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A32    sports
                     Diahuebs 22 aPRiL 2021

                          Indy 500 to host 135,000 in largest sports event in pandemic

            The Indianapolis 500 is set
            to be the largest sporting                                                                                          Face  coverings  will  be  re-
            event  in  the  world  since                                                                                        quired on track property and
            the start of the pandemic                                                                                           temperature  checks  will  be
            with  135,000  spectators                                                                                           given  at  the  entrances.  IMS
            permitted  to  attend  "The                                                                                         will  also  extend  its  vaccina-
            Greatest Spectacle in Rac-                                                                                          tion clinics through the end
            ing" next month.                                                                                                    of  May  with  the  ability  for
                                                                                                                                spectators to receive a vacci-
            Indianapolis  Motor  Speed-                                                                                         nation on speedway grounds
            way  said  Wednesday  it                                                                                            throughout the month
            worked  with  the  Marion
            County  Public  Health  De-                                                                                         Miles anticipated about 60%
            partment  to  determine  that                                                                                       of  those  in  attendance  will
            40% of venue capacity can at-                                                                                       have  been  vaccinated.  IMS
            tend the May 30 race on Me-                                                                                         has vaccinated approximately
            morial  Day  weekend.  The                                                                                          100,000 people since it began
            speedway is the largest sport-                                                                                      operating as a site.
            ing facility in the world with
            more  than  250,000  grand-                                                                                         "Roger  Penske  and  every-
            stand seats and the ability to                                                                                      one  associated  with  Penske
            host close to 400,000 on race                                                                                       Entertainment  and  the  In-
            day  throughout  the  entire                                                                                        dianapolis  Motor  Speedway
            property.                                                                                                           have been incredible partners
                                         Roger Penske, in his second  to protect that legacy and to  event.  The  viewing  mounds   with us throughout the pan-
            The  attendance  figure  was  year as owner of Indianapolis  grow it and to have the race,"  in the infield will be closed,   demic," said Indiana Gov. Eric
            determined after Indianapolis  Motor Speedway, had hoped  Miles  said.  "We're  ready  to  and general admission infield   Holcomb. "It is high time for
            hosted the NCAA men's bas-   for  full  attendance,  but  In-  take the next step in bringing  tickets will not be made avail-  fans to return to the greatest
            ketball  tournament  through  dyCar and speedway officials  back  the  economy  and  a  lot  able.                  motor speedway in the world
            March  and  into  April  with  are  taking  pride  in  the  up-  of  that  in  this  city  and  state               with this safety plan in place."
            limited   attendance.   The  coming milestone.            is  driven  by  sports  events  The infield's raucous "Snake
            NCAA  allowed  8,000  fans                                which  has  been  shut  down  Pit" will be closed and all the   Miles said 90% of the Indy-
            at Lucas Oil Stadium for the  "This  event  and  this  place  for so many months. March  traditional  concerts  will  not   Car  paddock  had  been  vac-
            April  5  men's  championship  means so much to everybody  Madness was incredibly suc-  be  held,  including  on  Carb   cinated by last Sunday's sea-
            game.                        we  see  every  day  and  we  cessful,  this  is  the  next  step  Day and Legends Day. There   son opener and there are two
                                         hear from every day, wheth-  and  it  just  so  happens  this  will be suite seating and the   more opportunities for com-
            The Alabama spring football  er they are Hoosiers or race  will  probably  be  the  biggest  Pagoda will be open to those   petitors  to  get  shots  before
            game  last  weekend  hosted  fans from around the world,"  sporting  event  of  the  year."  with tickets, but the midway   racing begins at the speedway.
            47,218  fans,  nearly  10,000  Mark  Miles,  president  and  609 palabre + 1 potret    will be closed.              Those who choose not to be
            more  than  a  recent  Texas  CEO  of  Penske  Entertain-                                                           vaccinated  before  the  track
            Rangers  baseball  game;  an  ment Corp., told The Associ-  The  speedway  will  be  open  Grandstand  seating  will  be   opens  May  18  for  Indy  500
            Australian   Rules   cricket  ated Press.                 to  spectators  every  day  cars  socially  distanced;  fans  will   preparations will be required
            match  in  Melbourne  drew                                are  on  the  track  beginning  have an option to return their   to undergo daily COVID-19
            51,723 in March.             "We feel a real responsibility  with the May 15 road course  tickets for an account credit.   testing.

                                Nadal advances, Fognini defaulted at Barcelona Open

            BARCELONA,           Spain  his  111th-ranked  oppo-      Wednesday,  while  Fabio                                  title in the Barcelona tourna-
            (AP)  —  Rafael  Nadal  nent  in  his  first  match  at  Fognini  was  disqualified  Fognini  was  defaulted  while  ment. He won the event six
            needed  three  sets  to  beat  the  Barcelona  Open  on  for alleged verbal abuse.     trailinig 6-0, 4-4 against qual-  times in its last nine editions.
                                                                                                   ifier Bernabe Zapata Miralles  The Barcelona Open was not
                                                                                                   of  Spain,  after  a  line  judge  played last year because of the
                                                                                                   told the chair umpire that the  coronavirus pandemic.
                                                                                                   ninth-seeded Italian had used
                                                                                                   foul language.               Nadal  was  coming  off  a
                                                                                                                                three-set  loss  to  Andrey
                                                                                                   Fognini  denied  wrongdoing  Rublev in the quarterfinals of
                                                                                                   and was upset as he left the  the Monte Carlo Masters last
                                                                                                   court, breaking his racket af-  week.
                                                                                                   ter hitting it at the net post on
                                                                                                   his way out.                 Rublev  advanced  in  Barce-
                                                                                                                                lona  by  defeating  Federico
                                                                                                   Nadal  had  to  overcome  a  Gaio 6-4, 6-3, while second-
                                                                                                   slow start to defeat Ilya Ivash-  seeded  Stefanos  Tsitsipas
                                                                                                   ka of Belarus 3-6, 6-2, 6-4 at  —  who  beat  Rublev  in  the
                                                                                                   the clay-court tournament.   Monte Carlo final — cruised
                                                                                                                                past  wild-card  entry  Jaume
                                                                                                   The  Spaniard  lost  the  first  Munar of Spain 6-0, 6-2.
                                                                                                   two  games  and  struggled  to
                                                                                                   hold his serve in the third. He  Sixth-seeded  Pablo  Carreno
                                                                                                   recovered quickly after losing  Busta  defeated  Australian
                                                                                                   the first set and cruised in the  Jordan  Thompson  6-4,  6-0,
                                                                                                   second,  then  broke  early  in  while  Felix  Auger-Aliassime
                                                                                                   the third.                   of Canada rallied to beat Ital-
                                                                                                                                ian Lorenzo Musetti 4-6, 6-3,
                                                                                                   Nadal is seeking a record 12th  6-0.
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