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A28     u.s. news
                      DIAHUEBS 22 JULI 2021
                           Couple in eBay harassment case sues company, ex-officials

            (AP) — A Massachu-           son surveillance from com-                                                             Federal prosecutors  have
            setts couple subjected to  pany workers. They’re seek-                                                              said the harassment  includ-
            threats and other  bizarre  ing damages to be awarded by                                                            ed anonymous  deliveries of
            harassment from former  a jury.                                                                                     items like live insects,  a fu-
            eBay Inc. employees filed                                                                                           neral  wreath,  and a bloody
            a civil lawsuit against the  “This has been an unbeliev-                                                            pig face Halloween mask
            Silicon Valley giant on  ably difficult ordeal for my                                                               to the couple’s home. The
            Wednesday.                   wife and I,” David Steiner                                                             employees  also sent por-
                                         said. “Never did we imagine                                                            nographic  magazines with
            David and Ina Steiner say in  doing our jobs as journalists                                                         the husband’s name on it to
            their lawsuit filed in Boston  would lead to this. We want                                                          their neighbor’s house and
            federal court that the compa-  to protect the rights  of re-                                                        planned  to break into the
            ny engaged in a conspiracy to  porters and their freedom of                                                         couple’s garage to install  a
            “intimidate, threaten to kill,  the press. We  have endured                                                         GPS device on their car.
            torture, terrorize,  stalk and  enormous cruelty and abuse
            silence them” in order to “sti-  and feared for our lives. If                                                       “This  was a determined,
            fle their reporting on eBay.”  this behavior can happen to   “The misconduct  of these  Steiners, we are very sorry for   systematic  effort by senior
                                         us, it can happen to anyone.”  former  employees    was   what they endured.”          employees of a major  com-
            The Natick residents, who                                 wrong, and we will do what                                pany to destroy the lives of a
            run EcommerceBytes, an  In a statement Wednesday,         is fair and appropriate to try  Several former eBay employ-  couple in Natick all because
            online newsletter focused  eBay apologized to the cou-    to address what the Steiners  ees were charged last June for   they published content that
            on the e-commerce industry,  ple and stressed that it fully   went through,” the company  their roles in the harassment   company executives didn’t
            say they were subjected  to  cooperated with  authorities   said. “The events from 2019  campaign. At least five  have   like,” then-U.S. Attorney for
            cyberstalking,  death threats,  during their inquiry.     should never have happened,  already pleaded guilty.      Massachusetts  Andrew Lel-
            bizarre deliveries, and in-per-                           and as eBay expressed to the                              ling said at the time.

