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Friday 17 January 2025
David Lynch, visionary filmmaker behind ‘Twin Peaks’
DOCTOR ON DUTY and ‘Mulholland Drive,’ dies at 78
Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Tel. 527 4000 LOS ANGELES (AP) — Da-
vid Lynch, the filmmaker
San Nicolas celebrated for his uniquely
Imsan 24 hours dark vision in such movies
Tel.524 8833 as “Blue Velvet” and “Mul-
Women in Difficulties holland Drive” and the TV
PHARMACY ON DUTY series “Twin Peaks,” has
Oranjestad: died just days before his
Trupiaal: Tel.583 8560 79th birthday.
San Nicolas: His family announced the
Aloe:Tel.584 4606 death in a Facebook post
OTHER on Thursday. The cause of
death and location was
Dental Clinic 587 9850 not immediately available,
Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002 but Lynch had been public
Urgent Care 586 0448
Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic about his emphysema.
+297 588 0539 “We would appreciate
Women in Difficulties some privacy at this time.
EMERGENCY There’s a big hole in the
Police 100 world now that he’s no
Oranjestad 527 3140 longer with us. But, as he
Noord 527 3200 would say, ‘Keep your eye David Lynch appears at the Governors Awards in Los Angeles on Oct. 27, 2019.
Sta. Cruz 527 2900 on the donut and not on Associated Press
San Nicolas 584 5000
Police Tipline 11141 the hole,’” the post read.
Ambulancia 911 “It’s a beautiful day with would not be leaving his cades. His notable releases said at the time, in char-
Fire Dept. 115 golden sunshine and blue home because of fears of ranged from the neo-noir acteristically off-beat re-
Red Cross 582 2219 skies all the way.” contracting the coronavi- “Mulholland Drive” to the marks. “You have a very
Last summer, Lynch had re- rus or “even a cold.” skewed Gothic of “Blue nice face. Good night.”
TAXI SERVICES vealed to Sight and Sound “I’ve gotten emphysema Velvet” to the eclectic and His other credits includ-
Taxi Tas 587 5900 from smoking for so long eccentric “Twin Peaks,” ed the crime story “Wild
Prof. Taxi 588 0035 that he was diagnosed
Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300 with emphysema and and so I’m homebound which won three Golden at Heart,” winner of the
Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232 whether I like it or not,” Globes, two Emmys and Palme d’Or at the Cannes
A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828 Lynch said, adding he even a Grammy for its Film Festival; the biographi-
Women in Difficulties didn’t expect to make an- theme music. cal drama “The Elephant
TRAVEL INFO other film. Lynch never won a com- Man” and the G-rated,
“I would try to do it remote- petitive Academy Award. aptly straightforward “The
Aruba Airport 524 2424 ly, if it comes to it,” Lynch He received nominations Straight Story.” Actors regu-
American Airlines 582 2700 said. “I wouldn’t like that so for directing “The Elephant larly appearing in his mov-
Avianca 588 0059
Jet Blue 588 2244 much.” Man,” “Blue Velvet” and ies included Kyle McLach-
Surinam 582 7896 Lynch was a onetime “Mulholland Drive” and, lan, Laura Dern, Naomi
Women in Difficulties
AID FOUNDATIONS painter who broke through in 2019, was presented an Watts and Richard Farn-
honorary Oscar for lifetime
in the 1970s with the surreal
Aruba Food Bank “Eraserhead” and rarely achievement. Lynch was a Missoula,
Tel. 588 0002 failed to startle and inspire “To the Academy and ev- Montana, native who
FAVI- Visually Impaired audiences, peers and crit- eryone who helped me moved around often with
Tel. 582 5051
Alcoholics Anonymous ics in the following de- along the way, thanks,” he his family as a child and
Tel. 736 2952 would long feel most at
Narcotics Anonymous home away from the class-
Tel. 583 8989 room, free to explore his
Fundacion Contra Violencia fascination with the world.
Relacional Tel. 583 5400
Centre for Diabetes He had an early gift for vi-
Tel. 524 8888 sual arts and a passion for
Child Abuse Prevention travel and discovery that
Tel. 582 4433 led to his enrollment in the
Quota Club Tel. 525 2672 Pennsylvania Academy of
Women in Difficulties the Fine Arts and the be-
General Info ginning of a decade-long
Phone Directory Tel. 118 apprenticeship as a maker
of short movies.
“David’s always had a
cheerful disposition and
sunny personality, but he’s
always been attracted to
dark things,” a childhood
friend is quoted as saying in
“Room to Dream,” a 2018
book by Lynch and Kristine
McKenna. That’s one of
the mysteries of David.”q