Page 4 - aruba-today-20250117
P. 4

a4   local
                    Friday 17 January 2025

            Papiamento words and phrases you may want to know!

            (Oranjestad)—Aruba is a melting pot of different                                                    which means “good afternoon”. “Tardi” ac-
            nationalities, cultures and languages. Primarily                                                    tually comes from the word “atardi”, which
            for this reason, the average Aruban can under-                                                      directly translates to “afternoon”. However,
            stand  and  speak  Dutch,  English  and  Spanish                                                    the  shortened  “tardi”  is  used  to  keep  the
            relatively well. However, as much as we pride                                                       rhythm on the phrase. And the same could
            ourselves  in  being  able  to  communicate  with                                                   be said for our last greeting of the day.
            almost everyone, we cherish our native tongue                                                   3.  Bon  nochi.  You  guessed  it,  “bon  nochi”
            Papiamento above all else. Want to learn some                                                       means “good night”. Just like “tardi”, “no-
            common  words  in  our  language?  Here  are  a                                                     chi” is actually the shortened version of the
            few basic words and phrases that can get you                                                        word “anochi”.
            a hat tip from an Aruban.                       When we say goodbye, we use the word “ayo”
                                                            (not like the Ayo Rock Formation, but also…kin-               Yes…no…maybe?
            When you arrive at the airport in Aruba, one of  da?). We may also use “te oro”, which means  The affirmative and negative expression is very
            the first words in Papiamento you may encoun-   “see you later”.                                simple in Papiamento. Just like Spanish, our yes-
            ter is “Bon bini.” Bon bini in Papiamento means                                                 es  are “si”  and  our no’s are “no”. Pretty easy
            welcome, and is probably the most famous Pa-               Greetings during the day             right? If you want to gain some extra points from
            piamento word for tourists.                     Most, if not all, languages have different ways  younger locals, you can also say “se”, which is
                                                            to greet according to the time of day, and Pa-  a  more  casual  affirmative  used  mostly  by  the
                                Hi! Bye!                    piamento  is  no  different.  Since  Papiamento  is  younger generation. However, do note: some
            To be fair, there is no unique way to say “hello”  heavily influences from Portuguese and Span-  older  generations  may  find  this  improper  and
            in Papiamento. At least, not officially. We often  ish, some of these phrases may look very famil-  not respectful, so keep that in mind.
            just  use  the  English  “hello”  or  “hey”,  or  Dutch  iar.
            “hallo”  to  greet  someone.  We  do  however,                                                                  Thanks man…
            always  follow  it  up  with  “con  bay?”  or  “con  1.  Bon dia is used in the morning, up to about  Lastly, a word that we can also say more often
            ta?” Con bay is a shortened version of “con ta      noon.  Bon  dia  essentially  means  good  is  “danki”,  which  means  literally  “thank  you”.
            bay?”, which essentially means “how are you?”       morning.  The  word  “bon”  means  “good”,  “Danki”  is  derived  from  the  Dutch  word  “be-
                                                                and  while  “dia”  does  not  directly  mean  dankt”. Though we don’t really have a transla-
            The word “con” in Papiamento means “how?”           “morning” in English, it is used often to refer  tion for “I appreciate it” in English, we do use
            and is pronounced with a rounder “o” sounds,        to the morning time.                        “masha danki” to convey the message. “Ma-
            like in the English word “cone”. “Ta bay” refers  2.  Bon tardi. In the afternoon to early evening  sha” means “a lot” or “very”, so “masha danki”
            to how you are doing.                               hours, we use “bon tardi” to greet people,  means “thank you very much”.q

            Dining in? Try making a local favorite

            How to make “funchi hasa”

            (Oranjestad)—A night in can be just  like to fry sticks of funchi for a quick  much. At this phase of cooking, you
            as fun as a night out on the town,  and filling snack.                   want a goopy thick mixture, but thin
            especially if you got the right snacks                                   enough so you can continue to stir
            to munch on. One of the most fa-    Ingredients (measured by heart)      to get all the lumps out.
            mous Aruban snacks or appetizers is  1.     Polenta flour*               After reaching a semi-firm, yet flex-
            “funchi hasa” (fried polenta sticks).  2.   Water                        ible texture, grab a baking pan or
            A super easy meal that adults and  3.       Butter                       any large, deep plate, and pour the  up some oil in a pan and fry those
            children will both enjoy. Here’s how  4.    Salt to taste                mixture in. Be sure that this plate is  babies up! After frying, you can top
            to make it!                                                              wet or greased so that the mixture  it with some cheese or enjoy it with
                                                Directions                           does not stick to the bottom. Let this  your favorite dipping sauce.
            Before we start, get to know the basics  Bring water to a boil in a medium-  cool completely while it firms up for  Note: We recommend the FUNCHI
            So what is funchi hasa? Funchi, or  sized sauce pan. Add in some salt  the last time. Once it’s cooled you  FRESKU polenta flour brand that is
            Aruban polenta, is a popular side  and butter to taste in the boiling water  can enjoy it as is, topped with some  sold in all supermarkets on the island.
            dish for local dishes, like soups, stews  and let this dissolve and melt. Then,  butter or shredded cheese. Or, you  You can also use yellow corn flour
            and fried fish. Made from a corn flour,  gradually add the flour while stirring  can take it to another level of de-  from the brand PAN.
            water and butter mixture, this appe-  with a wooden spoon. The mixture  liciousness.
            tizer is traditionally eaten alongside  will start to begin to harden pretty  When your funchi is firm enough, cut   Photo credit of fried funchi sticks: Jac-
            a warm meal. However, locals also  fast, so be careful not to add too  it into strips (size is up to you). Heat   queline Felida on Pinterest.
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