                                 Off-duty DEA agent arrested on Capitol riot charges

            (AP) - An off-duty  Drug                                                                                            forcement, me being law en-
            Enforcement      Adminis-                                                              “This indictment results  forcement myself I started to
            tration agent posed for                                                                from conjecture, political  document everything,” Ibra-
            photographs  in which he                                                               pressure  and a flawed at-   him told  host Tucker Carl-
            flashed his DEA badge                                                                  tempt to paint a specific nar-  son, adding he later gave the
            and  firearm outside the                                                               rative through pictures taken  materials to the FBI “so those
            U.S. Capitol during the                                                                wholly  out of context. Mr.  criminals could face justice.”
            Jan. 6 riot, according to a                                                            Ibrahim  firmly believes the
            court filing Tuesday  fol-                                                             truth shall always  prevail,”  “I wanted to aid law enforce-
            lowing the agent’s arrest.                                                             Richie said in a statement.  ment that day as best I could.
                                                                                                                                I really didn’t think anything
            A video posted on the inter-                                                           He is scheduled to make his  of it,” he said.
            net also showed  Mark Sami                                                             initial court  appearance on
            Ibrahim carrying a flag bear-                                                          Tuesday afternoon before  After flying back to Los An-
            ing the words “Liberty  or                                                             U.S. Magistrate  Judge Zia  geles, Ibrahim  said, he was
            Death” outside the Capitol,                                                            Faruqui.                     stripped of his badge and gun
            about  12 minutes before a                                                                                          and “fired after being  sus-
            mob of people pulled apart a                                                           A DEA spokeswoman didn’t  pended for two months  for
            nearby set of barricades, au-                                                          immediately respond Tues-    performance issues.”
            thorities said.              their behavior in the District  after leaving the DEA  and   day to an email seeking com-
                                         of Columbia or face criminal  wanted the protests to be his   ment.                    “They got it wrong,” he said
            Ibrahim, of Orange County,   charges for  participating in  stage for launching a ‘Liberty                          of his termination. “Me and
            California, was a  probation-  the riot. Ex-military partici-  Tavern’ political podcast and   The DEA had declined for  my brother  both  served in
            ary employee of the DEA and   pated, too.                 cigar brand.”                months to say whether any of  the Army. I  followed him
            was on personal leave from                                                             its agents attended  the rally,  into federal law enforcement.
            the agency when he traveled   Ibrahim wasn’t working as  Ibrahim  acknowledged that    saying it could not comment  My sister is a Navy veteran.
            to Washington on Jan. 6. Sev-  a law-enforcement officer  he was at the Capitol on Jan.   on “specific personnel mat-  My mom was in the Penta-
            eral weeks before the riot, he   at the Capitol on Jan. 6, but  6 but denied that he displayed   ters.”             gon on 9/11.”
            had given notice of his inten-  he told investigators after the  or exposed  his DEA badge
            tion to resign.              riot that he was there to help  and firearm there despite the   “If we  receive information  “The saddest part about this,”
                                         a friend who had been asked  photographic evidence to the   indicating an employee  en-  Ibrahim added,  “is I can’t
            Also on Tuesday, a third per-  to document the event for  contrary, authorities say.   gaged in misconduct, DEA’s  serve my country anymore.”
            son pleaded guilty to partici-  the FBI.                                               policy is to promptly refer
            pating in a plot for members                              Ibrahim  was arrested Tues-  the case to the appropriate  In  a WhatsApp group  chat
            of the anti-government Oath   The friend denied that, how-  day in Washington on charges   authorities for  review,” the  with at last five other law-
            Keepers group to storm  the   ever, and told investigators  that included entering or re-  agency told AP in January.  enforcement officers, Ibra-
            Capitol on Jan. 6. The judge   that Ibrahim had concocted  maining in a restricted build-                           him posted a photo of him-
            who accepted Caleb Berry’s   the false story to “cover  his  ing or grounds with a firearm   Ibrahim has denied breaking  self  standing near barricades
            guilty plea didn’t immedi-   ass,” according to a case sum-  and making a false statement   any laws, telling Fox News  that had been pulled apart by
            ately schedule his sentencing   mary signed by senior special  when he denied displayed his   in March that he “never even  the mob several minutes ear-
            hearing.                     agent with the  Justice De-  badge or firearm.            set foot on the  stairs of  the  lier, the OIG agent wrote. He
                                         partment’s Office of the In-                              Capitol building.” He said  also posted video in the chat
            The presence of law enforce-  spector General.            Defense attorney Darren      he went to the rally with his  that showed Ashli Babbitt, a
            ment at the riot has been                                 Richie said Ibrahim  didn’t   brother, an FBI agent, who  woman fatally shot inside the
            troubling for the police who   “According  to  Ibrahim’s  participate in the riot, engage   faced “no adverse action” for  Capitol, being taken from
            were attacked and beaten.    friend,  Ibrahim went to the  in any violence or try to enter   attending.             the building to an ambulance
            The DEA agent is among at    rally in  order to promote  the Capitol that day. He also                              by emergency workers, the
            least 30  officers in  12 states   himself,” the OIG agent  remained “honest and volun-  “When the crowd  began to  agent said.
            who are being scrutinized for   wrote. “Ibrahim had been  tarily cooperative” with au-  be hostile toward law en-
                                         thinking about his next move  thorities, Richie added.
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