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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 28 November 2020

                       US appeals court rejects Trump appeal over Pennsylvania race

            (AP) — President Donald                                                                                             seeking such a startling out-
            Trump’s  legal  team  suf-                                                                                          come, a plaintiff would come
            fered  yet  another  defeat                                                                                         formidably armed with com-
            in court Friday as a federal                                                                                        pelling  legal  arguments  and
            appeals court in Philadel-                                                                                          factual proof of rampant cor-
            phia  roundly  rejected  its                                                                                        ruption,” Brann wrote in his
            latest  effort  to  challenge                                                                                       scathing  ruling  on  Nov.  21.
            the state’s election results.                                                                                       “That has not happened.”
                                                                                                                                A  separate  Republican  chal-
            Trump’s  lawyers  vowed  to                                                                                         lenge that reached the Penn-
            appeal to the Supreme Court                                                                                         sylvania Supreme Court this
            despite  the  judge’s  assess-                                                                                      week  seeks  to  stop  the  state
            ment  that  the  “campaign’s                                                                                        from  further  certifying  any
            claims have no merit.”                                                                                              races  on  the  ballot.  Demo-
            “Free,  fair  elections  are  the                                                                                   cratic  Gov.  Tom  Wolf’s  ad-
            lifeblood  of  our  democracy.                                                                                      ministration  is  fighting  that
            Charges  of  unfairness  are                                                                                        effort,  saying  it  would  pre-
            serious.  But  calling  an  elec-                                                                                   vent  the  state’s  legislature
            tion unfair does not make it                                                                                        and  congressional  delega-
            so.  Charges  require  specific                                                                                     tion from being seated in the
            allegations  and  then  proof.                                                                                      coming weeks.
            We have neither here,” Judge
            Stephanos  Bibas  wrote  for                                                                                        On  Thursday,  Trump  said
            the three-judge panel.                                                                                              the Nov. 3 election was still
            The  case  had  been  argued                                                                                        far from over. Yet he offered
            last week in a lower court by                                                                                       the clearest signal to date that
            Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani,                                                                                         he  would  leave  the  White
            who  insisted  during  five                                                                                         House peaceably on Jan. 20 if
            hours of oral arguments that                                                                                        the Electoral College formal-
            the 2020 presidential election                                                                                      izes Biden’s win.
            had  been  marred  by  wide-                                                                                        “Certainly  I  will.  But  you
            spread fraud in Pennsylvania.                                                                                       know that,” Trump said at the
            However,  Giuliani  failed  to                                                                                      White  House,  taking  ques-
            offer  any  tangible  proof  of                                                                                     tions  from  reporters  for  the
            that in court.               Friday’s  ruling  comes  four  Ever  since,  Trump  and  his  cept  mail-in  ballots  through   first time since Election Day.
                                         days  after  Pennsylvania  offi-  surrogates  have  attacked  the  Nov. 6 by only a 4-4 vote last   Yet  on  Friday,  he  continued
            U.S.  District  Judge  Mat-  cials certified their vote count  election  as  flawed  and  filed  month.  Since  then,  Trump   to  baselessly  attack  Detroit,
            thew  Brann  had  said  the  for President-elect Joe Biden,  a flurry of lawsuits to try to  nominee Amy Coney Barrett   Atlanta  and  other  Demo-
            campaign’s error-filled com-  who defeated Trump by more  block the results in six battle-  has joined the court.   cratic  cities  with  large  Black
            plaint,  “like  Frankenstein’s  than 80,000 votes in the state.  ground  states.  But  they’ve  “The activist judicial machin-  populations as the source of
            Monster,  has  been  haphaz-  Nationally,  Biden  and  run-  found  little  sympathy  from  ery in Pennsylvania continues   “massive  voter  fraud.”  And
            ardly  stitched  together”  and  ning  mate  Kamala  Harris  judges,  nearly  all  of  whom  to cover up the allegations of   he  claimed,  without  evi-
            denied  Giuliani  the  right  to  garnered  nearly  80  million  dismissed  their  complaints  massive  fraud,”  Trump  law-  dence,  that  a  Pennsylvania
            amend it for a second time.  votes, a record in U.S. presi-  about  the  security  of  mail-  yer Jenna Ellis tweeted after   poll  watcher  had  uncovered
            The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court  dential elections.            in  ballots,  which  millions  Friday’s ruling. “On to SCO-  computer  memory  drives
            of Appeals called that decision  Trump has said he hopes the  of people used to vote from  TUS!”                    that  “gave  Biden  50,000
            justified. The three judges on  Supreme  Court  will  inter-  home during the COVID-19                              votes” apiece.
            the panel were all appointed  vene  in  the  race  as  it  did  in  pandemic.          In the case before Brann, the
            by  Republican  presidents.  2000,  when  its  decision  to                            Trump  campaign  asked  to   All  50  states  must  certify
            including  Bibas,  a  former  stop  the  recount  in  Florida  Trump  perhaps  hopes  a  Su-  disenfranchise the state’s 6.8   their results before the Elec-
            University  of  Pennsylvania  gave  the  election  to  Repub-  preme  Court  he  helped  million voters, or at least the   toral College meets on Dec.
            law  professor  appointed  by  lican  George  W.  Bush.  On  steer  toward  a  conservative  700,000 who voted by mail in   14, and any challenge to the
            Trump. Trump’s sister, Judge  Nov.  5,  as  the  vote  count  6-3 majority would be more  Philadelphia,  Pittsburgh  and   results  must  be  resolved  by
            Maryanne  Trump  Barry,  sat  continued,  Trump  posted  a  open  to  his  pleas,  especially  other   Democratic-leaning   Dec. 8. Biden won both the
            on the court for 20 years, re-  tweet  saying  the  “U.S.  Su-  since  the  high  court  upheld  areas.             Electoral  College and  popu-
            tiring in 2019.              preme Court should decide!”  Pennsylvania’s decision to ac-  “One might expect that when   lar vote by wide margins.

