Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20201128
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world news Diasabra 28 November 2020
Two protesters dead as supporters of Iraqi cleric rally
(AP) — Confrontations next year's vote. Anti-gov- director of al-Sadr's office
between demonstrators ernment protesters feel be- north of Baghdad.
and followers of a fire- trayed by al-Sadr's flip-flop Observers consider the pro-
brand cleric left two pro- approach toward them, espe- test as a show of mettle by al-
testers dead in southern cially in the last few months Sadr meant to send a message
Iraq on Friday, officials when he withdrew support to other political blocs that
said, as thousands also for their movement. on Iraq's streets, the cleric
took to Baghdad's streets Clashes broke out in Nasiriya still has clout.
in a show of support for when anti-government pro- Prime Minister Mustafa al-
the preacher ahead of testers camped out in Habou- masked in the square, chant- avoid hospitals to get tested. Kadhimi called for elections
elections next year. bi Square stood in the way of ing: “Yes, yes for our leader,” Iraq has the second high- to take place next June, a year
al-Sadr's followers as they at- in support of the firebrand est outbreak and number of earlier than expected. That
Two protesters were killed tempted to march toward a cleric as Iraq remains a high- deaths in the region after Iran. was a key demand of anti-
and 10 were wounded in the central bridge. Al-Sadr's fol- risk country for coronavirus Al-Sadr leads the Sairoon po- government protesters who
southern city of Nasiriya, lowers fired live rounds that infection. The crowd then litical bloc, which holds the paralyzed Iraq's streets when
two medical officials said, af- killed two protesters, the of- stood side-by-side for Friday majority in parliament. He tens of thousands demon-
ter clashes broke out between ficial said. prayers at noon. has taken steps in preparation strated last October.
anti-government protesters The violence occurred hours More than 12,000 people for elections scheduled for The elections will take place
and supporters of Moqtada after supporters of al-Sadr have died of the virus in Iraq June next year. His followers under a new law approved by
al-Sadr. The officials spoke congregated in Baghdad's amid 544,000 confirmed cas- called for a demonstration in lawmakers this year that the-
on condition of anonymity in Tahrir Square, once the epi- es, according to Health Min- support of the leader's call oretically will enable more
line with regulations. center of mass anti-govern- istry figures. Daily infection for mass participation in the independent candidates to
Al-Sadr leads a powerful po- ment protests, to show their rates average 2,400 cases per vote. run. Iraq's electoral commis-
litical bloc and his supporters support for for the cleric day, but health workers say “The Iraqi people and al-Sa- sion has said it is prepared to
had called for a demonstra- ahead of federal elections the number may be higher as dr's followers will have one hold early elections on time
tion in support of the leader's slated for next June. many Iraqis with symptoms saying, and that is: Yes yes for if the government allocates a
call for mass participation in Al-Sadr's followers stood un- choose to stay home and Iraq," said Ibrahim al-Jabiri, budget for the vote.
Belarus president plans to leave job under new constitution
(AP) — The president of presidential election in which Belarusian authorities have sian Constitution. Russia has
Belarus said Friday that he he won a sixth term produced called for a national assembly close ties with Belarus, and
would not remain in the protests demanding his resig- of thousands of people in late Moscow has offered Lukash-
post he has held for more nation. The Belarusian po- December or January to dis- enko security assistance if he
than 26 years if his country litical opposition and some cuss proposed constitutional requests it.
adopts a new constitution. poll workers have alleged the changes. Lukashenko, who has been in
election was rigged. “I will not work with you as office since 1994, has refused
However, President Alex- The opposition views the talk president under the new con- to negotiate with the opposi-
ander Lukashenko did not of constitutional revisions as stitution,” Lukashenko said tion on a trasnfer of power or
describe the amendments he a delaying tactic aimed at sap- in comments released by his a new presidential election.
is seeking or give a timeline ping the momentum of the press service. Police have taken a hard line
for when a new constitution near-daily protests, which The remarks came a day after against the demonstrations,
might be adopted. have occurred throughout Lukashenko met with Rus- and human rights activists
Lukashenko has repeatedly the country and attracted sian Foreign Minister Ser- say more than 19,000 people
raised the prospect of a new crowds sometimes number- gey Lavrov, who expressed have been detained and thou-
constitution since the Aug. 9 ing more than 100,000. support for a new Belaru- sands of them beaten.
Polish PM says he's told Merkel of plan to veto EU budget
(AP) — Poland's prime lows for the funds to be de- nism as a “very good, bal-
minister on Friday said he nied to members that do not anced compromise” and that
had confirmed to German meet democratic standards. it was clear that more talks
Chancellor Angela Merkel They fear they could be tar- were needed to find a solu-
that Warsaw is ready to geted, as the EU has opened tion but the task was “very
block the EU's huge bud- legal procedures against the difficult.”
get and recovery package two members over their rule The issue is to be debated at
because it's linked to dem- of law record, especially in the bloc's summit December
ocratic standards in mem- the justice system and me- 10-11. Morawiecki said on
ber states. dia areas.“I have confirmed Facebook that his talk with
our readiness to veto the new Merkel was in “good atmo-
Mateusz Morawiecki wrote budget if a solution is not sphere and with respect for
on Facebook that he spoke found that is good for all of our differing points of view.”
with Merkel, whose country the EU, not only for some of Poland's government is
holds the rotating European its members,” Morawiecki counting on EU funds after
Union presidency, about the wrote on Facebook following it has offered generous pro-
1.8 trillion-euro ($2.1 tril- his online conference with grams to businesses to cush- Fidesz party lawmaker, Tamas we remember very well that
lion) budget for 2021-2027 Merkel. ion the effects of two anti- Deutsch, who had compared in reality, anyone could be
and the urgently needed “I have told the chancellor COVID-19 lockdowns that assurances by a German Eu- punished at any time for any
coronavirus recovery package that Poland is expecting more generated a large state budget ropean Parliament lawmaker, arbitrary political decision,”
that is to be implemented in work on finding soon a so- deficit. Manfred Weber, that the new Deutsch said.
January. lution that would guarantee Emotions are running high mechanism posed no threat Weber, of the center-right
He said he asked Merkel to the rights of all (27) mem- and some strong words have to assurances by the Nazi European People’s Party, had
help find a solution to the ber states and the respect of been said, leading Seibert to Gestapo and Hungary’s com- assured Hungarians that if
deadlock as soon as possible. the (EU) Treaty procedures," say Friday that “insults never munist-era secret police, the media freedom and judicial
Poland and Hungary are pro- Morawiecki wrote. lead to positive results for all AVH. independence were upheld
testing the draft budget and Merkel’s spokesman Steffen sides in Europe.” ”(They) said the same thing: in the country, then the rule
package because it includes Seibert said she had support- He was commenting on those that have nothing to of law mechanism would be
a new mechanism that al- ed the conditionality mecha- words by a Hungarian ruling hide have nothing to fear. But nothing to fear.