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A32     sports
                      DIAHUEBS 22 JULI 2021

                          Damon Allen hoping to launch coaching career with Raiders

            (AP) — A single short sen-   program  allows participants
            tence resonates with Da-     to use NFL training  camps,
            mon Allen when he thinks  offseason workout programs
            about what his brother  and  minicamps to observe
            and NFL legend Marcus  and gain experience to ulti-
            Allen told him on multiple  mately gain a full-time NFL
            occasions during Damon’s  coaching position.
            storied career in the Ca-
            nadian Football League.      “We are excited to have Da-
                                         mon among our fellowship
            “Play within yourself,” Al-  coaches this summer,” Raid-
            len said. “I remember those  ers coach  Jon Gruden said.
            words all  the time  because  “His  experience will be a
            (he) used them  more than  great addition to our staff
            once to me. I understood  and he’s already a part of the
            playing within myself meant  Raiders family, of course, so
            to bring my whole skill set to  it’s the perfect fit.”
            the game ...  on a  consistent
            basis and to optimize my best  Just as the Bears kept Burris
            to be the best.”             on staff for the 2021 season,
                                         Allen said the long-term goal
            Now, Allen is hoping to share  is to stay on with the Raiders  numbers during Damon’s  all time. He  was enshrined  a player at that  position can
            those  words and his  vast  as a full-time coach.         illustrious 23-year career  in the CFL Hall of Fame in  conceive or been through on
            knowledge  from a Hall of                                 north of the border squashes  2012  and entered Canada’s  a physical side of it. So why
            Fame career in the CFL with  “He has the ability to go out  that notion.               Sports Hall of Fame in 2018.  not do it at the highest level,”
            the organization his older  there and  physically execute                                                           Damon Allen said. “I have a
            brother starred for and led to  some of the things that I think  Allen won Grey Cup titles  “He blazed his own trail and  great amount of respect for
            a Super Bowl title in 1984.  would be helpful for any  twice with Edmonton and  obviously didn’t let the fact  coaches. I  don’t think you
                                         young quarterback,” Marcus  once each with BC Lions and  that  I was his older brother  ever stop learning. There
            Damon Allen, 57, was select-  Allen said. “I just think that  Toronto and earned three  bother him at all,” Marcus  are great minds in the game
            ed to work with the Las Vegas  it’s a good fit. I think he can  championship  game MVP  Allen said. “Few people know  of football, especially in the
            Raiders’ coaching staff as part  bring something; I think he  trophies. Upon retiring in  the quarterback position  or  National  Football League.
            of the Bill Walsh  Diversity  can certainly  coach, I think  2008, he was the leading  has  played the quarterback  And so to be in a culture like
            Coaching  Fellowship pro-    he can  teach,  I think  he’s a  passer in pro football his-  position and know offense as  the Raiders’, with the energy
            gram, the same program for-  great motivator, I think he’s a  tory (72,381  yards). While  well as Damon. He certainly  level from the head coach,
            mer CFL quarterback Henry  great psychologist — I think  he’s since been passed by  has the credentials,  he cer-   understanding the ‘commit-
            Burris participated in  last  he’s all those things.”     Drew Brees (80,358), former  tainly has the numbers.”     ment to excellence.’
            year with the Chicago Bears.                              CFL  star Anthony Calvillo
                                         While the Allen brothers  (79,816)  and Tom Brady  Damon Allen said he believes  “It makes it special due to the
            Established in 1987 and  agreed  during an interview  (79,204),  Allen remains as  there are elements in today’s  bloodline because when your
            named after three-time  Su-  with The Associated Press  large a sports figure in Can-  NFL that are very similar to  brother is a part of an orga-
            per   Bowl-winning     head  that from the outside an op-  ada  as his brother is in the  what the CFL has been doing  nization,  he embodies those
            coach Bill Walsh, the fellow-  portunity like this appears to  NFL.                    for years, and with what he’s  very encouraging Raider
            ship program offers  minor-  be a younger brother benefit-                             accomplished he is prepared  words used today. We under-
            ity coaches a chance to work  ting from his older brother’s  Damon Allen  also ran for  to be an asset to any coaching  stand the importance, we un-
            with NFL coaches and staffs  legacy, a quick glance at a re-  11,920 yards during his CFL  staff.                   derstand what the silver and
            during training camp. The  sume filled with impressive  career, which ranks him third  “I’ve seen every situation that  black meant to our family.”
                           Oakland OKs terms for $12B ballpark but A’s aren’t happy

            (AP) — The Oakland City  Bay Area city.                   council leaders said the vote  duce the benefits our  com-  harder to keep the team and
            Council on Tuesday  ap-                                   marks a milestone in negotia-  munity  demands and de-    accompanying coliseum jobs.
            proved preliminary terms  The 6-1 vote backed the pro-    tions, despite city officials be-  serves,” the city leaders said  Others,  like Emily Wheeler,
            for a new $12 billion  wa-   posal that requires the devel-  ing able to reach a deal with  in a statement.         said good riddance: “The A’s
            terfront ballpark project  opment to include affordable  the team in last-minute ne-                                are like an abusive boyfriend
            for the Oakland Athletics,  housing, tenant protections  gotiations.                   But A’s President Dave Kaval  and you need to stand up to
            but it’s unclear if the vote  and environmental measures,                              said the financial terms do  them.”
            will be enough to keep the  the San Francisco Chronicle  “This is the path to keeping  not work for the team.
            baseball team at the ne-     reported.                    the A’s rooted in Oakland in                              The  A’s project includes a
            gotiating  table instead of                               a way that  protects our port  “To vote  on something  we  $1 billion privately financed
            leaving the San Francisco  Mayor  Libby Schaaf and  and taxpayers and will pro-        have not been privy to and  35,000-seat  waterfront ball-
                                                                                                   not had time to digest is a dif-  park at Howard Terminal,
                                                                                                   ficult thing for us. It’s hard to  3,000 residential units, office
                                                                                                   understand how that is a path  and retail space, hotel rooms
                                                                                                   forward,” Kaval said at  the  and an indoor performance
                                                                                                   meeting.                     center.
                                                                                                                                The team’s lease at the aging
                                                                                                   The A’s are the  last profes-  RingCentral  Coliseum runs
                                                                                                   sional franchise remaining  through 2024. The league has
                                                                                                   in Oakland after the NBA’s  said rebuilding at the current
                                                                                                   Golden  State Warriors relo-  location  is not a viable op-
                                                                                                   cated to San  Francisco  and  tion. In May, Major League
                                                                                                   the NFL’s Raiders  to Las  Baseball instructed Oak-
                                                                                                   Vegas. The defections weigh  land’s brass  to explore relo-
                                                                                                   heavily on the Bay Area city  cation options if no ballpark
                                                                                                   of roughly 400,000  people,  agreement could be reached.
                                                                                                   some of whom pleaded with
                                                                                                   the council Tuesday to work
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