                              Disney to lay off 4,000 more at California, Florida parks

            (AP)  —  The  Walt  Disney  in its theme parks division  pandemic’s  effect  on  the  scheduled  for  termination  furloughs and layoffs.
            Co.  announced  plans  to  in  California  and  Flori-    industry.                    on furlough as a result of the  In Florida, the company has
            lay off 4,000 more workers  da  due  to  the  COVID-19                                 pandemic.                    been limiting attendance at its
                                                                      The  announcement  by  the                                parks and changing protocols
                                                                      company was made in a U.S.  “Due to the current climate,  to allow for social distancing
                                                                      Securities   and   Exchange  including  COVID-19  im-     by  limiting  characters’  meet
                                                                      Commission  filing  earlier  pacts, and changing environ-  and greets.
                                                                      this  week,  saying  32,000  ment in which we are operat-  The company has not speci-
                                                                      employees  will  be  terminat-  ing, the company has gener-  fied  the  number  of  workers
                                                                      ed  in  the  first  half  of  fiscal  ated  efficiencies  in  its  staff-  that would be affected in its
                                                                      year  2021,  which  began  last  ing, including limiting hiring  Orlando theme parks.
                                                                      month.  In  late  September,  to critical business roles, fur-  Disney’s  parks  closed  in
                                                                      the company had already an-  loughs  and  reductions-in-  March as the pandemic start-
                                                                      nounced  plans  to  terminate  force,” the document said.  ed spreading in the U.S. The
                                                                      28,000 theme park workers.   The  company  also  said  they  Florida  parks  reopened  in
                                                                      In  the  SEC  document  filed  may  make  more  cuts  in  the summer, but the Califor-
                                                                      on  the  eve  of  Thanksgiving  spending  such  as  reducing  nia parks have yet to reopen
                                                                      Day, the company said it also  film  and  television  content  pending state and local gov-
                                                                      put  37,000  employees  not  investments  and  additional  ernment approvals.
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