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A30    world news
                         Diamars 4 mei 2021

                        Germany cancels Oktoberfest 2nd year over coronavirus fears

                                                                                                                        under  strict  guidelines,  and  Mayor
                                                                                    Germany is currently in the middle  Dieter Reiter said the hope was that it
                                                                                    of a lockdown that includes a ban on  again would be possible to have open-
                                                                                    large  gatherings,  with  an  infection  air beer gardens and patios open with
                                                                                    rate  of  146.9  new  weekly  infections  certain restrictions.
                                                                                    per 100,000 residents.
                                                                                                                        However  difficult  the  decision  to
                                                                                    Bavaria is slightly below the national  cancel  Oktoberfest,  it  would  have
                                                                                    average with 145.4 new weekly infec-  been worse if the city waited too long
                                                                                    tions  per  100,000,  according  to  the  and had to call it off after preparations
                                                                                    country's  disease  control  center,  the  were already underway, he said.
                                                                                    Robert Koch Institute.
                                                                                                                        "For  me,  personally,  it  was  no  easy
                                                                                    Oktoberfest  typically  attracts  about  decision because it is a huge date in
                                                                                    6  million  visitors  from  around  the  the calendar for the mayor," he said.
                                                                                    world and had been scheduled from  "Much more importantly, it's a huge
                                                                                    Sept. 18 to Oct. 3.                 shame for the millions of fans world-
                                                                                    The combination of large tents full of
                                                                                    people and the consumption of large  Under  national  "emergency  brake"
                                                                                    quantities  of  alcohol,  as  well  as  the  legislation  passed  last  month,  mea-
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Bavarian  of-      Bavarian  Governor  Markus  Soeder  possibility for mutated varieties of the  sures limiting personal contacts, clos-
            ficials  on  Monday  canceled  Ok-  said  it  was  with  "heavy  hearts"  that  virus to be brought in from abroad,  ing  leisure  and  sports  facilities  and
            toberfest  festivities  for  a  second  they decided to call off the festival for  would have made it particularly haz-  shutting or restricting access to many
            year in a row due to concerns over  which the state is known globally, but  ardous to go ahead with the festival,  stores  kick  in  for  areas  where  there
            the  spread  of  the  coronavirus,  that  with  coronavirus  numbers  still  Soeder said.                   are more than 100 weekly new cases
            saying  that  there  are  too  many  stubbornly high and hospitals already                                  per 100,000 residents for three con-
            risks in hosting the celebrations,  struggling, it had to be done.      After  Oktoberfest  was  canceled  last  secutive days.
            which traditionally bring in visi-                                      year,  some  50  of  the  southern  Ger-
            tors from around the world, dur-    "Oktoberfest will be held again, and  man  city's  beer  halls  and  other  es-  Restrictions also include a 10 p.m.-5
            ing a global pandemic.              will be big again," he pledged.     tablishments  hosted  smaller  parties  a.m. curfew.

                        US and UK reject reports of imminent prisoner deal with Iran

            LONDON  (AP)  —  The  U.S.  cans home.                                  proach  with  regard  to  North  Korea  each other" and that breaches of in-
            and  the  U.K.  dismissed  reports                                      following a policy review completed  ternational  law  have  become  com-
            coming  out  of  Iran  that  they  "More  broadly  on  this,  we  have  to  last week. Blinken, who met in Lon-  monplace.
            are  thrashing  out  a  prisoner  ex-  take a stand against the arbitrary de-  don  with  his  Japanese  and  South
            change  deal  with  Tehran  that  tention  of  citizens  for  political  pur-  Korean  counterparts  earlier  Mon-  "It is important that we hold our val-
            could  see  the  imminent  release  poses," he said.                    day,  said  the  new  approach  will  be  ues of democracy, state of law, human
            of a British-Iranian woman, Na-                                         "practical  and  calibrated"  and  urged  rights  and  a  global  order  based  on
            zanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, and four  Raab also dismissed the prospects of  the leadership in Pyongyang to "take  rules against them, united and cred-
            Americans, among others.            an imminent breakthrough amid re-   the opportunity to engage diplomati-  ibly," he said.
                                                ports in Iran that Britain would pay  cally."
            Iran  was  a  key  topic  of  discussions  a  400  million-pound  ($550  million)                           Britain's Foreign Office said the G-7
            Monday  between  U.S.  Secretary  of  debt  to  secure  Zaghari-Ratcliffe's  On Tuesday, the top diplomats from  ministers  will  invest  $15  billion  in
            State  Antony  Blinken  and  his  host  release.  He  insisted  that  the  British  the full G-7 — Canada, France, Ger-  development  finance  over  the  next
            in  London,  British  Foreign  Secre-  government  was  working  "very  in-  many, Italy, Japan, the U.K. and the  two years to help women in develop-
            tary  Dominic  Raab.  Their  meeting  tensively" on the release of detained  U.S.  —  will  meet  along  with  their  ing countries access jobs, build resil-
            took place a day before the first face-  British citizens in Iran.      foreign  minister  colleagues  from  ient businesses and recover from the
            to-face meeting of foreign ministers                                    selected  other  countries,  including  coronavirus pandemic.
            from the Group of Seven leading in-  "I would say it's incumbent on Iran  Australia, India and South Africa.
            dustrial nations in two years, largely  unconditionally to release those who                                They  are  also  expected  to  pledge  to
            due  to  the  coronavirus  pandemic.  are  held  arbitrarily  and  in  our  view  Ahead of the gathering, German For-  get 40 million more girls into school
            Iran, Ukraine, China, Russia, climate  unlawfully," Raab said.          eign  Minister  Heiko  Maas  warned  and 20 million more girls reading by
            change  and  COVD-19  are  expected                                     that "authoritarian states" around the  the  age  of  10  in  poorer  nations  by
            to dominate the talks.              In  Britain,  there's  particular  interest  world  are  "trying  to  play  us  against  2026.
                                                in  the  well-being  of  Zaghari-Rat-
            Blinken's  visit  to  London,  his  first  cliffe, who was last week sentenced to
            since  being  appointed  by  President  an additional year in prison on charg-
            Joe  Biden,  comes  amid  mounting  es  of  spreading  "propaganda  against
            speculation  of  a  prisoner  swap  deal  the system."
            with  Iran.  Such  exchanges  are  not
            uncommon and were a feature of the  The  two  diplomats  discussed  an  ar-
            2015 nuclear accord between Iran and  ray of subjects, such as sanctions on
            the world's leading powers. Biden has  Russian citizens, climate change and
            indicated he is looking to restart nu-  Biden's  decision  to  withdraw  U.S.
            clear talks with Tehran after his pre-  troops  from  Afghanistan  later  this
            decessor, Donald Trump, pulled the  year, a process that began in earnest
            U.S. out of the agreement in 2018.  over the weekend. Russia and its ag-
                                                gressive actions toward Ukraine were
            "The  reports  coming  out  of  Tehran  also on the agenda, with Blinken set
            are  not  accurate,"  Blinken  said  at  a  to  travel to  the  Ukrainian  capital of
            press  briefing  after  their  meeting,  Kyiv on Wednesday.
            adding that he had "no higher prior-
            ity" than bringing all detained Ameri-  Biden  is  also  set  to  take  a  new  ap-
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