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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 22 aPRiL 2021

                               First woman ever applies to run for president of Syria

            (AP)  —  A  woman  from                                                                                             Arab Spring-inspired protests
            the capital Damascus has                                                                                            against the Assad family rule
            applied  to  run  for  presi-                                                                                       turned into an armed insur-
            dent  of  Syria,  the  parlia-                                                                                      gence in response to a brutal
            ment  speaker  said  Tues-                                                                                          military crackdown.
            day,  making  her  the  first
            female  to  make  a  bid  for                                                                                       Separately, Assad appointed a
            the country's top job. The                                                                                          new governor to the Central
            largely  symbolic  election                                                                                         Bank  on  Tuesday  days  after
            is  certain  to  be  won  by                                                                                        sacking his predecessor amid
            President Bashar Assad.                                                                                             a crushing currency crisis.

            The presidential election, the                                                                                      Mohammad Issam Hazimeh
            second  since  the  country’s                                                                                       was  named  the  bank's  new
            civil  war  broke  out  10  years                                                                                   governor,  replacing  Hazem
            ago,  is  to  be  held  May  26.                                                                                    Qarfoul, who has been in the
            Syrians  abroad  will  vote  on                                                                                     post  since  2018.  Hazimeh
            May 20.                                                                                                             was  Qarfoul's  deputy  and  is
                                                                                                                                a  graduate  of  economic  law
            Speaker  Hammoud  Sab-                                                                                              from a French university.
            bagh said Faten Ali Nahar, a
            50-year-old  Damascus  resi-                                                                                        The  Syrian  pound  set  a  re-
            dent,  has  nominated  herself                                                                                      cord in March trading on the
            for the post. Little is known                                                                                       black market at 4,600 pounds
            about  her.  The  parliament                                                                                        to  the  dollar.  At  the  start  of
            speaker  provided  her  age,                                                                                        the  conflict,  the  U.S.  dollar
            place of birth and her moth-  ed  to  run  and  win  a  fourth  macy.                  ing  committee  and  Assad  was worth 47 Syrian pounds.
            er’s  name  in  the  announce-  seven-year term. He has held                           continues to have the backing  Last  week,  the  central  back
            ment. There were no reports  power  since  2000,  when  he  The international communi-  of Russia and Iran.         set  the  official  rate  at  2,512
            on who she is on social me-  took  over  after  the  death  of  ty is unlikely to recognize the                     pounds,  down  from  1,256
            dia.                         his father, who ran the coun-  legitimacy  of  the  upcoming  Last  month,  the  Biden  ad-  since June, to the dollar.
                                         try for 30 years.            elections.  According  to  the  ministration  said  it  will  not
            Two  other  candidates  have                              U.N. resolution for a politi-  recognize the result of Syria's  Years of corruption and mis-
            submitted  their  names,  in-  Syria  only  began  allowing  cal resolution of the conflict  presidential  election  unless  management,  followed  by
            cluding  a  businessman  who  multi-candidate  voting  in  in  Syria,  a  new  constitution  the voting is free, fair, super-  a decade of war and escalat-
            ran  against  Assad  in  2014.  the 2014 elections. Competi-  is supposed to be drafted and  vised by the United Nations  ing Western sanctions against
            Assad won nearly 90% of the  tion with Assad was symbolic  approved in a public referen-  and  represents  all  of  Syrian  Assad's  government  have
            votes in that contest.       and  seen  by  opposition  and  dum before U.N.-monitored  society.                    deepened  the  hardship  for
                                         Western countries as a sham  presidential  elections  are  to                          Syrians. The U.N. estimates
            Although  Assad  has  not  yet  aimed to give the incumbent  take place. But little progress  Syria has been in the throes  that  80%  of  Syrians  live  in
            applied, he is widely expect-  president  a  veneer  of  legiti-  has been made on the draft-  of civil war since 2011, when  poverty.

                                       India being overrun by its massive virus surge

            India  has  been  overwhelmed  by  Religious leaders and hundreds of thou-
            hundreds of thousands of new coro-     sands of devout Hindus descended on
            navirus  cases  daily,  bringing  pain,  the  banks  of  the  Ganges  River  in  the
            fear  and  agony  to  many  lives  as  northern  Indian  city  of  Haridwar  last
            lockdowns have been placed in Del-     month for a major Kumbh festival. They
            hi and other cities.                   believe that a dip in holy water will wash
                                                   away their sins and prevent rebirth. One
            India's   Health   Ministry   reported  prominent Hindu religious leader died
            295,041 new cases on Wednesday with  of COVID-19 shortly after.
            2,023  deaths,  taking  total  fatalities  to
            182,553. India has since the start of the  Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home
            pandemic  recorded  15.6  million  cases,  Minister Amit Shah as well as opposi-
            the  second  highest  behind  the  United  tion politicians took part in mass elec-
            States.                                tion rallies in five populous states with
                                                   with tens of thousands of supporters not
            Newly  reported  cases  have  exceeded  wearing masks or social distancing.
            200,000  each  day  for  a  week  —  with
            people  being  infected  faster  than  they  Tens of thousands of farmers protesting
            can be tested.                         new agricultural reform laws have been
                                                   camping on the outskirts of the Indian
            "This time, infection is spreading so fast  capital in crowded tents and makeshift
            that people are not getting time to get  townships since November.
            medicines. Many people are dying be-
            fore we can get a test report," said Dr.  Modi tried to boost spirits in a nation-
            S K Pandey of Ram Manohar Lohia In-    wide address on Tuesday night by saying
            stitute of Medical Sciences in Lucknow,  the  government  and  the  pharmaceuti-
            capital  of  the  northern  state  of  Uttar  cal  industry  were  stepping  up  efforts
            Pradesh.                               to meet the shortages of hospital beds,
                                                   oxygen, tests and vaccines.
            Many have blamed politicians for allow-
            ing super-spreader events such as mass  But,  he  admitted,  the  "surge  in  infec-
            gatherings to take place.              tions  has  come  like  a  storm  and  a  big
                                                   battle lies ahead."
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