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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 16 March 2023

             U.S., Russian military chiefs resume contact to discuss drone

            By  LOLITA  C.  BALDOR  and                                                                                         behavior  was  intention-
            TARA COPP                                                                                                           al,”  Milley  said.  However,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    whether  the  collision  itself
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  De-                                                                                            was intentional was still un-
            fense Secretary Lloyd Austin                                                                                        clear,  he  told  reporters  at
            said he spoke to his Russian                                                                                        the briefing.
            counterpart  on  Wednes-                                                                                            Milley  said  the  drone  likely
            day  about  the  destruc-                                                                                           sank  in  waters  that  were
            tion  of  a  U.S.  drone  over                                                                                      4,000 to 5,000 feet (1,200 to
            the  Black  Sea,  which  had                                                                                        1,500 meters) deep.
            brought  the  two  countries                                                                                        If  the  call  between  Austin
            closest  to  direct  conflict                                                                                       and  Shoigu  was  de-esca-
            since Moscow’s invasion of                                                                                          latory in private, it was not
            Ukraine a year ago. It was                                                                                          apparent    from   Russia’s
            the first call between Austin                                                                                       public statements.
            and Defense Secretary Ser-                                                                                          Russian  Foreign  Minister
            gei Shoigu since October.                                                                                           Sergey  Lavrov  told  report-
            “I just got off the phone with                                                                                      ers   earlier   Wednesday
            my  Russian  counterpart,                                                                                           that  Russia  has  declared
            Minister Shoigu,” Austin said                                                                                       certain  areas  of  the  Black
            at  a  Pentagon  press  brief-                                                                                      Sea  off-limits  to  any  aerial
            ing. “As I’ve said repeated-                                                                                        traffic  during  the  conflict
            ly, it’s important that great                                                                                       and suggested the U.S. was
            powers be models of trans-   Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, right, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, and   trying to provoke an esca-
            parency  and  communica-     Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, Celeste Wallander, attend a virtual   lation  through  the  flights.
                                         meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at the Pentagon in
            tion, and the United States   Washington.                                                                           The  drone  crashed  near
            will  continue  to  fly  and  to                                                                   Associated Press   Ukraine’s  Crimean  Penin-
            operate  wherever  interna-                                                                                         sula, which Russia seized in
            tional law allows.”          Tuesday’s crash.             of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,  sian  President  Vladimir  Pu-  2014 and illegally annexed.
            The  U.S.  military  said  it  That Austin and Shoigu were  said he also planned to talk  tin’s dissatisfaction with the  “Any  incidents  that  could
            ditched the Air Force MQ-9  talking underscored the se-   to  his  Russian  counterpart,  state of the war, which has  provoke  confrontation  be-
            Reaper  in  the  sea  after  a  riousness  of  the  encounter  Gen.  Valery  Gerasimov,  been stalemated.           tween the two great pow-
            Russian  fighter  jet  struck  its  over  the  Black  Sea.  Since  the  chief  of  the  General  There were still questions as  ers, the two largest nuclear
            propeller while it was flying  Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,  Staff  of  the  Russian  armed  to  whether  Russia  meant  powers,  raise  very  serious
            in  international  airspace.  contact between U.S. and  forces.                        to  down  the  drone,  even  risks,” Lavrov said.
            Russia  has  denied  that  it  Russian military leaders has  Gerasimov was named the  though  the  moments  that  Austin and Shoigu first spoke
            caused  the  incident.  The  been  limited,  with  Russian  new  commander  of  the  led up to its crash were “in-  about  Russia’s  invasion  of
            U.S.  has  said  it  was  work-  officials refusing to take U.S.  Russian  forces  in  Ukraine  tentional,” Milley said.  Ukraine in May 2022. At the
            ing on declassifying surveil-  military  calls  in  the  early  in January and its previous  “We  know  that  the  inter-  time it was the highest level
            lance  footage  from  the  months  of  the  war.  Army  commander  demoted  in  cept  was  intentional.  We  U.S.-Russian contact of the
            drone  that  would  show  Gen. Mark Milley, chairman  an  apparent  sign  of  Rus-     know  that  the  aggressive  war.q

            Stormy Daniels meets with prosecutors investigating Trump

             By  JENNIFER  PELTZ  and  to her attorney for “helping  office.                       the 2016 presidential cam-   they  amounted  to  imper-
             DEEPTI HAJELA               me  in  our  continuing  fight  “I  feel  great,”  Cohen  told  paign,  Cohen  said  he  missible  gifts  to  Trump’s
             Associated Press            for truth and justice.”      reporters  as  headed  into  made a $130,000 payment  election  effort.  Trump  also
             NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Stormy  A  message  seeking  com-    what he expected to be his  on  Trump’s  behalf  to  Dan-  denied  having  an  affair
             Daniels’  lawyer  said  the  ment was sent to the Man-   final day of testimony.      iels,  who  at  the  time  had  with McDougal.
             porn  actor  met  with  pros-  hattan  district  attorney’s  In  the  waning  weeks  of  been in negotiations to tell  Cohen   pleaded   guilty.
             ecutors   Wednesday     as                                                            her story on television.     Trump  was  never  charged
             former  President  Donald                                                             Daniels has said she had a  by    federal   prosecutors,
             Trump’s  ex-lawyer  testified                                                         2006 sexual encounter with  however. Manhattan pros-
             before a grand jury investi-                                                          Trump that she didn’t want,  ecutors have been examin-
             gating hush money paid to                                                             but didn’t say no to. Trump  ing whether any state laws
             Daniels on Trump’s behalf.                                                            says  it  never  happened.  were broken in connection
             Daniels’  attorney,  Clark                                                            The former president’s law-  with  the  payments  or  the
             Brewster,   tweeted   that                                                            yer said Trump was invited  way  Cohen  was  paid  by
             Daniels  met  with  and  an-                                                          to testify before the grand  the Trump Organization for
             swered    questions   from                                                            jury but has no plans to do  his work to cover up the al-
             Manhattan      prosecutors                                                            so.  Federal  prosecutors  in  leged affairs.
             and was willing to be a wit-                                                          2018  charged  Cohen  with  Cohen  and  federal  pros-
             ness.  The  news  came  as                                                            campaign  finance  crimes  ecutors  said  the  company
             Trump’s  former  attorney,                                                            related  to  the  payment,  paid him $420,000 to reim-
             Michael Cohen, was giving                                                             and a similar $150,000 pay-  burse him for the payment
             his second day of testimo-                                                            out  he  helped  arrange  to  to Daniels and to cover bo-
             ny before the grand jury.   Adult film actress Stormy Daniels arrives for the opening of the   the  Playboy  model  Karen  nuses and other supposed
             Daniels tweeted her thanks   adult entertainment fair Venus in Berlin, on Oct. 11, 2018.  McDougal,  arguing  that  expenses. q
                                                                                  Associated Press
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