Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210422
P. 30
A30 world news
Diahuebs 22 aPRiL 2021
Queen thankful for 'support, kindness' after Philip's death
LONDON (AP) — Queen months before his 100th
Elizabeth II has expressed birthday, which was due to
her thanks for all the "sup- be the focus of royal cel-
port and kindness" shown ebrations this year, while the
following the death of her queen's 95th was always set
husband, Prince Philip. to be a more low-key event.
In a statement Wednesday The queen said she had re-
posted on her Twitter ac- ceived "many messages of
count on her 95th birthday good wishes" for her 95th
and which she personally birthday, which she "very
signed off as Elizabeth R, the much" appreciated.
monarch said it has been "a
comfort" to "see and to hear She is marking her birthday
all the tributes to my hus- in a low-key fashion at Wind-
band" from within the U.K., sor Castle. Some members of
the Commonwealth and the royal family are expected
around the world. to be with her on Wednesday.
Her birthday falls within the
Philip, also known as the two-week royal mourning
Duke of Edinburgh, died on period for Philip that is being
April 9 at age 99. Family and observed until Friday.
friends gathered for his fu-
neral at St. George's Chapel British Prime Minister Bo-
in Windsor on Saturday to ris Johnson was one of many
say their final farewells. people who sent best wishes
to the monarch.
"My family and I would like their messages of support to
to thank you all for the sup- Because of the limits on gath- the royal family. Floral trib- "We have been deeply "I have always had the highest
port and kindness shown to erings, the funeral wasn't ac- utes with cards and letters touched, and continue to admiration for Her Majesty
us in recent days," she said companied by throngs of have been left at royal palaces, be reminded that Philip had and her service to this coun-
in her first remarks since people arriving in Windsor to and an online book of condo- such an extraordinary impact try and the Commonwealth,"
Philip's funeral on Saturday, pay their respects to Philip. lences has been opened of- on countless people through- Johnson said on Twitter. "I
which was limited to only 30 fering people across the globe out his life," she added. am proud to serve as her
guests because of coronavirus However, the public have the opportunity to share their prime minister."
restrictions. found other ways of getting memories of Philip. Philip's death came a few
Catholic officials halt activity in Haiti for 9 kidnapped
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Hai- Nations. a man who claimed to be the ments. bells across Haiti would toll
ti (AP) — Catholic insti- leader of the kidnap gang. for the victims.
tutions including schools Those kidnapped were iden- The alleged gang leader said
and universities closed tified as nuns Anne-Marie The man, who identified he wants restitution from "We, the Catholic bishops of
Wednesday across Haiti in Dorcelus and Agnès Bordeau, himself as Lanmò San Jou of France and that he would Haiti, see with great sorrow
a three-day protest to de- priests Michel Briand, Evens the 400 Mawozo gang, told stop feeding the people he that there has been no change
mand the release of five Joseph, Jean-Nicaise Millien, Radio Mega that the French kidnapped. He declined to in the situation of our broth-
priests, two nuns and two Joël Thomas and Hugues nationals are among the most say how much ransom he ers and sisters in the hands of
other people kidnapped Baptiste and three483 pa rela- important hostages: "If Haiti was seeking. the bandits," the Conference
more than a week ago tives of another priest. Briand is like this, it's because of the of Catholic Bishops said in a
amid a spike in violence was identified as French. French." Church officials who or- Tuesday statement. "Ten days
that the government is One of the relatives was re- ganized the shutdown said in the hands of kidnappers is
struggling to control. leased because she was sick, Haiti won independence in Masses would be held on too much."
according to a radio inter- 1804 from France, which de- Wednesday and Thursday
Catholic officials also orga- view broadcast on Monday of manded huge indemnity pay- and that on Friday, church One of the kidnapped priests
nized Masses to pray for those had been working as a mis-
kidnapped — at least two of sionary in Haiti since 1985
whom are French — as they and was assaulted and shot a
tolled the bells at noon at St. couple of years ago, the Rev.
Pierre church in Pétionville, Paul Dossous, superior gen-
where hundreds gathered to eral of the Society of Priests
show their support. of Saint-Jacques, told Paris-
based Franceinfo in an inter-
"No one is safe," said 65-year- view published last week.
old Margaret Jean Louis. "I'm
hoping the people kidnapped He said church authorities
will make it out safely." try to stay in touch with the
kidnappers as much as pos-
The April 11 kidnapping of sible, and that while he wor-
the priests, nuns and three ries about those kidnapped
relatives of one of the priests because some of them are
in the capital of Port-au- sick, he doesn't foresee can-
Prince is one of the most celing any missions: "We are
shocking recent abductions not men to run away from a
in Haiti, which saw a 200% situation, no, even if we are
increase in kidnappings last afraid anyway because we're
year, according to the United human."