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A2   U.S. NEWS
                    Friday 17 January 2025
            Trump offered a bountiful batch of campaign promises that come

            due on Day 1

            By CALVIN WOODWARD                                                                                                  ergy  production  without
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Congress  necessarily  hav-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — After                                                                                             ing to pass a law. Yet many
            Donald  Trump  becomes                                                                                              of his executive orders will
            president  again  on  Mon-                                                                                          essentially  be  statements
            day,  he’s  on  the  hook  for                                                                                      of  intent    stage  setters  for
            achieving  a  hefty  chunk                                                                                          struggles to come.
            of  his  promises  even  be-                                                                                        Trump  has  walked  back
            fore the day is out. One of                                                                                         some  promises  since  win-
            those  promises  is  to  make                                                                                       ning election
            you dizzy.                                                                                                          In   the   campaign,    he
            “Your  head  will  spin  when                                                                                       vowed     repeatedly    to
            you  see  what’s  going  to                                                                                         “close the border” on Day
            happen.,” he said of Day 1.                                                                                         1.  Post-election,  his  advis-
            Steady yourself. This is some                                                                                       ers  said  he  wasn’t  speak-
            of what he promised voters                                                                                          ing  literally.  He  intends  to
            he would get done on his                                                                                            take  administrative  action
            first day in office:                                                                                                to  tighten  enforcement
            •  Launch  the  largest  de-                                                                                        against  illegal  entry,  not
            portation  in  U.S.  history  to                                                                                    shut borders.
            remove  all  people  in  the                                                                                        Trump  also  vowed  to  end
            country illegally.                                                                                                  the   Russia-Ukraine   war
            • Close the border.                                                                                                 even  before  taking  office.
            •  End  automatic  citizen-  Members of the Mexican National Guard review cars as they line up to cross the border into the   Now,  he’s  bending  to  the
            ship  for  everyone  born  in   United States at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, Dec. 3, 2024, in Tijuana, Mexico.    reality  that  he  couldn’t
            the U.S., known as birthright                                                                      Associated Press   solve  the  conflict  on  the
            citizenship.                                                                                                        timetable  he’d  promised,
            • Sign pardons for some or   already imposed on goods     complish all he said he will   But  as  other  presidents   telling Time magazine in a
            many  of  those  convicted   from China.                  do on Day 1 because there    have done  and as Trump      post-election  interview:  “I
            or  charged  in  the  Jan.  6,   •  Even  before  Monday,   are  two  more  branches   did  aggressively  and  with   think that the Middle East is
            2021,  assault  on  the  U.S.   end   the   Russia-Ukraine   of  government    Congress   decidedly  mixed  results  in   an easier problem to han-
            Capitol.                     war.                         and the courts. (Moreover,   his first term  he will quickly   dle than what’s happening
            •  Impose  a  25%  tariff  on   All  of  that    and  more    on   in 2017 he considered Jan.   test the limits of his execu-  with Russia and Ukraine.”
            everything  imported  from   Monday?                      21    his  first  full  day  on  the   tive  power.  He’s  told  law-  On birthright citizenship, he
            Mexico  and  Canada  and     Not likely.                  job after the Jan. 20 inau-  makers  to  expect  more     appeared to concede af-
            add  a  10%  tariff  to  duties   Trump  simply  can’t  ac-  guration  to be his Day 1.)  than  100  executive  orders   ter the election that ending
                                                                                                   out of the gate. Some will   that  may  not  be  so  easy,
                                                                                                   be  consequential,  others   either: “We’ll maybe have
                                                                                                   will be cosmetic. Some will   to go back to the people,”
                                                                                                   be tied up in courts.        Trump said on NBC’s “Meet
                                                                                                   All will display the bravado   the Press” in December.
                                                                                                   of  a  president  reaching   Some  promises  may  be
                                                                                                   for  maximum  solo  power.   posturing  or  part  of  nego-
                                                                                                   Trump, a Republican, won’t   tiations
                                                                                                   be alone in this. When Re-   Trump  posted  on  social
                                                                                                   publicans cried foul about   media  after  the  election:
                                                                                                   President Barack Obama’s     “On  January  20th,  as  one
                                                                                                   expansive  executive  ac-    of my many first Executive
                                                                                                   tions in 2014, the Democrat   Orders, I will sign all neces-
                                                                                                   met the uproar with a curt   sary documents to charge
                                                                                                   response: “So sue me.”       Mexico  and  Canada  a
                                                                                                   Here  are  some  things  to   25% Tariff on ALL products
                                                                                                   know about Trump’s prom-     coming  into  the  United
                                                                                                   ises:                        States.” He added that all
                                                                                                   Trump  can’t  always  act    products  from  China  will
                                                                                                   unilaterally                 be  hit  with  an  additional
                                                                                                   The   constitutional   right   10% tariff right away.
                                                                                                   to   birthright   citizenship,   As definitive as that sound-
                                                                                                   for  example,  cannot  be    ed, Trump later said of the
                                                                                                   ended with a stroke of his   tariffs, “We adjust it some-
                                                                                                   pen. On many other fronts,   what”  if  they  are  merely
                                                                                                   Trump’s  most  contentious   passed on to consumers in
                                                                                                   executive actions are sure   the  form  of  higher  prices,
                                                                                                   to meet a thicket of court   as is usually the case. And
                                                                                                   challenges.                  he  gave  the  three  coun-
                                                                                                   On some issues he can        tries  an  opening  to  avoid
                                                                                                   The  power  to  pardon  is   or minimize the tariffs if they
                                                                                                   within  his  grasp,  and  he   show  enough  progress  in
                                                                                                   can  steer  border  enforce-  reducing the flow of illegal
                                                                                                   ment  efforts,  tweak  tariffs   drugs into the U.S.q
                                                                                                   and  find  ways  to  spur  en-
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