Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20210504
P. 31
sports Diamars 4 mei 2021
Puerto Rican boxer faces charges after lover found dead
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico The complaint says a witness
(AP) — Puerto Rican box- it did not identify helped
er Félix Verdejo turned Verdejo kidnap and kill Ro-
himself in to federal agents dríguez.
to face charges hours after
authorities identified the Rodríguez was found in a la-
body of a dead woman as goon near the U.S. territory's
his 27-year-old pregnant capital Saturday, a couple of
lover, officials said. days after she was reported
missing. She was identified
The U.S. Attorney's Office Sunday via dental records,
said late Sunday that Verdejo Puerto Rico's Institute of Fo-
was being charged with kid- rensic Science said in a state-
napping and carjacking re- ment.
sulting in death and with in-
tentionally killing an unborn Verdejo and his attorneys pre-
child. viously declined comment,
and police said the boxer did
A criminal complaint filed not originally cooperate and
by the FBI accuses Verdejo refused to answer questions.
of punching Keishla Rodrí-
guez in the face and injecting Rodríguez's family said she
her with a syringe filled with was pregnant with Verdejo's ter not to have the baby, men- represented Puerto Rico at she filed a domestic violence
an unidentified substance child. Keila Ortiz, the vic- tioning his career and family. the Olympics in 2012, the complaint that a judge dis-
bought at a public housing tim's mother, told report- same year he became a pro- missed. A Superior Court
complex. It alleges he then ers that her daughter had Verdejo is married and has fessional boxer competing in judge has announced an in-
bound her arms and feet with called her before she van- a young daughter but had the lightweight division. His vestigation into that decision.
wire and tied a heavy block to ished Thursday and told her known Rodríguez since mid- career was temporarily side-
her before throwing her off a that Verdejo was going to her dle school and kept in touch tracked after a 2016 motor- Hundreds of people gath-
bridge at 8:30 a.m. Thursday. house to see the results of a with her, her parents said. cycle accident that put him in ered Sunday at a bridge that
pregnancy test. They reported her missing the hospital. crosses the lagoon where Ro-
The complaint states that after she didn't show up for dríguez's body was found to
Verdejo then shot at Rodrí- "I told her, 'Be careful,' be- her job at an animal groom- The case has outraged many demand justice for her and
guez's body as he stood on cause he had already threat- ing business. in Puerto Rico, where an- other women killed, with
the bridge. ened her,'' Ortiz said. She said other woman was recently some throwing flowers into
Verdejo had told her daugh- Verdejo (27-2, 17 knockouts) found burned to death after the water below.
First arrest made after unrest prevented Man United playing
MANCHESTER, England tured eye socket and another ers who had not intended for United Supporters' Trust that
(AP) — Police made their wounded on his face. the protest to become vio- Police did not say what the protesters were able to access
first arrest as they worked lent." unnamed 28-year-old man the stadium through a gate
with Manchester United "Officers were just trying to was arrested on suspicion left open by club staff was
on Monday to identify do their job and facilitate a The protesters were renew- of as it seeks information to "completely incorrect."
the fans involved in vio- peaceful protest," said Nick ing demands that the own- identify the protest organiz-
lence at Old Trafford dur- Bailey, assistant chief con- ing Glazer family sell United ers and those responsible for "After breaking through bar-
ing protests that forced stable at Greater Manchester after being enraged by the assaults of the police. riers and security on the
the postponement of the Police, "however a number ill-fated attempt two weeks forecourt, some protestors
game against Liverpool. of those present became hos- ago to lead the club into a The violence erupted close climbed the gates at the end
tile and aggressive towards breakaway European Super to when the game was due of the Munich tunnel, then
The unrest against United's officers and forced entry to League. United could face to kick off on Sunday after- forced access to a side door in
owners on Sunday saw glass the football grounds, making sanctions from the English noon as baton-wielding po- the stand, before opening an
bottles thrown, leading to six it very clear that this protest Football Association and Pre- lice pushed up against fans external door that let others
police officers being injured, was not peaceful and ruining mier League over the disor- throwing glass bottles to through to the concourse area
with one receiving a frac- it for the majority of protest- der. disperse the crowd from the and the pitch," United said.
concourse outside Old Traf- "A second breach occurred
ford. when a protestor smashed
the door of a disability access
"The majority of our fans lift, enabling a group to enter
have and will condemn the stand."
criminal damage, along with
any violence towards club A new date for the fixture is
staff, police or other fans, and yet to be set with less than
these now become a police three weeks of the Premier
matter," United said. "The League left. There has yet
club has no desire to see to be a direct response to re-
peaceful protestors punished, quests by fans to engage di-
but will work with the police rectly with the Glazer family.
to identify those involved in
criminal activity, and will also "We remain committed to di-
issue its own sanctions to any alogue and engagement with
season ticket holder or mem- our fans through the Fans
ber identified." Forum and other appropriate
channels," United said.
United said speculation
floated by the Manchester