Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201128
P. 30
A30 world news
Diasabra 28 November 2020
S. Korea agency says N. Korea executed people, shut capital
(AP) — North Korean with a series of natural disas- destruction they had previ-
leader Kim Jong Un has ters over the summer, dealt ously exchanged.
ordered at least two peo- a heavy blow to the North's Lawmaker Kim Byung-kee
ple executed, banned fish- economy, which has been cited the NIS as saying that
ing at sea and locked down under punishing U.S.-led North Korea is displaying
the capital, Pyongyang, as sanctions. anxiety as its friendly ties
part of frantic efforts to North Korea’s trade with with Trump become useless
guard against the coro- China in the first 10 months and it has to start from scratch
navirus and its economic of this year totaled $530 mil- in dealing with the incoming
damage, South Korea’s lion, about 25% of the corre- Biden administration.
spy agency told lawmak- sponding figure last year. The Experts have been debating
ers Friday. price of sugar and seasoning whether North Korea will
has shot up four times, Ha resume major missile tests
Kim's government also or- quoted the NIS as saying. soon to try to get Biden’s at-
dered diplomats overseas North Korea monitoring tention. During past govern-
to refrain from any acts that groups in Seoul said the ment changes in the U.S.,
could provoke the United weren't identified by name. was trying to develop a coro- North Korean won-to-dollar North Korea often conduct-
States because it is worried North Korea has also banned navirus vaccine, the NIS said. exchange rate has recently ed big weapons launches in
about President-elect Joe fishing and salt production at The agency has a mixed re- fallen significantly because an attempt to increase its le-
Biden’s expected new ap- sea to prevent seawater from cord in confirming devel- people found few places to verage in negotiations with a
proach toward North Korea, being infected with the virus, opments in North Korea, use foreign currency after new U.S. administration.
lawmakers told reporters af- the NIS told lawmakers. one of the world’s most se- smuggling was largely cut off The NIS expects North Ko-
ter attending a private brief- There are few ways to inde- cretive nations. The NIS following the closure of the rea will hold a military pa-
ing by the National Intelli- pendently confirm the re- said it couldn’t immediately China border. rade ahead of a ruling party
gence Service. ported fishing ban and other confirm the lawmakers’ ac- According to the NIS brief- congress in January in a show
One of the lawmakers, Ha information given by the NIS counts. ing, North Korea ordered of force timed with Biden’s
Tae-keung, quoted the NIS to the lawmakers. Ha didn’t overseas diplomatic missions inauguration. North Korea
as saying Kim is displaying say whether the ban applied North Korea has maintained not to provoke the United is also likely to use the Work-
“excessive anger” and taking to all North Korean waters or that it hasn't found a single States, warning their ambas- ers’ Party congress to lay out
“irrational measures” over whether it was still in effect. coronavirus case on its soil, sadors of consequences if its basic policies toward the
the pandemic and its eco- North Korea recently placed a claim disputed by outside their comments or acts relat- U.S., Kim Byung-kee cited
nomic impact. Pyongyang and northern Ja- experts, although it says it is ed to the U.S. cause any trou- the NIS as saying.
Ha said the NIS told law- gang province under lock- making all-out efforts to pre- ble in ties with Washington. Kim Jong Un has said the
makers that North Korea ex- down over virus concerns. vent the virus's spread. A ma- North Korea’s government congress, the first of its kind
ecuted a high-profile money Earlier this month, it im- jor outbreak could have dire has remained silent over in four years, will set new
changer in Pyongyang last posed lockdown measures consequences because the Biden's election victory over state objectives for the next
month after holding the per- in other areas where officials North's health care system President Donald Trump, five years. In a highly unusual
son responsible for a falling found unauthorized goods remains crippled and suffers with whom Kim held three admission of its policy failure
exchange rate. He quoted and foreign currencies that from a chronic lack of medi- summits in 2018-19 over in August, the Workers’ Party
the NIS as saying that North were brought in, Ha cited the cal supplies. the North’s nuclear arsenal. said North Korea’s economy
Korea also executed a key NIS as saying. The pandemic forced North While the diplomacy even- had not improved due to se-
official in August for violat- North Korea also made an Korea to seal its border with tually stalled, the meetings vere internal and external
ing government regulations unsuccessful hacking attempt China, its biggest trading helped Kim and Trump build barriers and that its previ-
restricting goods brought on at least one South Korean partner and aid benefactor, in up personal ties and stop the ous developmental goals had
from abroad. The two people pharmaceutical company that January. The closure, along crude insults and threats of been seriously delayed.
Iran shuts gov’t offices, tightening virus restrictions
(AP) — Iran on Friday an- further tightening coro- present will be at work” in banks, post offices, commu-
nounced that all govern- navirus measures as the Starting this Saturday — the government offices. Manag- nications and other utilities
ment offices will effec- country struggles to con- first day of Iran’s workweek ers will make the call on who worked with half their staff.
tively close and operate tain its most widespread — state TV said “only those must still come to work. Those new lockdown mea-
with only essential staff, wave of infection yet. employees who need to be The report did not specify sures also included shutter-
how long the closures would ing most businesses, shops,
last, but asked Iranians to malls, and restaurants, and
postpone any planned visits are set to last two weeks.
to government offices. Iran's government had re-
Infections have soared in re- cently resisted shutting down
cent months, and on Friday, the country in an attempt to
Iran again set a record for salvage an economy cratered
new virus cases in a single by unprecedented American
day with 14,051 cases, bring- sanctions, which effectively
ing the total to 922,397. bar Iran from selling its oil
Iran has also recorded more internationally. The Trump
than 400 daily virus deaths administration reimposed
since last Saturday, the same sanctions in 2018 after with-
day new tightened restric- drawing from Tehran’s nu-
tions went into effect. Health clear deal with world powers.
Ministry spokeswoman Sima Earlier this month, authori-
Sadat Lari said the death toll ties ordered a month-long
on Friday reached 47,095, nightly curfew for businesses
after 406 people died since in Tehran and 30 other major
Thursday. cities and towns, asking non-
Since Saturday, some gov- essential shops to keep their
ernment offices and organi- workers home. Still, enforce-
zations had closed or began ment in the sprawling me-
working with less than 30% tropolis remains a challenge.
of their employees, while