said more  day showed waters  at  waist
            schools, apartments and of-  than 600 patients were being  height, with rain still coming
            fices.                       transferred to other hospitals.  down.

            Another seven people  were  A woman aboard a subway  To the north of Zhengzhou,
            reported missing,  provincial  in a flooded tunnel told her  the famed Shaolin Temple,
            officials said at a news con-  husband the water almost  known for its Buddhist
            ference.                     reached her neck and passen-  monks’ mastery of martial
                                         gers had trouble breathing,  arts, was also badly hit.
            A video posted on Twitter by  the Henan Business Daily
            news site The Paper showed  newspaper reported.           China routinely experiences
            subway passengers  standing                               floods  during the summer,
            in chest-high  muddy brown  It said staff at a subway sta-  but the growth of cities and
            water as torrents raged in the  tion told her husband all  conversion  of farmland into
            tunnel outside.              passengers had been  evacu-  subdivisions has worsened
                                         ated but acknowledged  that  the impact of such events.
            Transport  and work have  wasn’t  so after he started a
            been disrupted throughout  video  chat with his wife  on  U.N. Secretary-General An-
            the province, with rain turn-  his cellphone showing she  tonio Guterres sent a letter to
            ing streets into rapidly flow-  still was aboard.         China’s President Xi Jinping
            ing rivers, washing away                                  “to convey his heartfelt con-
            cars  and rising into people’s  The precise times and lo-  dolences on the tragic loss of
            homes.                       cations  of the deaths  and  lives and devastation,” U.N.
                                         disappearances  weren’t im-  deputy spokesman  Farhan
            At least  10 trains carrying  mediately clear, although  Haq said Wednesday.
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